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"The one and only OFFICIAL Five Nights at Freddy's Cookbook, with over 40 recipes inspired by the hit games. Delight in over forty tasty recipes inspired by the Five Nights at Freddy's games, with gorgeous, eye-popping photography! From Freddy Fazbear's Pepperoni X-Press and Chica's Ultimate Thai Chicken Burger, to Foxy's Fruity Cove Coolor and El Chip's Fully Loaded Tortillas, the official Five Nights at Freddy's Cookbook is packed with mouthwatering recipes that are hauntingly delicious"--
Step into the thrilling world of Scott Cawthon's 'Five Nights at Freddy's Character Encyclopedia (Media Tie-In)'. Published in 2023 by Scholastic Ltd., this book is an absolute must-have for fans of the genre. Cawthon, known for his gripping storytelling, takes you on a journey through the iconic characters of the popular game series 'Five Nights at Freddy's'. This encyclopedia not only provides detailed insights into each character but also weaves a narrative that keeps you hooked till the end. It's a perfect blend of information and entertainment that will leave you wanting more. So, dive into this amazing world and get to know your favorite characters like never before. Don't miss out on this exciting publication from Scholastic Ltd., a publisher renowned for its quality content and commitment to its readers.
Er du interesseret i computerspil og animation? Vil du gerne lære at kode dine egne computerprogrammer? Denne bog er hvad enhver spirende computerprogrammør har brug for. Farverig grafik kombineret med trin for trin-instruktioner gør kunsten at kode enkel, overskuelig og sjov - selv for nybegyndere. Bogen gennemgår, hvordan du bygger spil og animationer med to forskelige computersprog: Scratch og Python. Stoffet er nemt at gå til, og den overskuelige formidling gør selv de sværere dele af kodning sjove og nemmere at forstå. I samme serie som bøgerne "Hjælp dit barn med matematik" og "Hjælp dit barn med biologi, kemi og fysik".
En overlevelsesguide til at blive voksen.Denne ultimative overlevelsesguide til at blive voksen behandler de bekymringer, du måske har som teenager – hvad det end er udfordringer i skolen, venner, kærester, det konstante pres fra sociale medier, kropsopfattelse eller problemer derhjemme. Bogen giver dig en overskuelig gennemgang af alle relevante temaer med gode, konstruktive råd, tips og øvelser samt svar på spørgsmål fra andre unge. Kort sagt, hjælp til at håndtere den stress, angst og de bekymringer, du måtte gå og tumle med.Tag det helt roligt handler om at fokusere på følelsesmæssig velvære og retten til at være den, man er.
Albert Dyrlund er en fascinerende bog skrevet af den talentfulde forfatter Kenneth Dyrlund. Bogen, der blev udgivet af Wadskjær Forlag i 2023, tager læserne med på en uforglemmelig rejse gennem forskellige genrer. Kenneth Dyrlund har med stor dygtighed formået at skabe en bog, der er både spændende og tankevækkende. Gennem sin unikke skrivestil formår han at holde læserne fanget fra første til sidste side. Albert Dyrlund er en bog, der vil appellere til alle læsere, uanset alder eller genre præference. Den er fyldt med spændende plot twists og uforglemmelige karakterer, der vil holde dig på kanten af din stol fra start til slut. Hvis du er på udkig efter en bog, der vil underholde dig og samtidig udfordre dine tanker, så er Albert Dyrlund det perfekte valg for dig. Udgivet af Wadskjær Forlag, denne bog er et must-read for enhver bogelsker.
Lær at lave computerspil på din iPad, din PC eller Mac, din Chromebook eller din Android.Med denne bog kan børn i alderen 7 til 14 år lære at programmere og lave computerspil. Mindre børn kan lære det sammen med deres forældre.Lær at lave computerspil i programmeringsværktøjet Scratch. Det er gratis at benytte, på dansk og helt fri for reklamer. Det er et visuelt programmeringsværktøj, så børnene kan programmere uden at huske på kryptiske udtryk, og perfekt placering af semikolonner, og andre specialtegn.Bogen fører læseren igennem udviklingen af tre computerspil i stigende sværhedsgrad. Den gennemgående figur er CodeDog, og figuren og øvrig grafik og lyd leveres med bogen, så det kan bruges uden videre.Vi mener ikke, at programmering er en færdighed kun for drenge eller for piger, og de spil, bogen gennemgår, er af typer som både piger og drenge nemt kan gå i gang med.Bogen har et meget visuelt layout, så der er ikke store mængder tekst på de 150 sider. Af og til bruger vi et par sider på at forklare noget for de teknisk-interesserede børn og voksne – men det er ikke nødvendigt at læse det for at komme videre.
