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  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    542,95 kr.

    The team. This is the first criterion for the success of a startup according to all the entrepreneurs who have been there. And also for the investors who select them! This goes without saying since all other success factors generally come from the team, with the exception of exogenous factors and luck, even if the latter is also caused! It is first of all about creating a ¿dream team¿ of founders from the start, then continuing the momentum by recruiting a great team, but also being supported by experienced people from outside the company. The human alchemy of the startup will not only determine its good start, but also the rest of its history when growth is there. The second Holy Grail of the startup is often the financing of its start-up. That takes time. But once the funds have been raised, you generally have to recruit and this is where the real difficulties begin. The fashion is for ¿lean startups¿ consisting of testing your product in phases as early as possible to possibly correct the situation based on customer feedback.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    643,95 kr.

    The management of innovation operations and processes includes the way operations and production complete existing activities and offers options for new innovation activities. It is interested in a broad range of entrepreneurial and organizational issues. The final objective of the technological innovation management is the process of commercialization¿meaning revenue from investments in innovation. The appropriation of value from the investments of companies in technological innovation involves intellectual property rights, granting of licenses, creation of technical standards, speed, secrecy and ownership of additional advantages. Many significant activities carried out by processing companies, marketing, distribution, applied engineering, design, maintenance, accounting would be described as services if they were offered externally. Many services such as bank telling are offered now electromechanical and the value of processing products is now found in intangible properties, such as fast delivery, easy use, brand and reliability that would have been considered as services had they not been embedded in the products.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    817,95 kr.

    The sound of the word ¿customer¿ brings to mind the person using the company¿s products to meet their needs. However, in reality, a chain of intermediaries intervenes between a particular firm and the end consumer of its products. The gathering of information, aiming at obtaining and maintaining clientele, is sought in various ways. The most common are: market research, using various lists of organizations or individuals (who use specific goods because of occupation/ profession) and periodic reports submitted to the company by specialized partners. Client handling is considered as one of the most serious problems of modern business. Some businesses are forced to establish special promotional programs addressed to customer categories. Nevertheless, consumer demand for greater convenience and better service makes the problem even harder. Two different groups of decision makers are being addressed simultaneously: private entrepreneurs (commercial firms, academic firms) and academic entrepreneurs (universities), interested in optimizing knowledge management and in developing heterogeneously composed knowledge-based research networks; and public (governmental, sub governmental) actors.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    643,95 kr.

    Serverless computing is a technology, also known as function as a service (faas), that gives the cloud provider complete management over the container the functions run on as necessary to serve requests. Serverless architecture encompasses many things, and before jumping into creating serverless applications, it is important to understand exactly what serverless computing is, how it works, and the benefits and use cases for serverless computing. By doing so, these architectures remove the need for continuously running systems and serve as event-driven computations. The feasibility of creating scalable applications within this architecture is huge. Imagine having the ability to simply write code, upload it, and run it, without having to worry about any of the underlying infrastructure, setup, or environment maintenance¿ the possibilities are endless, and the speed of development increases rapidly. By utilizing serverless architecture, you can push out fully functional and scalable applications in half the time it takes you to build them from the ground up.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    730,95 kr.

    Python is known as a very dense language, with lots of modules capable of doing almost anything. Python has a massive environment of extra modules that can provide functionality in hundreds of different disciplines. Python is no different in this regard. Here, we will look at commands that we consider to be essential to programming in python. All the basic commands, from importing extra modules at the beginning of a program to returning values to the calling environment at the end. Python, like the current list of variables that have been defined and how memory is being used. Because the python environment involves using a lot of extra modules, we will also look at a few commands that are strictly outside of python. We will see how to install external modules and how to manage multiple environments for different development projects. Since this is going to be a list of commands, there is the assumption that you already know the basics of how to use loops and conditional structures. This piece is designed to help you remember commands that you know yoüve seen before, and hopefully introduce you to a few that you may not have seen yet.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    952,95 kr.

