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Discover the inspiring story of Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, in this fascinating kids' biography. At just 25 years of age, Princess Elizabeth succeeded King George VI to the British throne. This compelling book looks at Elizabeth's life, both as a public and private figure. It traces her early years as a princess, her experiences in the women's army during World War II, her coronation, her life as Queen both at home and in the public eye, her death at Balmoral and the events of her funeral. Learn how Elizabeth worked alongside 15 British prime ministers, met leaders from around the world, and remained a stable presence as head of the British royal family. DK Life Stories goes beyond the basic facts to tell the true life stories of history's most inspiring people. Full-colour photographs and hand-drawn illustrations complement age-appropriate, narrative text. Definition boxes, information sidebars, and inspiring quotes add depth, while a handy reference section at the back makes DK Life Stories the one biography series everyone will want to collect.
Aiming for Excellence is the story of 50 years of YTU - the change & development in how theological education and formation began, adapted, transformed & the contribution of religious sisters & lay people.
The collapse of the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries AD plunges Europe into a crisis of unprecedented dimensions. Endless wars, bitter power struggles and wave after wave of desperate refugees devastate the continent and leave the Antique World in ruins. But when the dust settles, a new Europe is born.With great enthusiasm and passion, ten experts share their knowledge and give a compelling insight into an overlooked but absorbing chapter of European history – a time we call the Migration period. The starting point is in the eastern part of the continent, along the banks of the Danube in present-day Romania and Hungary. In the 4th and 5th centuries AD, this area is the setting for events that have given their name to the Migration period. It is here we meet the Huns, the Goths and later the Gepids: Three peoples who battle their way to power and who succeed in establishing new, transient realms and empires, while the influence of the Roman Empire crumbles and the power balance in Europe shifts dramatically. The reader is also initiated into developments in Scandinavian society at this time. New powerful realms are established here, too, under the influence of political developments further south.Out of Chaos is richly illustrated and is aimed at everyone who wants to discover more about the how the foundation stones for modern Europe were laid. The book is published in conjunction with Moesgaard Museum’s exhibition of the same name.
Romerrigets kollaps i 300- og 400-tallet kaster Europa ud i en krise af hidtil uset omfang. Endeløse krige, bitre magtkampe og strømme af desperate flygtninge hærger kontinentet og styrter antikkens verden i grus. Da støvet har lagt sig, er et nyt Europa født.Med ildhu og fortælleglæde kaster ti forskere lys over et overset, men ikke desto mindre fascinerende kapitel i Europas historie – en periode, vi kalder for folkevandringstiden. Ud af kaos begynder i den østlige del af kontinentet langs Donaus bredder i nutidens Rumænien og Ungarn. Området er skueplads for en række begivenheder, der har givet navn til perioden. Det er her vi møder hunnerne, goterne og senere gepiderne – tre folkeslag, der tilkæmper sig magt og lykkes med at danne nye, flygtige riger og imperier, mens Romerrigets indflydelse smuldrer. Bogen giver også læseren et indblik i samfundsudviklingen i Skandinavien, for også her opstod der nye stærke kongedømmer under påvirkning af den politiske udvikling længere sydpå.Ud af kaos er rigt illustreret og henvender sig til alle, der ønsker at blive klogere på, hvordan grundstenene til det Europa, vi kender i dag, blev lagt. Bogen er udgivet i forbindelse med Moesgaard Museums særudstilling af samme navn.
