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Bøger af Amanda Hocking

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  • af Amanda Hocking
    93,95 kr.

    Alice har taget hul på et helt nyt kapitel af sit liv. Langsomt er hun ved at lære sin nye krop med alle dens fantastiske evner at kende, men det er også en konstant kamp at holde dens lyster og behov under kontrol. Sammen med Milo og resten af vampyrklanen forsøger hun at etablere en hverdag, men der er opbrud og kaos på mange fronter. Peter er stadig væk, og i Minneapolis hører de mærkelige og skræmmende rygter om ham. Mae har sit at slås med, og der er ikke megen hjælp at hente fra hverken Ezra eller resten af klanen, og endelig er Alices veninde, Jane, ude på et seriøst skråplan, der trækker Alice og Milo tilbage til det liv, som de troede, de have ladt bag sig. Det hele bliver kun mere kompliceret af, at nogen uden hæmninger og med alt for mange lig på samvittigheden har et regnskab, der skal gøres op.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    73,95 - 93,95 kr.

    Netop som Alice tror, at hun har fået styr på sit liv og fundet en god balance mellem den nye og fascinerende vampyrverden og den mere normale virkelighed sammen med sin lillebror, Milo, indtræffer et tragisk uheld, som forandrer alt. Jacks familie må indstille sig på en helt ny situation, som ingen havde regnet med, og for Alice – ja, for Alice er det intet mindre end en katastrofe. Hendes liv falder fuldstændig fra hinanden, og Jack, som ellers sådan næsten officielt var blevet hendes kæreste, trækker sig tilbage fra hende og har dårligt tid til at svare på sms’er. Og hvad Peter, Jacks bror, angår, så ved Alice ikke engang, hvor han er. Eller hvornår han vender tilbage, hvilket meget vel kan vise sig at blive fatalt, for hvordan vil Peter reagere, når han finder ud af, at Jack og Alice ikke har respekteret hans ufravigelige krav på Alices blod? Men som Alice meget snart vil finde ud af, er der også andre vampyrer, som hun bør være bekymret for ..."Blodets bånd" er en fantasyserie, der kredser om kærlighed og venskab blandt vampyrer og helt almindelige mennesker.Amanda Hocking (f. 1984) er en amerikansk forfatter, der skriver romantiske fantasyromaner for unge. Hun begyndte allerede i en tidlig alder at skrive i sin fritid, og fra 2010 udgav hun selv en del af sine bøger som e-bøger. De opnåede hurtigt enorm popularitet, og de etablerede forlag fik snart øjnene op for den unge forfatter. I dag har hun udgivet mere end tyve bøger.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    73,95 kr.

    Som så mange andre teenagere dribler 17-årige Alice omkring og prøver at klare sig nogenlunde gennem highschool, mens hun halvhjertet fordriver tid med sin veninde, Jane, og med noget mere overbevisning tager sig af sin lillebror, Milo. Alices liv skifter fuldstændig kurs, da hun en aften møder den sjove og charmerende Jack. Alice forstår ikke helt, hvad det er ved Jack, som gør ham så tiltrækkende, og heller ikke hans besynderlige livsstil, men de bliver hurtigt venner. Og måske også lidt mere end det … I hvert fald indtil hun møder Jacks bror, Peter. Et enkelt blik fra Peter er nok til at indfange Alice fuldstændig, og hun kan slet ikke tænke klart, når han er i nærheden. Og det til trods for, at han tydeligvis ikke kan fordrage hende eller ønsker hende i nærheden.Alice er klar over, at Jack og Peter og deres familie ikke er som alle andre. Men præcis hvad der er med dem, er hun ikke klar over. Heller ikke hvor stor en rolle hun kommer til at spille for familiens fremtid – fanget som hun er mellem to brødre, der hver især gør krav på hende …

  • af Amanda Hocking
    167,95 kr.