    Security intelligence is a results-driven approach to reducing risk that combines internal and external information about threats, security and business insights for the entire enterprise. The term ¿threat intelligence¿ is generally associated with information about threats to traditional IT systems controlled by the organization itself. This conception of the field is far too narrow. Innovative threat actors are constantly seeking to uncover weaknesses and devising new ways to penetrate or circumvent traditional IT defenses. Forward-thinking cybersecurity experts and IT groups have recognized the need to confront threat actors by uncovering their methods and disrupting their operations before attacks occur. Security intelligence must provide the timely, clear and actionable context needed to make rapid, informed decisions and the appropriate effective actions to address each security challenge.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    1.012,95 kr.

    Technically, the blockchain revolution is based on the concept of ¿public verifiability¿, that is to say: a technical system which allows anyone to autonomously verify the accuracy of the state of the system. In a distributed ledger, any observer can verify that each action modifying the state of the system is valid: conforms toThe set of rules, accepted by all, which govern the system. This verifiability is only possible if the information necessary for validation is available, verifiable within a reasonable time, and the actions performed are observable. The verification process can advantageously rely on a blockchain, while guaranteeing the user confidentiality and a means of re-appropriating the use of identity attributes or personal data. Blockchain offers a transparent and auditable digital system, which ensures the integrity of documents, deeds or titles, exchanges, as well as the timestamping and scheduling of all transactions concerning them.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    957,95 kr.

    Herbalist traditions are more numerous in Africa than in any other continent. During the colonial period, these medicinal practices were repressed, but today, in a spectacular turnaround, doctors often work in close symbiosis with healers. The therapeutic use of medicinal plants dates back to the most ancient times in Africa. Egyptian writings confirm that herbalism was, for millennia, held in great esteem. The Abers Papyrus (15th century BC), one of the oldest preserved medical texts, lists more than 870 prescriptions and preparations, 700 medicinal plants - including yellow gentian (gentiana lutea), aloe vera (aloe vera ) and poppy (papaver somniferum). It treats bronchial conditions and crocodile bites. The medical techniques mentioned in the various Egyptian manuscripts constitute the bases of classical medical practice in Greece, Rome and the Arab world.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    606,95 kr.

    Python is a great programming language for both beginners and experts. It is designed with code readability in mind, making it an excellent choice for beginners who are still getting used to various programming concepts. The language is popular and has plenty of libraries available, allowing programmers to get a lot done with relatively little code. You can make all kinds of applications in python: you could use the pygame framework to write simple 2d games, you could use the GTK libraries to create a windowed application, you could try something a little more ambitious like an app such as creating one using python¿s Bluetooth and input libraries to capture the input from a USB keyboard and relay the input events to an android phone. A variable is a name in source code that is associated with an area in memory that you can use to store data. An interpreted language such as python is one where the source code is converted to machine code and then executed each time the program runs. This is different from a compiled language such as c, where the source code is only converted to machine code once, the resulting machine code is then executed each time the program runs.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    1.097,95 kr.


  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    1.097,95 kr.

    Despite regional diversities, the use of medicinal plants in Europe is very rooted in tradition. Each of the great herbalist traditions has developed an original doctrine to account for disease. The European tradition is mainly based on the theory of the ¿four humors¿ which reigned until the 17th century. We owe it to Galen (131-201), a native of Pergamum and personal physician to the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. It was by treating the gladiators of his hometown that Galen learned anatomy and the best hemostatic and healing remedies. He wrote hundreds of works and, for more than 1,500 years, his influence on European medicine was considerable. Today, plants are increasingly appreciated and, in some countries, they are used both by conventional medicine and by qualified herbalists.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    1.097,95 kr.

    Traditional Chinese medicine and its herbal tradition developed alongside popular pharmacopoeia. It took off from the Huang Di Neijing, a text established between the 2nd century BC. B.C.And the 1st century AD, from precise observations of nature based on a thorough knowledge of the mechanisms which subject all life to natural laws. This text contains the two fundamental theories of Chinese medicine, namely the bipolarity of the cosmos (principles of ying and yang) and the five elements (wu xing).Living in harmony with these principles is the key to health and longevity. According to the Huang Di Neijing, certain men once lived to be a hundred years old, because they had such a robust constitution that incantations were enough to cure them. But recently, when potential energy, the basis of all life, or qi, declined, and men "overworked themselves...And distanced themselves from the joys of life", herbalism, acupuncture and others specialties of Chinese medicine appeared indispensable to men.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    1.032,95 kr.