USA – Historie og identitet sætter fokus på USA’s historie, amerikanernes historiske bevidsthed og historiebrug. Samtidig handler den også om os; om vores egen historiske bevidsthed og vores egne forestillinger om USA og amerikansk historie.Bogen er inddelt i fem tematiske kapitler:Utopi og virkelighed – om de nationale myter og skabelsen af en fælles identitetAmerikas arvesynd – om slaveriet og dets følger frem til i dagEn nation af immigranter – om "smeltediglen" og den oprindelige befolknings placering i den nationale fortælling"Frihedens værksted" – om det amerikanske politiske systemUSA og den Globale Orden – om amerikanernes forståelse af USA’s rolle i verden Fremstillingen er udstyret med et rigt udvalg af kilder og illustrationer samt arbejdsspørgsmål og opgaver, der motiverer og støtter elevernes forståelse af de centrale pointer og temaer.Bogen henvender sig både til elever på de gymnasiale uddannelser og til den generelt interesserede læser. Man kan vælge at læse bogen i sin helhed eller arbejde med udvalgte kapitler. Bogen er oplagt i samarbejdet med fx engelsk og samfundsfag og i forbindelse med opgaveskrivning.Denne 3. udgave af USA – Historie og Identitet er opdateret og udvidet betragteligt med helt nye afsnit, nye kildetekster og illustrationer, så bogen matcher de gældende læreplaner. De eksisterende fire kapitler har undergået en omfattende revidering, og et nyt kapitel om det amerikanske politiske system er tilføjet.
Gennem en række centrale temaer i Den Kolde Krig belyses periodens forløb og efterfølgende betydning med perspektivering til de udfordringer, som i dag præger national og international politik.Bogen er bygget op med et indledende overblikskapitel, hvor eleverne præsenteres for en kort kronologisk gennemgang af Den Kolde Krigs forløb og vigtigste tendenser. Herefter følger en række tematiske nedslag i Den Kolde Krigs verden med traditionelle temaer om konflikter og stedfortræderkrige, men også mere utraditionelle om spionage, hverdagsliv og propaganda. Det sidste kapitel tager fat i de koldkrigsreminiscenser, der eksisterer i aktuelle konflikter og debatter.Bogens temaer kan læses uafhængigt af hinanden og i valgfri rækkefølge og indeholder forskellige forslag til fordybelse i form af gruppearbejde, elevpræsentationer og mindre projekter. Hvert kapitel er udstyret med kilder undervejs samt et tematisk fokuseret kildesæt. Eleverne bliver løbende præsenteret for en række forskellige metodiske og teoretiske indgangsvinkler til de enkelte temaer, som giver mulighed for at kvalificere deres faglige forståelse.
In 1811, while exploring the cliffs near Lyme Regis, England, 12-year-old Mary Anning made the find of a lifetime. There in the rocks was the skeleton of a strange creature. Mary's find was later named Ichthyosaurus, a reptile that lived more than 250 million years ago. Anning went on to have a long career finding and identifying dinosaur fossils. However, her work often went unrecognized by male scientists of the time, and she received little credit until long after her death. Learn about Mary Anning's perseverance and her important discoveries in palaeontology.
Industri 4.0 – Nye industrihistorier fra fire byer i Danmark formidler væsentlig viden om den nyeste danske industri til historiefagene på gymnasialt niveau. Historiefagligt er perioderne industri 1.0, 2.0 og 3.0 i Danmark velbeskrevne, mens der er skrevet mindre om industri 4.0. Industri 4.0 skriver historien frem til i dag. Udgivelsen er forskningsbaseret, idet dens indhold bygger på og inddrager resultater fra forskningsprojektetet ”Industrien i det 21. århundrede” med medvirken fra forskere fra Industrimuseet i Horsens, Odense Bys Museer og Center for Maritim- og Erhvervshistorie, Syddansk Universitet.Forfatteren har udviklet et konkret analyseværktøj, som kan bruges til at strukturere en analyse af en given bys industrielle udvikling ud fra en række fokuspunkter eller såkaldte “blikretninger”:Oppefra er det blik, som har fokus på byens fysiske fremtoning, geografiske placering, klima, institutioner, industrier og erhverv, uddannelser og demografi mm.Indefra er det blik, der har fokus på borgernes fortælling om sig selv og deres by, dvs. byfortællingen fortalt indefra. Udefra er det blik, der har fokus på den måde, som mennesker, som ikke bor i byen, opfatter og taler om den, dvs. byidentiteten set udefra.Især “blikretningerne” indefra og udefra griber ofte ind i og smitter af på hinanden. En beskrivelse af hvordan alle tre kategorier ændrer sig over tid hører også med til analysen. De fire casebyer er: Odense, Horsens, Esbjerg og Aalborg Industri 4.0 - Nye industrihistorier fra fire byer i Danmark indeholder arbejdsspørgsmål, analyseskemaer samt interviews med i alt otte forskere. Bogen henvender sig bredt til de gymnasiale uddannelser.