    Six months ago, Lazlo Durante entered a military quarantine to escape the zombie apocalypse, and he hoped he had somewhere safe to live with his found family.But when the quarantine falls, Lazlo is alone and on the run through a harsh wilderness. He has nothing but the stars to guide him, and zombies howling at his heels.As he searches for those he's lost, he learns disturbing truths about the world he lives in.The Hollows continues with its darkest chapter yet - Hollow Stars coming to ebook and paperback Friday, October 13, 2023

  • - Updated Edition
    af Amanda Hocking
    157,95 kr.

    The updated edition of the third book in the bestselling phenomena, the My Blood Approves Saga... Being undead doesn't make life any easier for Alice Bonham. Her younger brother's love life is heating up, while hers is... more complicated. Mae is falling apart, her best friend Jane is addicted to vampire bites, and if Alice doesn't get her bloodlust under control, someone will end up dead. Alice volunteers for a rescue mission with Ezra. But going up against a pack of rabid vampires might be too much, even for him.

  • - Updated Edition
    af Amanda Hocking
    172,95 kr.

    The updated edition of the final book of the bestselling phenomena, the My Blood Approves Saga... Alice has moved on and is settling into a new country with a new career as a vampire hunter. Finally, she's created a stable, happy life for herself and her family, including her boyfriend Jack. Or at least as stable as her life can be, especially with a dangerous vampire cult resurfacing. But everything she's worked for is put in jeopardy when she receives a disturbing message - one that sends her on a quest that delves into a tragic mystery that has haunted Peter for years.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    157,95 kr.

    After six months in the quarantine, Remy finds out things are much worse than she feared. Her plans to escape come with a heavy cost, and she realizes that zombies aren't the worst of her problems.

  • - Updated Edition
    af Amanda Hocking
    147,95 kr.

    The updated edition of the first book in the bestselling phenomena, the My Blood Approves Saga... Seventeen-year-old Alice Bonham's life feels out of control after she meets Jack. With his fondness for pink Chuck Taylors and New Wave hits aside, Jack's unlike anyone she's ever met. Then she meets his brother, Peter. His eyes pierce through her, and she can barely breathe when he's around. Even though he can't stand the sight of her, she's drawn to him. But falling for two very different guys isn't even the worst of her problems. Jack and Peter are vampires, and Alice finds herself caught between love and her own blood

  • af Amanda Hocking
    157,95 kr.

    Nineteen-year-old Remy King is on a mission to get across the wasteland left of America, and nothing will stand in her way - not violent marauders, a spoiled rock star, or an army of flesh-eating zombies.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    132,95 kr.

    When Lux pledged his love to Lily, he changed the world.Now the magical lands of Cormundie are altered, as chaos and odd behaviors spread. Tris is working to keep her kingdom safe, and Indy is preparing Lily for a vengeful daemon when their paths cross. Valefor is in exile, but the war is far from over. Can Love change the course of Evil? The Seven Fallen Hearts saga continues with the second book, Tristitia.

  • - Updated Edition
    af Amanda Hocking
    137,95 kr.

    The updated edition of the second book in the bestselling phenomena, the My Blood Approves Saga... Alice Bonham thinks she's finally found a balance in her life between the supernatural and real life with her brother Milo. Jack - her sorta vampire boyfriend - keeps her at arm's length to keep her safe. As for his brother Peter... she's not sure where he's at, or what he wants with her. Worse still, she's not even sure what she wants with Peter. When tragedy happens, Alice finds herself struggling with a terrible choice. Her decision has consequences that reach farther than she'd ever imagined...

  • - Redux
    af Amanda Hocking
    147,95 kr.

    After six months in the quarantine, Remy finds out things are much wrose than she feared. Her plans to escape come with a heavy cost, and she realzies that zombies aren't the worst of her problems. The Redux version of the second book in the Hollows, Hollowmen, has been re-edited and updated. It also includes the new short story, "Into the Hollow Horde."