    Threatened, the people of South America are trying, today, to survive and protect their culture, plant care being an integral part of this struggle. The deforestation of tropical forests leads to the disappearance of thousands of plant species, some of which could have served as remedies. South American herbal medicine is made up of shamanic rituals and numerous plants, but not yet fully documented, protected by the density of the tropical rainforest. However, these are only two facets of the herbalist tradition of the Amazon and Orinoco regions. In other regions - the Andean plateau of Bolivia, the humid plains of Paraguay and large cities, such as Rio de Janeiro - the reality is very different.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    1.097,95 kr.

    Almost all the herbal knowledge possessed by the Australian Aborigines disappeared when the Europeans arrived. Also, in this region, contemporary herbal therapies come from the West, from China and, increasingly, from other countries in Oceania. Cradle of the oldest existing culture in the world, Australia is also home to a very ancient herbalist tradition. The aborigines, settled on the island for more than 60,000 years, have acquired precise knowledge of plants, most of which, such as eucalyptus (eucalyptus globules), were originally only found in Australia. Although this knowledge disappeared with its custodians, interest in local herbalist traditions was nevertheless maintained.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    1.012,95 kr.

    According to scientific nomenclature, the name of each plant is composed of two elements: the first indicates the genus; the second indicates the species. The plant family, that is to say the higher category to which the genus belongs, is mentioned in parentheses, after the Latin name. The common or vernacular name of the plant is specified under the scientific name. If several names exist in popular vocabulary, they are indicated in their order of importance. The origins of the common name are also given in parentheses. Habitat and cultivation indicate the geographical origins of the plant, their current distribution; specifies their method of cultivation and harvesting, as well as the land which is suitable for them. Related species refer to plants of the same genus or family that most often have medicinal properties. Main constituents and main effects lists the active ingredients and lists the main medicinal effects of each plant on the body in their order of importance.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    797,95 kr.

    A dependência dos indivíduos e das organizações em relação às redes informáticas e às tecnologias da Internet faz com que sejam confrontados com diferentes graus de vulnerabilidade, que estão longe de ser negligenciáveis. O domínio das novas tecnologias por parte do público em geral conduz a um aumento das ameaças e a uma diversificação dos instrumentos de ataque que são constantemente aperfeiçoados. Uma política de segurança compreende um conjunto de princípios que definem uma estratégia, directrizes, procedimentos, códigos de conduta e regras organizacionais e técnicas. Uma rede é regularmente objeto de numerosas alterações e modificações à medida que a tecnologia evolui e a necessidade de segurança que a acompanha aumenta. As pequenas e grandes empresas, bem como os particulares, exigem tecnologias de ponta para melhor protegerem os seus sistemas de informação e as suas interligações de rede.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    797,95 kr.

    The dependence of individuals and organisations on computer networks and Internet technologies means that they are confronted with varying degrees of vulnerability, which are far from negligible. The general public's mastery of new technologies is leading to an increase in threats and a diversification of attack tools that are constantly being perfected. A security policy comprises a set of principles defining a strategy, guidelines, procedures, codes of conduct and organisational and technical rules. A network is regularly subject to numerous changes and modifications as technology develops and the need for security that goes with it increases. Small and large companies, as well as private individuals, demand cutting-edge technology to better protect their information systems and network interconnections.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    577,95 kr.

    The term "fintechs" is a contraction of "financial technology". This concept refers to technologies associated with the financial sector. Fintechs refer to non-financial startups with a strong technological character that target the financial sector. In the 1990s, fintechs represented archaic software in computers, then mobile applications after the advent of smartphones in the late 2000s and finally advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) since the mid-2010s. The services offered by fintech companies are diverse and varied, and evolve daily. The concept of fintech is constantly evolving, as it keeps pace with the development of new technologies. Indeed, access to a day-to-day account is the first step towards financial inclusion, thus improving the overall standard of living of individuals. By customising and adapting their offers to a wider audience than traditional banking institutions, fintechs give customers an alternative to going through the intermediary of banks.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    592,95 kr.

