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Landbrug og byggeri

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  • - A Commonsense Revolution to Restore Our Environment
    af Jody Butterfield & Allan Savory
    395,95 kr.

    A long-awaited update to Allan Savory's paradigm-changing work in managing agricultural resources.

  • af Suzanne Dibble
    235,95 kr.

    Don't be afraid of the GDPR wolf!How can your business easily comply with the new data protection and privacy laws and avoid fines of up to $27M? GDPR For Dummies sets out in simple steps how small business owners can comply with the complex General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). These regulations apply to all businesses established in the EU and to businesses established outside of the EU insofar as they process personal data about people within the EU.Inside, you'll discover how GDPR applies to your business in the context of marketing, employment, providing your services, and using service providers. Learn how to avoid fines, regulatory investigations, customer complaints, and brand damage, while gaining a competitive advantage and increasing customer loyalty by putting privacy at the heart of your business.* Find out what constitutes personal data and special category data* Gain consent for online and offline marketing* Put your Privacy Policy in place* Report a data breach before being fined79% of U.S. businesses haven't figured out how they'll report breaches in a timely fashion, provide customers the right to be forgotten, conduct privacy impact assessments, and more. If you are one of those businesses that hasn't put a plan in place, then GDPR For Dummies is for you.

  • - Skridt på vej mod selvforsyning
    af Frank Erichsen
    43,94 - 247,95 kr.

    Frank Erichsen - ung, seriøs bondemand på Djursland - giver i denne bog sit bud på, hvordan man på én sæson klarer: - at bygge et drivhus, - høste sine æbler og lave cider af dem (sammen med nabo Claude), - holde gæs og bygge dem et hus, - lave sin egen økse, - slå sit eget hø med egen hjemmekonstruerede le, - få det bedste udbytte af sine bønner i køkkenhaven – og få det daglige arbejde og familieliv til at gå op i en højere enhed. ”Siden ganske ung har jeg haft en stor interesse for at arbejde med det, man under en hat kan kalde for selvforsyning. Selvforsyning som målet og midlet for min tilværelse var dog noget der først langt senere kom ind i billedet. For mig var det og er det stadig den euforiske fornemmelse af at tilegne sig kundskaber, der gør en i stand til at klare sig selv, der var motivationen. Hvad end det så er at holde hest, sætte rypesnare, lufte en traktor eller dyrke gulerødder uden orm.”

  • - Aboriginal Australia and the birth of agriculture
    af Bruce Pascoe
    172,95 kr.

  • - How to Minimize Waste, Increase Efficiency, and Maximize Value and Profits with Less Work
    af Ben Hartman
    230,95 kr.

    A practical, systems-based approach for a more sustainable farming operation "Ben Hartman has revolutionized his methods, cut down his work hours dramatically, and shrunk the size of his farm, all while making a better income."--Civil Eats To many people today, using the words "factory" and "farm" in the same sentence is nothing short of sacrilege. In many cases, though, the same sound business practices apply whether you are producing cars or carrots. Author Ben Hartman and other young farmers are increasingly finding that incorporating the best new ideas from business into their farming can drastically cut their wastes and increase their profits, making their farms more environmentally and economically sustainable. By explaining the lean system for identifying and eliminating waste and introducing efficiency in every aspect of the farm operation, The Lean Farm makes the case that small-scale farming can be an attractive career option for young people who are interested in growing food for their community. Working smarter, not harder, also prevents the kind of burnout that start-up farmers often encounter in the face of long, hard, backbreaking labor. Lean principles grew out of the Japanese automotive industry, but they are now being followed on progressive farms around the world. Using examples from his own family's one-acre community-supported farm in Indiana, Hartman clearly instructs other small farmers in how to incorporate lean practices in each step of their production chain, from starting a farm and harvesting crops to training employees and selling goods. Inside The Lean Farm you'll discover how to apply lean practices like: Every Tool In Its Place Ten Types of Farm Waste Establish Pull, Don't Push Limits of Lean Lean for More Profit and much more! While the intended audience for this book is small-scale farmers who are part of the growing local food movement, Hartman's prescriptions for high-value, low-cost production apply to farms and businesses of almost any size or scale that hope to harness the power of lean in their production processes. Ben Hartman was named a "Grist 50! Fixer" "The Lean Farm should be dissected, digested, and discussed--then applied--on every single farm: big or small, wholesale or retail, livestock or produce. It would make all farms more profitable, productive, and pleasurable."--Joel Salatin, owner of Polyface Farm