  • - Updated Edition
    af Amanda Hocking
    162,95 kr.

    The updated edition of the fourth book in the bestselling phenonema, the My Blood Approves Saga... For her eighteenth birthday, Alice Bonham takes a vacation to Australia only to have her trip cut short by an unexpected murder. While Alice tries to understand what happened, she regrets some of the choices she's made, especially the more permanent ones. On top of that, the child vampire is running loose, and its attracting some very unwanted attention...

  • af Amanda Hocking
    122,95 kr.

    Every choice is played out in a world unto itself, and so the only Nathan who needs to be saved is the only one who can't be. A supernatural spirit holds all of these worlds together, bending fate from her place outside of time. When eighteen-year-old Nathan Wheeler sacrifices himself to provide for his orphaned sister, this entrancing spirit goes back to when the death of his mother forced him to quit college and attempts to make his life better before his inevitable death. But for all she knows about the future, assuming human form is not as easy as she thought it would be, and getting close to Nathan comes with consequences she could never expect.

  • - Redux
    af Amanda Hocking
    152,95 kr.

    Nineteen-year-old Remy King is on a mission to get across the wasteland of America, and nothing will stand in her way - not violent marauders, a spoiled rock star, or an army of flesh-eating zombies. The Redux version of Hollowland has been re-edited and updated. It also includes the new short story, "Into the Hollow Dark."

  • af Amanda Hocking
    117,95 kr.

    A collection of the shorter works in the bestselling phenomena, the My Blood Approves Saga. Included in this paperback: "Letters to Elise" - a prequel novella told through Peter's letters, where his history is revealed."Little Tree" - the holiday short story set seven years after the final book. In a quiet mountain town, mysterious happenings are afoot, and Alice is sent to figure out what is going on right before Christmas.Also: "World of My Blood Approves" and "Brief Histories," with biographies, glossaries, and more details about the My Blood Approves Saga.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    222,95 kr.

    Amanda Hocking is an indie publishing sensation whose self-published novels have sold millions of copies all over the world. Step into the world of the Trylle, and prepare to be enchanted....When Wendy Everly first discovers the truth about herself-that she's a changeling switched at birth-she knows her life will never be the same. Now she's about to learn that there's more to the story...She shares a closer connection to her Vittra rivals than she ever imagined-and they'll stop at nothing to lure her to their side. With the threat of war looming, her only hope of saving the Trylle is to master her magical powers-and marry an equally powerful royal. But that means walking away from Finn, her handsome bodyguard who's strictly off limits...and Loki, a Vittra prince with whom she shares a growing attraction.Torn between her heart and her people, between love and duty, Wendy must decide her fate. If she makes the wrong choice, she could lose everything, and everybody, she's ever both worlds.As a special gift to readers, this book contains a new, never-before-published bonus story, "One Day, Three Ways," set in the magical world of the Trylle.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    222,95 kr.

    Hidden deep in the heart of a snow-covered wilderness lies the secret kingdom of the Kanin-a magical realm as beautiful as it is treacherous...Bryn Aven has never fit into Kanin society. Her blond hair and blue eyes set her apart as an outsider-a half-blood unable to hold a respectable rank. But she's determined to prove herself as a loyal protector of the kingdom she loves. Her dream is to become a member of the King's elite guard, and she's not going to let anything stand in her way...not even her growing feelings for her boss, Ridley Dresden. A relationship between them is strictly forbidden, but Bryn can't fight her attraction to him. And she's beginning to think he feels it too. Meanwhile, there's an attack on the kingdom-one that will test Bryn's strength like never before. Finally, she has the chance to confront Konstantin Black, the traitor who tried to kill her father years ago. It's up to Bryn to put a stop to him before he strikes again. But is she willing to risk everything to protect a kingdom that doesn't accept her for who she really is? And when her mission brings her closer to Ridley, will she be able to deny her heart?

  • af Amanda Hocking
    93,95 kr.