    After having segmented its markets and decided on a general strategy, following a double analysis of attractiveness-competitiveness, the company must make its choices of targeting and concrete positioning. Different hedging strategies can be considered: targeting, undifferentiated, differentiated, complete or partial, concentrated or tailor-made. International targeting and positioning pose a problem of strategic importance in an interconnected global economy where the adaptation-standardization dilemma arises even more acutely. Today, most international environments are global or, at least, transnational and require the definition of segments that cross geographical borders. The objective will be, after having identified supranational or universal segments that can be approached with a standardized marketing strategy, to develop a global, intermediate or local policy according to the intensity of the international ¿standardization-adaptation¿ dilemma.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    1.022,95 kr.

    The W3C (world wide web consortium, http://www.W3c.Org) was created on the occasion of the first HTML standard: HTML 1.0. The W3C was created to develop common protocols for the evolution of the world wide web. It is an industrial consortium led by: mit/LCS (the computer science research laboratory of the Massachusetts institute of technology) in the United States, by Inria (the national research institute for computer science and automation) in France, and Keio University in Japan. It is an unofficial body. The W3C only issues recommendations: browser designers are free to comply with them. The history of HTML is summarized by the W3C on its site.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    837,95 kr.

    Computing, contraction of information and automatic, is the science of information processing. Appearing in the middle of the 20¿ century, it has undergone an extremely rapid evolution. To its initial motivation which was to facilitate and accelerate the calculation, numerous functionalities have been added, such as: automation, process control and command, communication or information sharing. This presentation of microprocessor system architecture exposes the basic principles of program information processing. The architecture of a microprocessor system represents the organization of its various units and their interconnections. The implementation of these systems relies on two distinct embodiments, hardware and software. The hardware corresponds to the concrete aspect of the system: central unit, memory, input-output devices, etc. the software (software) corresponds to a set of instructions, called program, which are contained in the various memories of the system and which define the actions carried out by the material.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    812,95 kr.

    The control of the urban area is based on the coordination of all the areas involved in the action and requires cooperation in several forms. The actions carried out there are characterized by significant decentralization, great reversibility, their simultaneity and strong logistical sufficiency. The force must have a common base of skills and each operational function must master the particularities of its field related to the urban environment. Commitments in urban areas can very quickly take on an exceptional and irrational character which escapes the forces present and leads them to higher bids initially refused. The force can thus be gradually forced to seize or defend areas or points of high symbolic value, the control or destruction of which can confer a major psychological advantage on one or other of the parties. In 2025, more than 85% of the population will live in large cities and in particular in unstable areas of the planet: places of population concentration, grouping of services and administrations, network convergence points, traffic areas, etc. .

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    837,95 kr.

    The number of human beings connecting to the Internet is constantly growing and is estimated for 2021 at 4.9 billion, or approximately 63% of the world's population (ITU, 2021). In the same year, the number of connected objects is estimated at 14.5 billion (van, 2021). Such a quantity of connections can be compared to a giant brain with all its neurons and synapses. However, if this brain is large in its spread around the globe, it is nonetheless incomparable to a human brain and its eighty-six billion neurons. By way of comparison, the number of connected objects in 2021 is of the same order of magnitude as the number of neurons in a baboon (herculano-houzel, 2020). The comparison of Internet connections with a brain quickly reaches its limits. Nevertheless, connected objects and in particular embedded systems have in common with the brain the ability to perceive and act with their environment, near or far, thanks to communication systems.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    1.022,95 kr.

    The role of strategic planning is to design a favorable future for the company and to identify the means necessary for its concrete realization. The plan formally takes up the different stages followed in the choice of a development strategy. A key element of the strategic plan is the definition of the company's mission, which should reflect the company's long-term vision of what it wants to be and the markets it intends to serve. The strategic plan is based on an external audit. The environment is complex and constantly changing, and the company must continually reconsider it in order to identify the threats and opportunities that arise. Assessing one's own strengths and weaknesses is also an important part of the strategic thinking process. The objective is to assess the company's resources in order to identify a defensible competitive advantage on which to base the development strategy. Based on information gathered in internal and external audit (also called SWOT analysis).

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    852,95 kr.