  • - Year Round Vegetable Production Using Deep-Organic Techniques and Unheated Greenhouses
    af Eliot Coleman
    245,95 kr.

    Provides a practical model for supplying fresh, locally grown produce during the winter season, even in climates where conventional wisdom says it just can't be done

  • - A Low-Cost Wood-Fired Mud Oven, Simple Sourdough Bread, Perfect Loaves, 3rd Edition
    af Kiko Denzer
    165,95 kr.

    Earth ovens combine the utility of a wood-fired, retained-heat oven with the ease and timeless beauty of earthen construction. Building one will appeal to bakers, builders, and beginners of all kinds, from: - the serious or aspiring baker who wants the best low-cost
bread oven, to - gardeners who want a centerpiece for a beautiful
outdoor kitchen, to - outdoor chefs, to - creative people interested in low-cost materials and
simple technology, to - teachers who want a multi-faceted, experiential project for students of all ages (the book has been successful with
 everyone from third-graders to adults). Build Your Own Earth Oven is fully illustrated with step-by-step directions, including how to tend the fire, and how to make perfect sourdough hearth loaves in the artisan tradition. The average do-it-yourselfer with a few tools and a scrap pile can build an oven for free, or close to it. Otherwise, $30 should cover all your materials--less than the price of a fancy "baking stone." Good building soil is often right in your back yard, under your feet. Build the simplest oven in a day! With a bit more time and imagination, you can make a permanent foundation and a fire-breathing dragon-oven or any other shape you can dream up. Earth ovens are familiar to many that have seen a southwestern "horno" or a European "bee-hive" oven. The idea, pioneered by Egyptian bakers in the second millennium BCE, is simplicity itself: fill the oven with wood, light a fire, and let it burn down to ashes. The dense, 3- to 12-inch-thick earthen walls hold and store the heat of the fire, the baker sweeps the floor clean, and the hot oven walls radiate steady, intense heat for hours. Home bakers who can't afford a fancy, steam-injected bread oven will be delighted to find that a simple earth oven can produce loaves to equal the fanciest "artisan" bakery. It also makes delicious roast meats, cakes, pies, pizzas, and other creations. Pizza cooks to perfection in three minutes or less. Vegetables, herbs, and potatoes drizzled with olive oil roast up in minutes for a simple, elegant, and delicious meal. Efficient cooks will find the residual heat useful for slow-baked dishes, and even for drying surplus produce, or incubating homemade yogurt.

  • af Erik Brandt
    318,95 - 447,95 kr.

    SBi-anvisning 227 handler om forebyggelse af korrosion i vvs-installationer, der hvert år er årsag til omfattende og kostbare skader i byggeriet. Anvisningen indledes med en generel indføring i mekanismerne bag korrosion i vvs-installationer og kvalitetssikring af brugsvandet. Efterfølgende gennemgås korrosionsforhold og forholdsregler mod korrosion for forskellige installationstyper: Brugsvands- og afløbsinstallationer, anlæg til behandlet vand, centralvarmeanlæg, dampanlæg, fjernvarme- og fyringsanlæg samt solvarmeanlæg og kølesystemer. Også korrosionsforholdene udvendigt på rør i bygninger gennemgås med særligt fokus på rørinstallationer i svømmehaller.Anvisningen er ajourført i overensstemmelse med DS 432:2009 og DS 439:2009 og er rettet mod byggeriets projekterende og rådgivende parter, vvs-installatører samt studerende.