"How do you know what's imagined and what is not? After spending most of his life trying to become an animatronic, Billy wakes up in the hospital to an entirely new reality. Travis can't shake the feeling that something eerily familiar is haunting him. And nightmares make Rory's days and nights blend together until it's hard to tell what's what. This collection of terrifying tales is enough to rattle even the most hardened Five Nights at Freddy's fans."--
Discover the best of the year on the most popular online gaming platform in the world!
Nogle gange føles det, som om folkeskolen er en endeløs forhindringsbane, og nogle af os har brug for et ekstra skub for at komme igennem den. Lær at finde retning i dig selv, dine venner og online. Der er ikke nogen, der kommer helt uproblematisk gennem folkeskolen. Uanset om du tager popularitetens vej, eller om du er en af de elever, der bliver holdt udenfor, vil du blive mødt med udfordringer, der er med til at forme dig. I takt med det stigende forbrug af telefoner og hyppigere diagnosticeringer af angst og depression, er det vigtigt at finde de vigtigste pejlemærker for sig selv at navigere efter.Nina Lynggaard Jørgensen forsøger i How to teen at give de unge en bog, der kan simplificere deres situation en smule og kaste lys over deres problemer.Nina fortæller selv om sin motivation for at skrive bogen: ”Da jeg selv gik i folkeskole, var jeg håbløst forvirret og følte, at der var en masse ting, jeg burde have vidst eller fået fortalt. Denne bog er skrevet for at hjælpe andre der, lige som mit 13-årige jeg, føler sig lost og forvirrede i denne noget kaotiske periode af deres liv. Når man er teenager, skal man begynde at lære sig selv at kende, og det håber jeg denne bog kan hjælpe med.”
Noget af det bedste i verden er at have en god veninde. Og noget af det værste er, når man er uvenner. Alle venskaber har deres op- og nedture, og det kender de to realitystjerner Anne Plejdrup og Nadja Hansen også til. Deres venskab er stærkt, men det har ikke altid været lige nemt for dem at være veninder.I HOMIES sætter de to fokus på, hvordan man er en god veninde, og hvad man skal, og ikke skal gøre over for sine veninder. Hvad gør man for eksempel, når ens veninde er ked af det? Og hvordan opfører mig sig, hvis venskabet i perioder er fyldt med jalousi? Må man godt sige, man ikke kan lide den andens kæreste? Og hvad gør man egentligt, når man på mange forskellige måder er forskellige, men alligevel elsker hinanden? Anna og Nadja taler i bogen om, hvordan man skal være en god veninde på internettet, og hvordan man siger, hvis den anden er en idiot. Og hvordan siger man lige undskyld, hvis man selv er idioten? Denne bog er en samtale mellem to veninder, som kan hjælpe dig med do’s and don’ts i et venskab.Det er snakken om, hvordan man er den veninde, man gerne selv vil have. Der er ikke et klart svar, men Anne og Nadja tager samtalen omkring det, selv når det bliver sårbart.For selvom det kan være svært, er noget af det vigtigste i verden at have en veninde.Anne Plejdrup, 22 år, født og opvokset på Mors i Nordjylland. Arbejdet som influent siden 2019 med knap 200.000 følgere.Nadja Hansen, 25 år, født i Sorø, men bor i dag i Sydhavnen i København. Arbejder som influent siden 2017 og kalder sig en ”virtuel veninde” til sine 140.000 følgere.