Inside Out Medieval Castle takes readers on a fascinating tour of a medieval castle via a die-cut model that reveals the ins and outs of defense, offense, and daily life, layer by layer!
Vikings were fierce warriors who sailed the seas looking for new lands. They were expert sailors and shipbuilders. Find out the science behind their explorations, shipbuilding and daily life. Discover how modern technology is being used to discover more about the lives of Vikings and their expeditions.
During World War II, Germany's Nazi forces stormed across Europe, committing horrific crimes against Jewish people and others. In 1942, 21-year-old Sophie Scholl formed a student-led, anti-Nazi organization called the White Rose. Their goal: to distribute informational pamphlets to draw public attention to Nazi crimes and, ultimately, stop them. Scholl's activism and resistance eventually led to her capture and trial by the Nazi regime. In this full-colour graphic novel, discover more about this daring woman who risked everything to stand up for what she believed in.
The arrival of HMT Empire Windrush at Tilbury Docks, Essex in 1948 was turned into a significant event by the British media but it is only one small part of a bigger story. Windrush looks at the movement of people after the Second World War in Britain. In an accessible and child-friendly way, the book explores the treatment of Black people, the struggles they faced and those they continue to face as well as celebrating the legacy of the Windrush generation in modern Britain. You can build your own encyclopedia with A Ladybird Book. Other titles available in this series:The Ancient EgyptiansAnimal HabitatsBaby AnimalsBritish Kings and QueensClimate ChangeElectricityThe Human BodyInsects and MinibeastsMountainsPlanet EarthRainforestsRiversThe RomansSea CreaturesThe Solar SystemThe Stone AgeTrainsTreesVolcanoesWeather
Katie accidentally leaves her toy bear behind when she flees London during the war. He waits patiently for Katie's return many years later with her granddaughter, also called Katie.
The Student Workbook is intended to be used with the Teacher's Guide. Both provide chapter summaries which teachers may use in teaching students to read for the main idea. The Student Workbook contains reading questions for each chapter of the LAND OF HOPE text; the Teacher's Guide has the same questions with answers. Primary documents accompany each chapter, broken into shorter segments to help with reading comprehension. These documents also have reading questions; the Teacher's Guide provides the answers. Documents are often the text of speeches, but may include diary entries and song lyrics. There are about two dozen map exercises; the Teacher's Guide has the keys. There are synthetical essay questions for each chapter and for final exams. Learning strategies and study "tricks" are also given. The purpose of the Student Workbook is to assist students in working through the LAND OF HOPE text with a close reading, and also to add some depth through the supplementary documents. The map exercises are "hands-on" and should help students master the crucially important geographic knowledge that the subject requires.
From the first cities of Sumer to the empire of the Incas, travel around the world and through 5,000 years of history in this illustrated guide to see where and how ancient peoples lived. From North America to New Zealand, this book takes you on a trip around the world and through history to visit ancient cities and empires, showing who lived where and explaining the unique features of each civilization. The Ancient Worlds Atlas is a pictorial guide to past civilizations, covering big history topics for curious kids aged 9-12 years. What was it like to live in the crowded city of Rome? Why did the Egyptians build pyramids? When did Samurai warriors first ride into battle? How did sailors first navigate the Pacific Ocean? Which Chinese emperor has a palace with 1,000 bedrooms? Find out the answers to these fascinating questions and much more in this lavishly illustrated guide to past civilizations. This fascinating children's book about ancient civilizations contains: - A visual guide to where our forebears lived, putting their lifestyles into context of where they lived and at what time. - An engaging, fact-packed, and educational book for children - especially those interested in history, ethnography, archaeology, and classics. - A timeline at the end of the book which traces the major events, battles, people, and inventions covered in the guide. - A stunning, retro illustration style combined with modern fonts that creates a fun and unique approach to this topic. Russell Barnett's hand-drawn illustrations literally put the past on map, showing where and why the world's great cities grew and how archaeological evidence has provided clues to the past. With stunning illustrations throughout, this large format book makes an appealing gift for young historians that will take pride of place on any bookshelf.
