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  • - 任彦芳自传(卷一)
    af &#33879, &#33459, &#20219 & mfl.
    357,95 kr.

    我深深地爱我的故乡,它是古燕赵之地,今是河北容城。每当说到故乡,我便想到艾青的诗句:为什么我的眼里常含泪水,因为我对这土地爱得深沉!这是我们祖祖辈辈生活的地方。我家北有拒马河,南是白洋淀;东有白沟古镇,西看易县山,是容城八景之 一:易水秋声,还能听到这千古绝唱:风潇潇兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复还。这里自古多慷慨悲歌之士,古燕赵精神一直哺育着这片土地,因而出现了元末明初的大儒刘因,明代的杨继盛,明末清初的孙奇逢这历史上的三贤和无数无名英雄!拒马河水流过祖先的血泪,家乡的土地里埋着先人的尸骨;这里的泥土因血汗而肥沃,这里的百姓因勤劳而纯朴!我以出生在这块土地上而自豪;我以有英雄的前辈而骄傲!我以深深地对故园的怀念之情,写出了这部自传的首部:《童年梦:幼年家园》,记录下我从出生到我十岁离开家乡的这段历史,写下了故土的民俗风情;是这家乡文化对幼儿的哺育,三岁看大,七岁到老,决定了我一生的命运。而记录下这一切,是我的义不容辞的责任!

  • af Yufang &#27603, &#33459 & Qian &#38065
    1.412,95 kr.

    In the era of big data, how to find new methods to analyse large electronic texts poses a challenge to the existing quantitative and qualitative analysis methods of social science. The complex social problems in the era of globalization have challenged sociolinguists. The Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Sciences, established by Lancaster University with the financial support of the Economic and Social Sciences Research Council, has applied corpus methods to some social sciences, such as the environment, crime and health. Under the guidance of Professor Tony McEnery, Director of the Centre, and with the support of colleagues at home and abroad, and with the support of the Global China Institute, a workshop on corpus approaches to Chinese social sciences was successfully held in 2016. The present Journal of Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Sciences (JCACSS) was planned at the time, its purpose being to introduce the new corpus approaches to the field of social science in China, explore and publish relevant research and provide an academic exchange platform for people with common interests.在大数据时代如何寻找新的方法来分析海量的电子文本的问题,对社会科学已有的定量和定性分析的方法带来了挑战。全球化时代错综复杂的社会问题对社会语言学家提出了挑战,英国兰开斯特大学在经济与社会科学委员会的资助下成立的"语料库与社会科学中心",把语料库方法应用于社会科学的一些门类如环境、犯罪和健康等问题。在该中心主任托尼 - 麦肯尼教授的指导下,在国内外同行支持下,以全球中国学术院为依托,于 2016 年成功地举办了"语料库与中国社会科学"工作坊,并筹划 创办《语料库与中国社会科学》刊物。其目的是把这种新锐的语料库方法 应用于中国社会科学领域,探索相关研究并发布相关研究的成果,为有共 同志趣者提供一个学术交流平台。

  • - 任彦芳自传 (卷二)
    af &#33879, &#33459, &#20219 & mfl.
    358,95 kr.

    这是我的自传之二,记录的是我从1947年春天到 冀中一中,后改为安国中学的初中和1951年7月由安国中学保送到保定一中高中,到1954年7月高考结束的中学时代的生活。 这部自传也有二十三万字,并不全是这两个月所写;我在2006年7月27日曾为保定一中百年校庆写过一部回忆录,这次是在十年前的回忆录的基础上加以补充完成的下部,这当然省了不少时间。这两个月,我把高中时期的三年写在几个本子上的不完整的日记也全部录下来了,约十万多字,可作为自传的附录。我这次所补充的内容,大部是来自日记,录下了这三年的在寒暑假的农村生活,对了解这三年的中国的农村,会有参考价值。 我的这部自传,真实地记录了我所经历的时代,真实地记录了我的思想感情,为后来研究这段历史的人参考。

  • - A Corpus-based Study of Low-Carbon in Chinese, UK and US Media 中英美主流报刊中的低碳话语研究
    af Yufang &#27603, &#33459 & Qian &#38065
    572,95 - 1.127,95 kr.

    The discourse power theory of Michel Foucault, French postmodernist thinker, reveals the constructive function and power characteristics of discourse' as a social practice. Language, as a carrier reflecting social reality, is associated with power, society and ideology. This constructive discourse theory enlightens and studies many disciplines of the humanities and social sciences. Since the late 1980s, media discourse has attracted linguists' attention as a language in use, as well as its special textual structure and social and cultural practice. Some analytical methods have emerged at a historic moment, and critical discourse research is one of them. It originated in the 1980s. With the development of a large number of studies, people find it is far from possible to answer research questions only by analyzing a single text, and that analysis will bring personal prejudice. In order to make research more comprehensive and reliable, people begin to use corpus. The method of studying large-scale texts has its own advantages and draws on each other's strengths to complement each other's weaknesses. In the past 10 years, corpus-based critical discourse research has been increasingly adopted by Chinese social scientists. This book focuses on the reports on low-carbon in the mainstream newspapers and periodicals of China, Britain and the United States since 2000. It analyses discourse construction around low-carbon, and systematically applies corpus and critical discourse analysis to media discourse analysis. Combine qualitative and quantitative research effectively. The linguistic examples provided by corpus are beyond the intuitive research method, and the critical discourse analysis method makes the examples provided by corpus clear. We find many interesting phenomena that need to be further investigated from word frequency information. Studies show that the analysis of word clusters and collocations, accompanied by corpus retrieval, adds qualitative elements to quantitative analysis and makes the results more reliable and comprehensive. The combination of corpus findings and social context makes us realize more clearly that discourse is the reflection of ideology. This study is expected to attract more scholars to apply this method to language-related research in the field of social sciences. 本书聚焦中英美三国主流报刊 2000 年以来关于低 碳的报道,分析围绕低碳的话语建构,较系统地将语料库和批判话语分析 的方法用于媒体话语分析中,将定性和定量研究有效结合起来。语料库提 供的语言例证是凭直觉的研究方法所不能及,批判话语研究分析的方法又 使语料库所提供的例证变得清晰明了。我们从词频信息中发现许多有趣的 有待进一步考察的现象;研究表明词丛﹑搭配词分析伴随着语料库检索来 考察其上下文中的分析为定量的分析增添了定性的成份,使结果更可靠﹑ 更全面

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