Want to learn the Python language without slogging your way through how-to manuals? With Head First Python, youll quickly grasp Pythons fundamentals, working with the built-in data structures and functions. Then youll move on to building your very own webapp, exploring database management, exception handling, and data wrangling. If youre intrigued by what you can do with context managers, decorators, comprehensions, and generators, its all here. This second edition is a complete learning experience that will help you become a bonafide Python programmer in no time.Why does this book look so different? Based on the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory, Head First Pythonuses a visually rich format to engage your mind, rather than a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. Why waste your time struggling with new concepts? This multi-sensory learning experience is designed for the way your brain really works.
Python for Kids brings Python to life and brings kids (and their parents) into the wonderful world of programming. Author Jason R. Briggs guides readers through the basics, experimenting with unique (and often hilarious) example programs that feature ravenous monsters, secret agents, thieving ravens, and more. New terms are defined; code is colored, dissected, and explained; and quirky, full-color illustrations keep things fun and engaging throughout.
Meet the next big thing in the world of official Minecraft novels: zombies!Looking after a little sibling can be a real headache . . . especially when they’re a zombie trying to eat your brains! Life is good for Bobbie in the sleepy village of Plaintown. Sure, her villager parents only ever say “Hrm,” but you pick up the local language quickly. And maybe her little brother, Johnny, is always getting into trouble, but the village’s iron golem is there to look out for him. And, yeah, things are too busy for exploring when you’re the only one in town who ever takes their hands out of their sleeves. But maybe that’s for the best. After all, there are things out there beyond the torchlight that are better handled by adventurers. But one night, a stranger comes to Plaintown—and he’s followed by a horde of ravenous zombies! Bobbie’s village is overrun, and her world is turned upside down as her friends, family, and neighbors fall victim to the zombies’ endless appetite. Life is not so good for Ben, an adventurer with nothing left to his name but the armor on his back. When dawn’s light shows him an abandoned village, he sees it as a chance to pick through the wreckage and get himself back on track. What he wasn’t expecting to run into was a desperate girl with a baby zombie villager on a leash. Bobbie and Johnny are the only ones left . . . and her brother’s a lot greener and a lot bitier than he was last night. There’s still some of Johnny rattling around the little zombie monster’s mind; Bobbie just knows it. And Ben might know a way to bring him back.As the two journey across the Overworld, dragging Johnny along (literally), they brave dangerous depths, terrifying mobs, and an expanding mystery. Was the zombie attack on Bobbie’s village really just bad luck? Where did the rest of the zombies go? And how exactly do you take care of a little brother who can’t stop trying to eat you? Hold onto your brains—and your bows—and get ready to enter Minecraft: Zombies!
Finn Foton og sønnen William flytter fra Gåseby til Esbjerg.De skal nemlig starte et nyt liv. Imens de går og pakker ned, fortæller Finn Foton om kernefission og den kvindelige østrigske fysiker Lise Meitner. Alt sammen fortalt i en skør og sjov billedhistorie.Det er jo Finn Foton!
TikTok er verdens hurtigst voksende sociale medie, og platformen har tiltrukket en helt ny generation af content creators, entertainere og kendisser. Fra lip-syncing og danse til sjove pranks og skøre tricks – her finder du det allerbedste virale indhold.TikTok-superstjerner – Den ultimative guide er fyldt med facts, viden og flotte fotos og er en uundværlig håndbog om TikToks fantastiske verden. Her finder du alt om de hotteste TikTok-stjerner i både Danmark og udlandet samt de virale sange og udfordringer, der har ført dem til tops.Den perfekte bog til enhver, der vil vide noget om TikTok eller måske allerede kender appen og drømmer om selv at blive en stjerne.
Oplev, hvordan internettets største, skøreste og mest utrolige verdensrekorder nærmest springer op fra siderne i denne underholdende og interaktive bog.En enestående samling af mere end 300 af verdens mest fantastiske rekorder – alle sammen forsynet med eksklusive QR-koder:OPLEV BL.A.: Slam-dunk i frit fald • Zach Kings magiske flugt • Elbil fra 0-100 på 1,461 sek. • Et bjerg af nachos • Domino-tårnet • Quest Park i Doha • Verdens største pizza • 22 Guinness Worlds Records • Verdens mindste hund • Verdens mest populære musiker
The Overworld is in trouble. On the ground, a rampaging army of armor-clad zombies is roving across the biomes. In the sky, a wicked Wither is leaving a path of destruction—and Wither roses—wherever it goes. And in Bobbie’s party, the tension is tighter than a skeleton’s bowstring . . . because, somehow, Logan just became its newest member. The same Logan who set zombies on Bobbie’s village and turned her little brother, Johnny, into one of the walking dead. Who bullied her friend Ben and wrecked his adventuring career. Who was mean to his minion, Other Ben (who prefers Benjamin, actually). But as the Wither skulls start flying, this not-so-merry band needs all the help it can get. Bobbie hasn’t forgotten her main mission: Find the zombified villagers who were once her friends and family and feed them the enchanted golden apples that will turn them back. But as long as the Wither exists, there’s danger. And if there’s danger, it’s a hero’s job to fix it. As much as Bobbie dislikes heroes, she and her friends (and also Logan) look like the closest thing the Overworld’s got.
