Bag om Fairy Tales for Fearless Girls
Stories include:The Tale of Brave Bradamante and Her Amazing Flying Horse (France/Italy/Spain)Atalanta, the Fleet-Footed Huntress (Greece)Nana Miriam and the Horrible Hippopotamus (Niger)The Amazing Adventures of Tokoyo (Japan)How Little Molly Whuppie Outwitted the Giant (Britain)How Mizilca Tricked a Sultan and Saved Her Father From Disgrace (Romania/Bulgaria/Turkey/Armenia) Tatterhood and Dacia (Norway)Princess Imani and the Magic Fan (India)Maada and the Mountain Dweller (Haida Gwaii, Canada)Sumac and the Search for the Magic Lake (Peru)Feng Mian, the Head of the Family (China)Unanana and the Elephant (Botswana/Tanzania)The Warrior Queen and the Wizard (Russia)Fallon, the Girl from the Northland (Finland)The Princess, the Merchants, and the Very Unusual Cupboard (Sudan)
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