    To date, approximately 500 natural constituents of hemp (Latin name: cannabis sativa L.) have been discovered. Most of these chemicals are also found in many other plants and animals, although their pharmacological effects are generally weak or non-existent. Among the elements that make up the cannabis plant are amino acids, proteins (albumin), sugars, terpenes, cannabinoids, flavonoids, vitamins, hydrocarbons, alkaloids, aldehydes, ketones, acids fat, pigments and many other families of substances. Nearly 120 of these compounds belong to the terpene family alone, more commonly known as essential oils. Each plant, taken individually, contains only part of all of these 500 natural molecules, in particular depending on its variety. The basic structural scheme of perrottetitenic acid, whose pharmacological effects on humans are not yet known, is very similar to that of delta-9-THC. To date, approximately 75 types of cannabinoids have been identified.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    987,95 kr.

    A computer communicates with other computers through network interfaces. In general, there is a network interface for each network card (for computers that have several network cards). A network card (Ethernet or wifi) has a mac address, which identifies the network card on the network. To operate a network card, you must configure the interface that corresponds to it. The if config command allows you to know the network configuration and configure the network by hand or in a script. On the internet, stations called hosts have IP addresses, which allow them to be identified, but a host can also often be designated by a host name or domain name (like google.Com). The DNS (domain name system) was designed to solve this problem, by offering a hierarchical model. Each machine (printer, terminal, server, etc.) connected to a network is assigned a small name. This name is unique within the domain to which it belongs. Thus, for the domains domain1.Com and domain2.Com, we can have two machines with similar or different names.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    577,95 kr.

    Technically, the concept of cloud computing is far from new, it has even been present for decades. The first traces of it can be found in the 1960s, when John McCarty claimed that this computer processing power would be accessible to the public in the future. The term itself appeared more commonly around the end of the twentieth century and it would seem thatamazon.Com or one of the first to have assembled data centers and provides access to customers. Companies like IBM and Google as well as several universities only began to take a serious interest in it around 2008, when cloud computing became a fashionable concept. Realizing what they could do with all this power, many companies then began to show some interest, then to exchange their old infrastructures and internal applications for what are called "pay per-use service".

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    577,95 kr.

    The blockchain offers a transparent and auditable digital system, which ensures the integrity of documents, deeds or titles exchanged, as well as the timestamping and scheduling of all transactions concerning them. Authentication without identification on the networks proves to be much more protective of our personal data by the minimization of the data communicated that it allows: exposure to malicious intent and attacks of any kind is much reduced. The blockchain thus appears as a technological brick that complements the functionalities of existing systems, including centralized systems, by offering: an efficient technology for the exchange of transactions, the exchange of authenticated proofs or even certificates. In a distributed ledger, any observer can verify that each action modifying the state of the system is valid: in accordance with the set of rules, accepted by all, which govern the system.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    577,95 kr.

    An entity can be the victim of a volumetric DDOS attack exploiting a protocol even though it does not expose a service based on that same protocol. If redirection via DNS is used, it must be ensured that there is no trivial way of discovering the IP address to be protected. The use of this protection solution requires the implementation of an interconnection between the entity and the protection service provider. This interconnection may consist of the establishment of a wire tunnel, or, where possible, be direct and physically established. It is imperative to have appropriate contacts in-house at transit operators as well as at protection service providers to respond effectively in the event of an attack. Wherever possible, it is important to ensure that the service providers on which an entity depends are prepared for DDOS attacks. Monitoring and alerting facilities are needed to detect an incident. Unused services should be disabled at the server level.

  • af Abdoul Hamid Derra
    527,95 kr.

    Double-entry bookkeeping: Odoo automatically creates all the journal entries for each of your accounting transactions and Odoo uses double-entry bookkeeping system, I.E. All journal entries are automatically balanced. Accrual and cash basis methods: Odoo support both accrual and cash basis reporting. This allows you to report income / expense at the time transactions occur. Multi-companies: Odoo allows to manage several companies within the same database. Each company has its own chart of accounts and rules. You can get consolidation reports following your consolidation rules. Multi-currencies: every transaction is recorded in the default currency of the company. For transactions occurring in another currency, Odoo stores both the value in the currency of the company and the value in the currency of the transaction. Odoo can generate currencies gains and losses after the reconciliation of the journal items. International standards: Odoo accounting support more than 50 countries. The Odoo core accounting implements accounting standards that are common to all countries and customized apps are available to accommodate the specificities of individual country.

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