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  • af Alex Grey
    459,95 kr.

    How Alex Grey's visionary art is evolving the cultural body through icons of interconnectedness.

  • af Alex Grey
    175,95 kr.

  • - The Visionary Art of Alex Grey
    af Alex Grey
    392,95 kr.

    This unique series of paintings takes the viewer on a graphic, visionary journey through the physical, metaphysical, and spiritual anatomy of the self. From anatomically correct rendering of the body systems, Grey moves to the spiritual/energetic systems with such images as ""Universal Mind Lattice,"" envisioning the sacred and esoteric symbolism of the body and the forces that define its living field of energy. Includes essays on the significance of Grey''s work by Ken Wilber, the eminent transpersonal psychologist, and by the noted New York art critic, Carlo McCormick.

  • af Alex Grey
    336,95 - 424,95 kr.

    The most extensive collection of Grey's visionary artwork and life's journey in one volume.

  • af Alex Grey
    171,95 kr.

    A set of 23 meditation cards with art and poetry by Alex Grey.

  • - A Simple Guide Book on How To Cultivate Magic Mushroom
    af Alex Grey
    132,95 kr.

    As with any other plants, magic mushrooms requires some guidelines and care to make them grow well. If you are new to psilocybin mushroom, this book is a comprehensive guide to all your needs to know about magic mushrooms. If you have not grown a mushrooms before, you may be tempted to begin with magic mushroom grow kit. These are ready to use packs that contains a living mycelium substrate (the material that helps mushroom growth), and this grower's kit need to be cared for. Also, your grower's kit needs to be free from any form of mushroom pest and diseases, to enable them grow well. This book has also outline how to make your grower's kit and mushroom farm free from pest and disease. Working with Agar is also detailed here.If you have tried everything imaginable, but have never been able to get mushrooms cultivation right, then this could be one of the most important books you have read in years.

  • - How to Train Your Dog to Be on the Best Behavior
    af Alex Grey
    237,95 kr.

    Teach your dog something more substantial than cheap tricks. As much as you love your dog, there comes a point when their destructive exploits stop being cute and start to become a drag. Having a dog at home comes with so many joyful moments and pleasant experiences, like when they excitedly welcome you home, or cozily sit on your lap during cold wintry nights. But they also come with a lot of responsibilities and their fair share of issues. Your dog may be barking all night, keeping you up and annoying your neighbors. Or they could be chewing up your furniture and leaving a total mess in your living room. Whatever the bad behavior, these situations are usually manageable when they just occur a few times. But when they become regular incidents that you keep having to fix, clean, or even pay for, it can make you question whether getting a dog in the first place was the right choice. If you've reached your breaking point in getting your dog to behave, don't give up just yet. There are a number of things you can do to teach your dog to not just follow your commands, but to also behave in the right way without having to be told. In Dog-Well Trained vs Well Behaved, you will find out how to deal with your dog's problems, as well as the other aspects of dog rearing that you need to know. Inside, you will discover: 13 fun and easy tricks to teach your dog that will not only impress your friends, but also mentally stimulate your dog How you can prevent your dog from ruining your precious flower bed without depriving them of their desire to dig through stuff Why you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on vitamins if you are using this meal to feed your dog The innocent signs of affection you shower on your dog that are actually harming your bond with them, and the alternative acts that they prefer What you can do with your dog's poop that will have them doing their business where you actually designate it The useful tool that assists you with training, safety, and cleanliness, ensuring that both you and your dog feel secure, even when you're away from home The most effective dog training method that will not only help you teach tricks, but also improve behavior And much more. Getting your dog to behave doesn't have to involve harsh punishments and overly strict rules, but it does involve more than teaching them to sit, stay, and roll over. Your relationship with your dog is a two-way interaction. It's not just about giving your dog commands, but it's also about listening to what your dog is telling you. Being attuned to your dog's needs will bring you a long way in fixing their behavior. You can find out what is causing your dog to act up, and resolve this in a more constructive way that sets them up to behave better in the future. By putting in a bit of effort today, you will have years of effortless dog rearing, spending less time on disciplining, and more time on bonding with your dog instead. If you want to make more wonderful memories with your beloved dog rather than spend time cleaning up their messes, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right now.

  • - Training And Nutrition For A Perfect Dog
    af Alex Grey
    237,95 kr.