  • af Kaleb Cooper
    195,95 kr.

    The World According to Kaleb is a fascinating book penned by the talented Kaleb Cooper. Published in the year 2022, this book offers a unique perspective into the world as seen through the eyes of the author. The genre of the book is a beautiful blend of introspection and observation, making it a must-read for those who love to delve into the depths of human thought. The book was brought to the public by Quercus Publishing, a publishing house renowned for its selection of thought-provoking literature. This book is written in English, making it accessible to a vast audience. Don't miss out on this captivating read that promises to be a significant addition to your book collection.

  • - Or Why Things Don't Fall Down
    af J E Gordon
    125,95 kr.

    In "e;The New Science of Strong Materials"e; the author made plain the secrets of materials science. In this volume he explains the importance and properties of different structures.

  • - The Ecological and Nutritional Case for Meat, 2nd Edition
    af Nicolette Hahn Niman
    145,95 kr.

    "For decades it has been nearly universal dogma among environmentalists that many forms of livestock-goats, sheep, and others, but especially cattle-are Public Enemy Number One. They erode soils, pollute air and water, damage riparian areas, and decimate wildlife populations. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations bolstered the credibility of this notion with its 2007 report that declared livestock to be the single largest contributor to human-generated greenhouse-gas emissions. But is the matter really so clear-cut? Hardly. In Defending Beef, Second Edition, environmental lawyer turned rancher Nicolette Hahn Niman argues that cattle are not inherently bad for the earth. The impact of grazing can be either negative or positive, depending on how livestock are managed. In fact, with proper oversight, livestock can play an essential role in maintaining grassland ecosystems by performing the same functions as the natural herbivores that once roamed and grazed there. The ideas and information covered in the first edition of Defending Beef are even more timely than when the book was originally published in 2014. In public discussions and media, more attention than ever is being paid to connections between health and diet, food and climate, and climate and farming-especially cattle farming. A wealth of new resources, studies, and analyses-along with a great deal of mainstream media coverage-is now devoted to these important topics. But it's not all good news, because the vast majority of such media coverage is devoid of essential details, holistic thinking, or even the slightest hint of nuance. It is reductionist and simplistic, with facile descriptions of problems and overly simplified solutions. As H. L. Mencken said so well, "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." For instance, Niman exposes the widespread fallacy that changing your diet and eating far less meat is in fact the best thing an individual can do to combat climate change. After thirty-plus years as a vegetarian, she has recently become an omnivore for nutritional and health reasons. In this newly revised and updated edition, the author addresses the explosion in popularity of "fake meat" (both highly processed "plant-based foods" and meat grown from cells in a lab, rather than on the hoof). Defending Beef, Second Edition is simultaneously a book about big issues and ideas and the personal tale of the author, who continues to fight for animal welfare and good science. She shows how dispersed, grass-based, smaller-scale farms can and should become the basis of American food production"--

  • - SBi-anvisning 272
    af Ernst Jan de Place Hansen
    629,95 kr.

    Ny udgave af SBi-anvisning 272 forventes september 2020SBi-anvisning 272 forklarer og fortolker bestemmelserne i Bygningsreglement 2018 (BR18) gældende fra 1. juli 2018. Med BR18 er indført en ny kapitelstruktur. Samtidig er kravene til myndighedsbehandlingen ændret, og er for brandforhold og bærende konstruktioner erstattet af en certificeringsordning.Anvisningen har samme kapitelstruktur som bygningsreglementet, og SBi's anvisningstekst ledsages af den fulde reglementstekst samt teksten i Trafik-, Bygge- og Boligstyrelsens hovedvejledninger. Desuden henviser anvisningen til relevante standarder, andre SBi-anvisninger og andet baggrundsmateriale fra det almene tekniske fælleseje med uddybende information.Anvisningen omhandler de samme emner som BR18: administrative bestemmelser, adgangsforhold, affaldssystemer, afløbsinstallationer, brandforhold, brugerbetjente anlæg, byggepladsen, byggeret og helhedsvurdering, bygningers indretning, elevatorer, energiforbrug, energiforsyningsanlæg, forureninger, fugt og vådrum, konstruktioner, legepladser, lydforhold, lys og udsyn, termisk indeklima, ubebyggede arealer, vandinstallationer og ventilation.Anvisningen henvender sig til alle professionelle parter i byggeriet, særligt projekterende og kommunale byggesagsbehandlere

  • - More In-Depth Lean Techniques for Efficient Organic Production
    af Ben Hartman
    220,95 kr.

