Bag om Flash Fiction Stories with a Masculine Twist
Plato said: "Death is not the worst that can happen to men." Lending credence to his words are the 62 stories here about the infinite faces of manhood. The tales primarily were selected from among the 438 stories found in Books 1 through 6, incl., of the authors' Creative Ink, Flashy Fiction anthologies. Included, as well, are selected offerings from Cohen's two short-story anthologies, The Road Less Taken, as well as stories from Cohen's Mementos series of anthologies. Most of the stories in the instant volume are 250 words or fewer in length. They are best compared to a handful of peanuts or M&M's. Which is to say, they're tiny, bite-sized morsels that won't let you stop with one! The longer tales were added for those who seek something more substantial with which to curl up on a long winter night or better, on a beach in the hot summer sun.
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