"For kids 8 to 13, join the largest Arctic expedition ever undertaken--and discover the secrets hidden deep in the ice that reveal how one of the world's crucial ecosystems is changing. The Arctic is changing--fast. The once-frozen landscape is melting before our eyes, and the effects can be felt around the world. But the Arctic is also the region we know the least about. Thick ice, extreme cold, and total darkness have always prevented scientists from uncovering its secrets. Until now. This science-based guide for middle readers follows the 2019 MOSAiC expedition on the largest expedition to the Arctic ever undertaken. On board the Polarstern, a powerful ice-breaker research vessel, more than five hundred scientists from all over the world turned their attention to this mysterious region. Their mission? To let their vessel freeze in the sea ice and drift towards the North Pole in order to study how the Arctic is changing, and how these changes will affect our world."--
Comprehensive books to support study of History for the IB Diploma Paper 3, revised for first assessment in 2017.
Comprehensive second editions of History for the IB Diploma Paper 2, revised for first teaching in 2015.
Comprehensive second editions of History for the IB Diploma Paper 2, revised for first teaching in 2015.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education to gain endorsement for this title.Rely on author Ben Walsh's bestselling approach to navigate through the syllabus content and help students acquire the skills they need. The book covers all the Key Questions and Focus Points for Core Content Option B 'The 20th century: International Relations since 1919' and selected depth studies: Germany, 1918-45; Russia, 1905-41; The USA, 1919-41.- Deepen understanding through clear and engaging text to build the content knowledge required by the course.- Develop analytical skills through carefully designed Focus Tasks on all the Focus Points or Key Questions from the syllabus.- Get a feel for the period and the issues through abundant source material that also ensures regular practice of source evaluation skills.- Remember historical facts better through memorable diagrams and timelines.- Consolidate learning with Exam Focus features suggesting how to tackle exam-style questions.
"Do you know the true story of the Civil War? What if you lived in a different time and place? What would you wear? What would you eat? How would your daily life be different? Scholastic's If You Lived... series answers all of kids' most important questions about events in American history. With a question and answer format, kid-friendly artwork, and engaging information, this series is the perfect partner for the classroom and for history-loving readers. What if you lived during the Civil War? Would you be allowed to be a soldier? How would you communicate? What is the true story of the battle between the states? Denise Lewis Patrick answers all these questions and more in this comprehensive guide to the Civil War. A great choice for Civil War units, and for teaching children about the true story behind this important moment in American history"--
Kunsten at se på monumenter - FUNDAMENTET er en metode- og arkitekturbog til faget oldtidskundskab. Fundamentet introducerer til antik arkitektur og præsenterer eleverne for helt centrale monumenter gennem et nøje udvalgt katalog.Det handler om at lære kunsten at se på monumenter, mens man ser på dem. At gå systematisk til værks og bruge den rette fagterminologi er noget, man skal øve sig på, men det er en metode, der både er studieforberedende og almendannende, så det er bare med at komme i gang!Kunsten at se på monumenter - FUNDAMENTET er rigt illustreret med grundplaner, opstalter og fotos, som forfatterne selv har været on location for at få i kassen.Kunsten at se på monumenter - FUNDAMENTET er en revideret papirudgave af iBogen Kunsten at se monumenter.
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