    Alice er blevet forenet med sin elskede Jack, men resten af klanen er nu spredt over det meste af kloden. Under et ophold hos Peter og May i Australien må Alice endnu engang konstatere, at Peters fysiske tilstedeværelse griber forstyrrende ind i hendes sjæleliv, men alt dette blegner, da Jack ringer med forfærdelige nyheder om bedsteveninden Jane. Janes grusomme skæbne efterlader Alice i dyb sorg, men også fast besluttet på at gøre noget. Hun indleder en jagt på Janes morder, en jagt, der fører hende langt ind i byens – og ikke mindst et sygt sinds – afkroge. Hendes færd bringer voldsomme gensyn med både venner og gamle fjender, og i nattens mørke kan det være svært at gennemskue, hvem der er hvem ... Under jagten bliver Alice stillet over for store spørgsmål, for hvad skal man bruge evigt liv til? Og Jack og Alice må se i øjnene at deres kærlighed til trods, kan sandheden både være svær at fortælle og svær at høre."Blodets bånd" er en fantasyserie, der kredser om kærlighed og venskab blandt vampyrer og helt almindelige mennesker.Amanda Hocking (f. 1984) er en amerikansk forfatter, der skriver romantiske fantasyromaner for unge. Hun begyndte allerede i en tidlig alder at skrive i sin fritid, og fra 2010 udgav hun selv en del af sine bøger som e-bøger. De opnåede hurtigt enorm popularitet, og de etablerede forlag fik snart øjnene op for den unge forfatter. I dag har hun udgivet mere end tyve bøger.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    212,95 kr.

    Amanda Hocking, the New York Times bestselling author of The Kanin Chronicles, returns to the magical world of the Trylle Trilogy with The Ever After, the final novel in The Omte Origins arc.Buried memories...Ulla Tulin has lost a month of her life. Her journey to learn who her parents are has brought her to the attention of the Älvolk sect-and a man claiming to be her father. But instead of a long lost family reunion, Ulla has forgotten her time there, and fears something terrible happened.Sacred flower...The Älvolk released Ulla alive for one reason only, to exchange her for a rare flower with mystical properties. Determined to break her amnesia, Ulla risks her life against a dark enchantment capable of killing her to remember the Älvolk's secrets-to use the flower as part of an incantation that will open the bridge to Alfheim, the First City.Blood prophecy...But opening the bridge will unleash a menagerie of monstrous creatures upon Earth that will consume everything in their path. Knowing she may lose Pan Soriano, the love of her life, Ulla nevertheless gathers an army of Trylle to stand with her and defend humanity as well as her own kind. And it is Ulla's very heritage that holds the key to victory.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    212,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author Amanda Hocking returns to the magical world of the Trylle with The Morning Flower, the second book in the Omte Origins arc.Welcome back to the kingdom of the Omte-a forest realm where secrets and danger, human nature and ancient mythology collide.Where truth is stranger than fiction.Searching for answers to her own shrouded origins, Ulla Tulin's journey of exploration takes a sudden turn when Eliana is kidnapped. Turning toward the Omte capital instead of the institute where she hoped to learn the truth about her identity, Ulla must put Eliana's welfare before her own-a sacrifice that will present all new dangers to them both. When history is still unwritten.Ulla never expected that once she arrived she'd discover the identity of a Skojare man who crossed paths with her mother-a man who could very well be her father. Given the man's connections to the Älvolk, a secret society tasked with protecting the location of the First City, Ulla is soon dispatched to Sweden to find him.One woman will dare to go wherever fate will take her...Now Ulla, along with her maybe boyfriend Pan, finds herself on a desperate race against time to locate her kin-who could very well pose a danger to her kingdom. Nobody and nothing is as it seems as she penetrates the dark heart of the Älvolk...all the way to the secret Lost Bridge to the First City, where an unknown future awaits for Ulla and her kind.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    117,95 kr.

