Bag om Exordium of Tears
Fight or Die…
Victorious in a star-flung battle against the inhuman Horde, Earth's fabled 9th Legion of Rome; the U.S. 5th Company's 2nd Mounted Rifles; and a Special Forces anti-terrorist team settle on Arden, their adopted planet, to raise families and live in peace.
But soon, state secrets are revealed: The greatest of the inhuman Horde didn't join the battle, but yet lurk among Arden's outer colonies, posing a grave threat.
Humanity's Ardenese defenders send a flotilla of ships to far Exordium, the world where the Horde outbreak began, with orders to reclaim the outer colonies…
Exordium . . . where the Horde awaits . . . where the cream of Arden's fighting force must engage this adversary of unrivaled power…
As worlds are sundered, suns destroyed, and star systems obliterated, a universal conflict proves again that…
Death is only the beginning of the adventure.
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