    At Clay Bottom Farm, author Ben Hartman and staff practice kaizen, or continuous improvement, cutting out more waste--of time, labor, space, money, and more--every year and aligning their organic production more tightly with customer demand. Applied alongside other lean principles originally developed by the Japanese auto industry, the end result has been increased profits and less work. In this field-guide companion to his award-winning first book, The Lean Farm, Hartman shows market vegetable growers in even more detail how Clay Bottom Farm implements lean thinking in every area of their work, including using kanbans, or replacement signals, to maximize land use; germination chambers to reduce defect waste; and right-sized machinery to save money and labor and increase efficiency. From finding land and assessing infrastructure needs to selling perfect produce at the farmers market, The Lean Farm Guide to Growing Vegetables digs deeper into specific, tested methods for waste-free farming that not only help farmers become more successful but make the work more enjoyable. These methods include: Using Japanese paper pot transplanters Building your own germinating chambers Leaning up your greenhouse Making and applying simple composts Using lean techniques for pest and weed control Creating Heijunka, or load-leveling calendars for efficient planning Farming is not static, and improvement requires constant change. The Lean Farm Guide to Growing Vegetables offers strategies for farmers to stay flexible and profitable even in the face of changing weather and markets. Much more than a simple exercise in cost-cutting, lean farming is about growing better, not cheaper, food--the food your customers want.

  • - A History of the World's Most Spectacular Spans
    af Judith Dupre
    225,95 kr.

    From the best-selling author of Skyscrapers comes the much-anticipated revised edition of her magnificent chronological tour of the world's most significant and eye-popping spans, now in color and bigger than ever.

  • af Tømrerfagets Lærebogsudvalg
    73,95 kr.

    Tagfod, skotrende og undertag - infohæfte illustrerer – ved hjælp af mange flotte fotos – hvordan man kan opføre konstruktionen tagfod (fodplade) på muret gesims, så bygningsreglementets krav til isolering opfyldes samtidig med, at ventilation af tagkonstruktionen sikres. Hæftet indeholder desuden en beskrivelse af, hvordan man opbygger en skotrende, og hvordan man monterer et undertag. Sidst i hæftet findes generelle informationer om undertag.

  • af Petra Ahnert
    185,95 kr.

    From crayons to cough drops, cookies to candles, Beehive Alchemy offers a comprehensive introduction toincorporating the miracle of bees into everyday life.Beehive Alchemy is acontinuation of Petra Ahnerts best-selling Beeswax Alchemy. With this new book, beekeepers (and bee lovers)will learn about the benefits and attributes of beeswax, honey, propolis, and more alongside a full range of projects and techniques to process and harness the amazing gifts of bees. Inside, youll find instructions to make Ahnerts award-winning hand-dipped birthday candles, the classic French dessert canele bordelais,and much more, including:Alchemy for the BodyLiquid soap with honeyBeard balmOlive and honey lotionAlchemy of LightTaper candlesTea lightsPillarsAlchemy for the HomeFurniture polishWaxed cotton food wrapsWoodcutter incenseAlchemy in the StudioBeeswax crayonsEncausticBatikAlchemy in the KitchenCookies and candiesBeveragesFermentationsWhether you keep bees or just love them,Beehive Alchemy will become your go-to comprehensive guide for hive-to-home creations.

  • af Jamie Goode
    233,95 kr.

  • af Willoughby Arevalo
    215,95 kr.

