Bag om Faith Inspired Ministry Study Course
All that God labored for, for you, what He accomplished for you, on your behalf, is exactly what He has in mind for you! God does not have in mind, a lesser value, a lesser measure of all that He worked for, for each one of us! He wants to inspire you, not to settle for anything less than "His faith," in your heart and life; than His "abundance!"God is not to blame if there is prevailing evidence in your spirit and in your life, in your testimony, of need and of lack! He says, "I have come that you might have LIFE, and have it more abundantly!" But you see, only within the light of what He accomplished do we find access into that life-quality that Jesus calls, "abundance." That "abundance," is our portion! ...nothing less!We have all witnessed in our own experiences how often we have been robbed of the full weight of the Word often our intimate experience in God was interrupted again, so much so that we began to think, 'Well maybe it was meant to be like this. Maybe that full experience is only meant for the sweet by and by; or for an elect few - but not for me.' But hey no, the only reason why some of us continue to live in a frustrated experience in our faith is simply because we have not yet fully laid a hold of; fully grasped and believed all that He has worked for and accomplished in Christ Jesus!But many of us have now in fact come to a more complete grasping of what God has purposed and accomplished for us in His Son's work on our behalf, and also what He has purposed for us in His gift to us of His Spirit, all meant to sustain our ongoing encounter with Him. Listen, God remains committed to you, because of what He knows to be the eternal truth about you! Even if no one believes that truth as it is revealed in Jesus and in the Gospel, God believes it! I say again, even if every single person on the face of the earth refuse to fully believe the full implications of what God accomplished for them in Christ, in the work of redemption, God remains persuaded about it; He cannot deny Himself!That is exactly why Paul said, even to the Corinthians living lesser lives than what God wanted for them: "I give thanks, always, for you, because of the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus that, in every way, you were enriched in Him ...with all speech and all knowledge ...even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed among you, and within you that, you are not lacking in any spiritual gift, as you wait for the revealing of (...or a better translation would read: you intertwine yourself with the revelation of) our Lord Jesus Christ, who will then also sustain you to the end, guiltless, in the day of ( the light of; in the revelation truth of) our Lord Jesus Christ!" - 1 Corinthians 1:4-10.You see, the faith of God, whether it is found in God or in us, generates God's energy and His limitless creative ability! It is therefore that very explosive element, that very faith of God, that I desire us to talk about and consider together in this Faith Inspired Ministry Study Course!I want us to measure together, not merely our vision for ourselves and for our ministry, but I want us to measure together God's vision for our lives and for our ministry right here in 2019 and then in 2020 and beyond! Faith without vision would just simply implode and self-destruct, but when faith catches vision, it will simply have to EXPLODE! Sure it will explode; it will have no choice! Ha... ha... ha... I thank God that we no longer need to allow ourselves to be intimidated by anything that the future holds for natural man, because we are not mere men! Hallelujah! We are so much more! I thank God that we have the privilege to discover the vision of ourselves, that ultimate truth about us which God's Word awakens and activates and inspires within us, to fully manifest out of us!
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