Il famoso inventore Zangemann vive in una grande villa sopra la città. Sia adulti che bambini amano le sue invenzioni e vogliono averle disperatamente. Ma poi succede qualcosa: Zangemann vuole vedere ancora una volta da vicino le sue invenzioni e va quindi a fare una passeggiata in città quando, con un grande tonfo, un bambino lo colpisce sugli stinchi con il suo skateboard. Che male! Infuriato, l'inventore prende una drastica decisione... Ma Ada, ragazza sveglia, capisce cosa sta succedendo. Insieme ai suoi amici mette a punto un piano.Questo libro illustrato, realizzato con uno stile e semplicità in modo da essere compreso anche da parte dei bambini ma adatto per qualunque età, racconta la storia del famoso inventore Zangemann e di Ada, una ragazza curiosa ed intraprendente. Ada inizia a sperimentare con hardware e software e, nel mentre, realizza quanto sia fondamentale controllare la tecnologia, per lei e per gli altri.Un libro che stimola l'interesse nello sperimentare e incoraggia a plasmare la tecnologia. Per età dai 6 ai 106 anni.Copertina rigida con carta interna usomano.
Are you looking for a fun and engaging book to introduce the concepts of coding to your child? Tay Learns to Code is the book for you! Tay and his Friends love learning about STEM and figuring out how things work. They attend STEM camps in the summer and take turns sharing STEM projects. Tay and his dad have made lots of robots, but Tay wants to make a real robot that he can make move.Will Tay be able to make a robot follow simple commands? Will his friends help him? This vivid and engaging book is book 9 in the award-winning Tay series for early readers. Readers ages 6-9 enjoy following the adventures of fun-loving Tay and his friends as they learn new things. If you're looking for· An early reader science series· An engaging early reader series book· An easy book for kids 6-9 to learn basic coding vocabulary· A family-friendly multicultural bookThen Tay Learns to Code is the book for you.
Did you know that the way we are online is just as important as how we are in real life? It's true! So, what does that mean? Acting with kindness and compassion online really matters. Understand what kindness online can look like, and how you can create a kind online world. We are shaping our digital world every day-what kind of world do you want to live in?¿¿Core themes in this book:Empathy, Belonging, Character, SafetyMeet A Kids Co., a new kind of media company with a collection of beautifully designed books that kickstart challenging, empowering, and important conversations for kids and their grownups.
A "twenty-first-century guide to the magic of magic. Jam-packed with dozens of tricks, this guide features fully illustrated, easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions to make fooling anyone more funGet ready to become a true trickster--and to leave your family and friends utterly astonished"--
Based on the fan-favorite game Adopt Me! comes this action-packed original middle grade novel featuring charming two-color art throughout!Join Sophia Lee as she embarks on an exciting journey through the world of Adopt Me along with her fearless friend, Kat. Together with their signature pets, Jumper and Pinky, the girls explore Adoption Island, uncovering the enchanting secrets of the game. However, as they stumble upon rumors of missing pets and strange occurrences, they find themselves entangled in a mystery that challenges their friendship.When the legendary Queen Bee is found, the girls' perspectives diverge. While Kat wants to share the newfound treasure, Sophia believes it belongs to someone in need. Their disagreement leads them on a whirlwind tour of Adopt Me, encountering peculiar characters and solving problems along the way.In this heartwarming tale of friendship, mystery, and self-discovery, Sophia learns the value of standing up for what she believes in and showing others the true way to stay friends. Will the duo overcome the challenges thrown their way and unite the Adopt Me community for a common cause? Find out as Sophia's thrilling adventures unfold in Adopt Me!: Sophia Lee and Queen Bee!