    "e;Offering clear and comprehensive instructions for low-tech growing for a range of budgets, interests, and scales, this book offers practical inspiration and a sense that "e;hey, I can do this!"e; -- DANIELLE STEVENSON, owner, DIY FungiDIY Mushroom Cultivation is full of proven, reliable, low-cost techniques for home-scale cultivation that eliminate the need for a clean-air lab space to grow various mushrooms and their mycelium.Beautiful full-color photos and step-by-step instructions accompany a foundation of mushroom biology and ecology to support a holistic understanding of the practice. Growing techniques are applicable year-round, for any space from house to apartment, and for any climate, budget, or goal. Techniques include:Setting up a home growing spaceInexpensive, simple DIY equipmentCulture creation from mushroom tissue or sporesGrowing and using liquid cultures and grain spawnGrowing mushrooms on waste streams Indoor fruitingOutdoor mushroom gardens and logsHarvesting, processing, tinctures, and cooking.Whether you hunt mushrooms or dream about growing and working with them but feel constrained by a small living space, DIY Mushroom Cultivation is the ideal guide for getting started in the fascinating and delicious world of fungiculture.

  • - A catalog of components
    af Celine Dietziker
    300,95 kr.

  • - The pocket guide to chopping, stacking and drying wood the Scandinavian way
    af Lars Mytting
    145,95 kr.

    The definitive guide to chopping, stacking and burning wood by Norwegian writer Lars Mytting - the international bestseller

  • - The Secret to Making Complex Japanese Joints and Furniture Using Affordable Tools
    af Jin Izuhara
    204,95 kr.

  • - Understanding the Vine and Its Rhythms
    195,95 kr.

    This fascinating book explores the nature of grape vines and their relationship to the environment in a beautifully illustrated guide by biodynamic wine expert Jean-Michel Florin.

  • - Living the Good Life on a Cornish Farm
    af Rosanne Hodin
    127,95 - 167,95 kr.

    The Good Life meets My Family and Other Animals; A timeless, funny and heartwarming memoir of life on a Cornish farm.

  • af David Austin
    225,95 kr.

    This delightful pocket sized title, coming from one of the UK's foremost experts on roses, will be an indispensable guide to rose-lovers everywhere.

  • - Om Nakkes bylaug, byens forandring hos husmænd, håndværkere, landmænd, fiskere, feriefolk - og hvordan andelsvaskemaskinen gjorde livet lettere
    af Annie Brydegaard Danielsen
    48,95 kr.