    Amanda Hocking, the New York Times bestselling author of The Kanin Chronicles, returns to the magical world of the Trylle Trilogy with The Lost City, the first novel in The Omte Origins-and the final story arc in her beloved series. The storm and the orphanTwenty years ago, a woman sought safety from the spinning ice and darkness that descended upon a small village. She was given shelter for the night by the local innkeepers but in the morning, she disappeared-leaving behind an infant. Now nineteen, Ulla Tulin is ready to find who abandoned her as a baby or why.The institution and the questUlla knows the answers to her identity and heritage may be found at the Mimirin where scholars dedicate themselves to chronicling troll history. Granted an internship translating old documents, Ulla starts researching her own family lineage with help from her handsome and charming colleague Pan Soriano.The runaway and the mysteryBut then Ulla meets Eliana, a young girl who no memory of who she is but who possesses otherworldly abilities. When Eliana is pursued and captured by bounty hunters, Ulla and Pan find themselves wrapped up in a dangerous game where folklore and myth become very real and very deadly-but one that could lead Ulla to the answers she's been looking for.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    212,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    287,95 kr.

  • - A Gothic Romance
    af Amanda Hocking
    172,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    93,95 kr.

    Som så mange andre teenagere prøver syttenårige Alice at klare sig nogenlunde gennem highschool, mens hun fordriver tid med sin veninde, Jane, og tager sig af sin lillebror, Milo. Men hendes liv skifter fuldstændig kurs, da hun en aften møder den sjove og charmerende Jack. Alice forstår ikke helt, hvad det er ved Jack, som gør ham så tiltrækkende, og heller ikke hans besynderlige livsstil, men de bliver hurtigt venner. Og måske også lidt mere end det ... I hvert fald indtil hun møder Jacks bror, Peter.Et enkelt blik fra Peter er nok til at indfange Alice fuldstændig, og hun kan slet ikke tænke klart, når han er i nærheden. Og det til trods for, at han tydeligvis ikke kan foredrage hende eller ønsker hende i nærheden.Alice er klar over, at Jack og Peter og deres familie ikke er som alle andre. Men præcis hvad der er med dem, er hun ikke klar over. Heller ikke hvor stor en rolle hun kommer til at spille for familiens fremtid – fanget som hun er mellem to brødre, der hver især gør krav på hende ..."Blodets bånd" er en fantasyserie, der kredser om kærlighed og venskab blandt vampyrer og helt almindelige mennesker.Amanda Hocking (f. 1984) er en amerikansk forfatter, der skriver fantasykærlighedsromaner for unge. Hun begyndte allerede i en tidlig alder at skrive i sin fritid, og fra 2010 udgav hun selv en del af sine bøger som e-bøger. De opnåede hurtigt enorm popularitet, og de etablerede forlag fik snart øjnene op for den unge forfatter. I dag har hun udgivet mere end tyve bøger.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    107,95 kr.

    Friendships will be tested, challenges will be overcome, and an earth-shattering secret will be revealed in this final instalment of the Omte Origins trilogy by Amanda Hocking, bestselling author of the Trylle trilogy.

  • af Amanda Hocking
    117,95 kr.

    As the friends race to uncover clues as to Ulla's heritage, their enemies are closing in . . . In this second instalment of the Omte Origins trilogy, Hocking returns to the world of the Trylle.

  • - Valkyrie Book One
    af Amanda Hocking
    115,95 kr.

    Between the Blade and the Heart is the first book in a brilliant new YA fantasy duology inspired by Norse Mythology by New York Times bestselling author Amanda Hocking.When the fate of the world is at stakeLoyalties will be testedAs one of Odin's Valkyries, Malin's greatest responsibility is to slay immortals and return them to the underworld. But when she unearths a secret that could unravel the balance of all she knows, Malin along with her best friend and her ex-girlfriend must decide where their loyalties lie. And if helping the blue-eyed boy Asher enact his revenge is worth the risk-to the world and her heart.

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