    You Don't Need to Be Dr. Dolittle to Know What Your Puppy's Trying to Tell You Your kids wanted a puppy so much that you finally gave in and got the little fluffball. Now what? Unless you have the innate talent to influence a dog telepathically, you'll surely come across issues like pee on the carpet, chewed up sandals (yes, the $200 pair!), nighttime howling, drooling, and the likes. Pups are cute, loyal, and charismatic, but they also make a big mess. Having a dog at home isn't that easy; after all, there will be a brand new creature that's vulnerable and entirely dependent on you. The sooner you get started with dog training and wellbeing practices, the happier everyone is going to be. There are tons of urban legends related to dog care and training Should you use a shock collar, or is it barbaric? Should you show your pup who's the boss or focus entirely on positive reinforcement? Should you be the leader of the pack or spoil your brand-new pet rotten? The more you look for dog training and wellbeing information online, the more confused you're going to get. You don't need all of the complex, theory-based, nonsensical dog care guides out there. The right approach is practical, intuitive, and straight to the point. It relies on a very simple, but little known, secret that you can master in just a few steps. In The Puppy Guide, you will discover: How to get along with your dog from day one - a secret that professional dog trainers don't want you to know The one thing you should do the moment you meet your brand new puppy Strategies for preventing sleepless nights and potty training disasters 6 commands every dog can learn in just 15 minutes per day Picking the best food for your dog without spending a fortune on premium brands Puppy health and happiness: making sure everything's working properly from nose to tail The trick to never having to worry about dog behavioral problems like biting, humping, separation anxiety and chewing Ways your dog is speaking to you and how to understand the language The amazing role dog psychology plays in establishing the bond between pet and owner And much more! You don't need a training certificate or a vet diploma to make sure your pet is properly trained, happy, and healthy. Interacting with your dog is a two-directional process. If you are observant enough, you will know what needs to be done in each situation. In addition, learning how to read the signs will make every single activity a major success. Whether you're teaching your dog to play dead, or you're having them protect your home, you will come out triumphant by personalizing your approach. Becoming a dog whisperer is not about abilities you're born with. If you want to master the secrets to communicating with your dog and taking good care of him, scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button now.

  • af Alex Grey
    317,95 kr.

    Cómo el arte visionario de Alex Grey contribuye a la evolución del acervo cultural mediante el uso de símbolos de interconexión.

  • af Alex Grey
    317,95 kr.

    ESPEJOS SAGRADOSEL ARTE VIONARIO DE ALEX GREYCON KEN WILBER Y CARLO MCCORMICK"Los cuadros del Sr. Grey, tan detallados y anatomicamente precisos como un ilustracion medica, presentan al hombre como un ser arquetipico luchando por conseguir la unidad cosmica...La vision de Grey de la humanidad imperfecta pero perfeccionable es como un antidoto contra el cinismo y el malestar espiritual prevealente en mucho del arte contemporaneo."New York Times..".es solo la curiosidad de Grey, su deseo de comprender la metaestructura cosmica de la humanidad, lo que le conduce al recuento rigurosamente detallado de lo tipicamente oculto."Artforum"Su trabajo [el de Alex Grey] lo coloca dentro de un grupo muy pequeno de importantes artistas contemporaneos; a traves de su arte aspira alcanzar los tres reinos--desde el de la materia hasta el de la mente y el espiritu--dentro de un raro ideal."Ken WilberEsta serie unica de pinturas lleva al espectador a un viaje grafico y vionario a traves de la anatomia fisica y metafisica del ser. En su exploracion dentro de la naturaleza del hombre/mujer, Alex Grey retrata el sistema nervioso, el vascular, el esqueleto y demas sistemas corporales con un realismo desmenuzador y anatomicamente exacto. Despues pasa a los sistemas espirituales/energeticos con imagenes como el Entramado de la Mente Universal, visualizando el simbolismo esoterico y sagrado del cuerpo y las fuerzas que definen su campo de energia viviente. Los Espejos Sagrados, presentados aqui en su totalidad, han sido exhibidos por todo el mundo. Las figuras son de tamano natural y se enfrentan difectamente al espectador para conseguir, precisamente, el efecto de espejo: permaneciendo frente a ellos el espectador puede "ver dentro" de si mismo. Ademas, Grey ha pintado los diferentes sistemas en un estado ideal y saludable para que puedan funcionar como ayuda en la curacion mediante visulizaciones o meditacion. Al retratar los diferentes sexos y razas, Espejos Sagrados tambien nos cuestiona sobre como nos vemos reflejados en dos demas.Los ensayos de Ken Wilber, eminente psicologo transpersonal, y del destacado critico de arte de Nueva York, Carlo McCormick, exploran el elemento espiritual del arte desde el punto de vista de la Filosofia Eterna y trazan el desarorollo del trabajo de Grey--incluyendo sus representaciones de arte--junto con el sendero del artista/chaman. Por su parte, el propio Grey explica la concepcion, construccion y simbolismo de Espejos Sagrados y otros cuadros (reproducidos en este libro) de su rico y variado trabajo, incluyendo Gaia: El Alma del Mundo, interpretado como el arbol o la membrana de la vida que toma parte en el continuo ciclo de nacimiento, susteno y muerte; y el Viaje del Sanador Herido, que describe el descenso chamanico, la desintegracion y tansmutacion del Ser.Fascinado desde la adolescencia con los temas de la mortalidad y la polaridad, Alex Grey ve en la anatomia humana un microcosmos de los muchos sistemas y niveles de orden en la naturaleza. El pintor paso vaiors anos en una escuela de medicina estudiando la anatomia humana con un interes especial en la interconexion del cuerpo con la mente y el espiritu. Su trabajo se ha exhibido en las Galerias Stux de Nueva York y Boston; en el New Museum de Nueva York; en el Museo de Arte de la Universidad de California en Santa Barbara; en la Exposicion de Arte Internacional de Chicago; en la Galeria Regional de Arte de Londres en Canada; en el Gran Palacio de Paris; en la Bienal de Sao Paulo, Brasil, y en numerosas otras exposiciones.

    af Alex Grey
    232,95 kr.

    af Alex Grey
    197,95 kr.

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