    Jeg tror ikke, at der er mange børn, der har haft en så dejlig barndom med op og nedture, der giver livsappetit, som jeg! Jeg har gået rundt med en usynlig rygsæk, hvori jeg har samlet indtryk og oplevelser sammen. Roder jeg i den, kommer minderne frem i en tilfældig rækkefølge, en for en, fra mit barndomshjem på Brydegaard og alle de andre ejendomme med folk jeg kendte på Nakkelandet. Nogle personer var selvstændige landmænd, kogekoner eller fiskere. Andre mænd og kvinder var ansat hos bankdirektør With, Irma-Olsen, Topsøe, Tuxen, Rosenstand, Vogt, Kaj Jensen & Gunnar Nu Hansen eller på Hovvig, feriekolonien Enebærgården, Andefarmen, pensionater, Missionskurstedet, statshospitalet SNS, Rørvig Kommune, Alderdomshjemmet, håndværksmestrer, Rørvig Maskinstation, Sygeplejeforeningen eller Rørvig Sogns Kontrolforening. Børn havde fritidsarbejde på gårdene, hos købmænd i Troldeskoven og Nakke, i iskiosker, Svinninge og Billesborgs mælkeudsalg eller som avisbud. Tiden var en anden end i dag. I 1950-60’erne var sammenholdet i behold i familierne, og Danmark havde en stærk og meningsdannende kraft i foreningslivet, fagforeninger og andelsbevægelsen. Den ny sogneskole, biblioteket og sognegården med tilbud om deltagelse i idræt, sykurser, sang, foredrag lå i Mellemleddet midt mellem sognets to byer Nakke og Rørvig. I Nakke var der endnu fattighus, skole, andelsfrysehus, andelsmejeri, andelsvaskemaskiner, smedje, købmand og børstenbinder. Kunstnere, mælkemand, ostemand, fiskemand, slagter og bager kom og tilbød deres varer. Når der var brug for en murer, tømrer, blikkenslager og tækkemand, så kom en fra Rørvig og udførte arbejdet. Skulle der købes noget, vi ikke kunne få i Nakke, så gik turen til Nykøbing på cykel, i hestevogn eller med rutebil. Det var i Nykøbing, apotek, boghandlere, sadelmager, Schou, Burgaard-Jensen, Frost Hansen og Holger Dams forretninger lå, og læger og tandlæger boede. Det var også i Nykøbing slagteri, foderstofhandel, destruktionsanstalt, ægpakkeri, biograf og realskolen lå. Udflugter foretog man til Rørvig Havn, Korshage, Dybesø og Kattegat. De største begivenheder var det årlige dyreskue og asfaltbal i Nykøbing. Mange har lagt øre til min snak og sagt. ”Hvorfor skriver du det ikke ned?” Det begyndte jeg så på i 2009. Men hurtigt blev jeg klar over, at jeg måtte have fat i venner, bekendte og skolekammerater igen for at få mere præcise oplysninger. Jeg fik kontakt til omkring 109 personer, plus personale på danske museer, kunstudstillinger og lokalhistoriske arkiver. Vi har brevvekslet, mailet og besøgt hinanden. Vi har snakket alvorligt og grint over alt det, som vi har oplevet sammen. I min beretning med udgangspunkt i historier fra Nakke til verden omkring beskriver jeg historierne, der består af enkeltberetninger fra 1700’tallet og op til i dag. I sagens natur indgår der også mange anekdoter og overleveringer, som jeg har fra mine barneår. Jeg har villet give en oversigt over, hvad der var af begivenheder omkring de enkelte steder i Nakke nedover Mellemleddet til Søndervang og Rørvig, udover Nord til Rørvig Kirke, Nakke Lyng og Nykøbing med afstikkere til Isefjord og Hesselø. Jeg har forsøgt at få alle de hændelser med, som det var mig muligt. Derfor er personer nævnt flere steder samtidig med andre, der også har været på stedet. Det blev til 10 e-bøger i 1. udgivelse. Denne 2. udgave af bogen om Galbuen er betydelig større end den oprindelige udgave. Tak til alle jer, der har været mig behjælpelig med oplysninger, skøder, veksler, regnskabsbøger, fotos, postkort, skole- og klassebilleder, filmklip, annoncer, m.m. Hvoraf langt de fleste er private og beskyttet af ophavsret, som kun jeg har fået tilladelse til at bringe i bogen.

  • - One Quarter Acre, Two French Farmers, and Enough Food to Feed the World
    af Perrine Herve-Gruyer
    185,95 kr.

    Translation of: Permaculture: guaerir la terre, nourrir les homes. Actes Sud, A2016.

  • - Sustainable Viticulture and Viniculture
    af Britt and Per Karlsson
    165,95 kr.

    An award-winning and invaluable introduction for all winegrowers and winemakers who are considering turning to a more sustainable form of winemaking.

  • - A Code of Practice
    af Julian Keable
    278,95 kr.

    This book aims to show how high standards can be achieved and the criteria on which rammed earth structures and building techniques can be judged. An important guide and resource for those wishing to employ this economical and low-carbon building material in the construction of public as well as private buildings in Africa and elsewhere.

  • - Bees, Honey, Recipes and Other Home Uses
    344,95 kr.

    Title: Collins Beekeeper's Bible, Author: , Publication Year: 2010-03-18, Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, Language: eng

  • af Allan T. Condie
    112,95 kr.

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