Bag om Emalickel
Three years ago, she had the privilege of experiencing the magical land of Lapoi, a beautiful kingdom inhabited by majestic celestials who watch over the mortal plane of Earth. After the experience, and with a new perspective, she returned to Earth and tried resuming her ordinary life.
Then, the unexpected happens. She once again finds herself taken away into the celestial plane. This time, however, it is a much different experience than the previous. Abducted by the dark celestials of another realm, she becomes lost in the Universe and warded from the celestials of her own realm. She must somehow be found and rescued before her fate becomes sealed in this fearsome, dark, and dangerous territory.
How will the celestials of Millattus be able to recover her? What sacrifices must be made? If they can save her, there is only one way to go about it . . . a way in which leaves only one thing for certain-the story will not end there, but rather an entire new story will inevitably be written for the celestials of mankind.
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