Bag om Dr. Huls - God's Mechanic
Some called him a Miracle worker - He called himself "God's Mechanic." "Modern" medicine has drugs and surgery, but until mechanical corrections are made - nothing is going to get much better. Body Mechanics is based on the belief that God created the body of man perfectly designed, just as one would design any machine. It consists of a skeletal frame which must be in good articulation so that the muscles and ligaments can work freely and without friction, just like the pulleys and belts of any machine must be in good alignment for optimum efficiency. The organs of the human body may be compared to those machine parts. Some organs move up and down with each breath, others rock back and forth, such as the moving parts of a machine. If organs are blocked, or out of their sockets - you have problems. Restoring the order and function of the body brings back health. Body Mechanics was discovered by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still before the turn of the century. He was an MD, but invented this as Manipulative Osteopathy - but in the years since - Osteopathy turned more towards MD style surgery and drugs. Osteopathy Colleges no longer teach nor license the Manipulative arts. But as you will see in this book - there is still a place for Body Mechanics.
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