Calling all beginner readers. This book is meant to show and teach you how to read. Learn letter sounds, phonics and how to read words by combining letters. You will be praised as you follow along. Get ready to see your confidence in your reading skills strengthened.
"Be inspired by more than 40 LEGO robot ideas, from a hip-hop bot to an underwater explorer, and a robot spa. Each robot idea is broken down into three, four, or five important building steps. Learn essential building techniques to create articulated arms, grabbers, power displays, textures, and much more, for your own ... models"--
Help your kid get one of the most essential skills of the 21st century with this unplugged "Learn Python through Soccer" coding book- A Proven and Engaging Guide for Young LearnersThis book is the ultimate resource for parents seeking a creative way to introduce their children to the world of coding and foster a love for sports. This unique guide, designed for young learners, offers a remarkable approach that guarantees a fun and educational journey.Here's What's You Will Get from this Book:Engaging Learning: Tap into your child's love for soccer and transform it into a thrilling coding adventure.Step by Step Learning: Guiding them from the basics to advanced skills, ensuring they grasp coding fundamentals with ease.Practical Skills: Equipping your child with essential problem-solving and logical thinking abilities.Creativity Unleashed: Allowing them to express their creativity through soccer-themed coding projects.Interdisciplinary Education: Bridging the gap between coding and sports, offering a well-rounded education.Real-World Applications: Coding real world soccer applications and games that will keep young kids engaged.Empowering Young Minds: Boosting your child's confidence and paving the way for future success in coding.How We're Different:"Learn Python through Soccer" stands out from the crowd by seamlessly blending coding and sports, creating a unique and engaging learning experience that your child will cherish. Unlike traditional coding guides, we:Connect with Passion: We leverage your child's love for soccer to fuel their interest in coding.Structured Curriculum: Our carefully designed curriculum guides your child from the very basics to building their soccer-themed coding projects.Interactive Learning: Our approach includes practical exercises at the end of the book to give your child the best chance of learning.Get ready to witness your child's confidence and proficiency soar in both coding and on the soccer field with "Learn Python through Soccer." This book is ideal for anyone, even if they've never seen a computer in their life. It is also great for intermediate/advanced programmers who just want to experience the uniqueness of this coding book.
Help your kid get one of the most essential skills of the 21st century with this unplugged "Learn Python through Soccer" coding book- A Proven and Engaging Guide for Young LearnersThis book is the ultimate resource for parents seeking a creative way to introduce their children to the world of coding and foster a love for sports. This unique guide, designed for young learners, offers a remarkable approach that guarantees a fun and educational journey.Here's What's You Will Get from this Book:Engaging Learning: Tap into your child's love for soccer and transform it into a thrilling coding adventure.Step by Step Learning: Guiding them from the basics to advanced skills, ensuring they grasp coding fundamentals with ease.Practical Skills: Equipping your child with essential problem-solving and logical thinking abilities.Creativity Unleashed: Allowing them to express their creativity through soccer-themed coding projects.Interdisciplinary Education: Bridging the gap between coding and sports, offering a well-rounded education.Real-World Applications: Coding real world soccer applications and games that will keep young kids engaged.Empowering Young Minds: Boosting your child's confidence and paving the way for future success in coding.How We're Different:"Learn Python through Soccer" stands out from the crowd by seamlessly blending coding and sports, creating a unique and engaging learning experience that your child will cherish. Unlike traditional coding guides, we:Connect with Passion: We leverage your child's love for soccer to fuel their interest in coding.Structured Curriculum: Our carefully designed curriculum guides your child from the very basics to building their soccer-themed coding projects.Interactive Learning: Our approach includes practical exercises at the end of the book to give your child the best chance of learning.Get ready to witness your child's confidence and proficiency soar in both coding and on the soccer field with "Learn Python through Soccer." This book is ideal for anyone, even if they've never seen a computer in their life. It is also great for intermediate/advanced programmers who just want to experience the uniqueness of this coding book.
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