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  • af Amir Valizadeh
    1.037,95 kr.

    Prostate is an important gland in the male reproductive system. When healthy and in men younger than 50, it is usually the size of a walnut and weighs about 0.75 ounces. The prostate is located in the abdomen, in front of the rectum and between the penis and the bladder. The urethra is the same tube that carries sperm from the testicles and urine from the bladder through the penis and also passes through the prostate. This gland plays a role in male fertility and produces and secretes prostate fluid, which is a part of semen. During ejaculation, sperm move from the testicles through a series of tubes. This causes the prostate muscles to contract in the urethra. This causes the urethra to become blocked from any urine passing through it. Then the semen can enter the urethra and the prostate fluid is released and mixed with the semen from the testicles. Prostate fluid contains an enzyme called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA helps to thin the semen. This source contains enzymes, citric acid and zinc. This fluid is one of the parts of semen that helps protect the sperm. In particular, semen is chemically basic.

  • af Amir Valizadeh
    1.142,95 kr.

    A próstata é uma glândula importante no sistema reprodutor masculino. Quando saudável e em homens com menos de 50 anos, tem normalmente o tamanho de uma noz e pesa cerca de 1,5 kg. A próstata está localizada no abdómen, em frente ao reto e entre o pénis e a bexiga. A uretra é o mesmo tubo que transporta o esperma dos testículos e a urina da bexiga através do pénis e também passa pela próstata. Esta glândula desempenha um papel importante na fertilidade masculina e produz e segrega o líquido prostático, que faz parte do sémen. Durante a ejaculação, os espermatozóides deslocam-se dos testículos através de uma série de tubos. Isto faz com que os músculos da próstata se contraiam na uretra. Isto faz com que a uretra fique bloqueada à passagem da urina. Assim, o sémen pode entrar na uretra e o líquido da próstata é libertado e misturado com o sémen dos testículos. O líquido da próstata contém uma enzima chamada antigénio específico da próstata (PSA). O PSA ajuda a diluir o sémen. Esta fonte contém enzimas, ácido cítrico e zinco. Este fluido é uma das partes do sémen que ajuda a proteger os espermatozóides. Em particular, o sémen é quimicamente básico.

  • af Amir Valizadeh
    1.142,95 kr.

    La prostate est une glande importante du système reproducteur masculin. En bonne santé et chez les hommes de moins de 50 ans, elle a généralement la taille d'une noix et pèse environ 0,75 once. La prostate est située dans l'abdomen, devant le rectum et entre le pénis et la vessie. L'urètre est le même tube qui transporte les spermatozoïdes des testicules et l'urine de la vessie à travers le pénis et passe également par la prostate. Cette glande joue un rôle dans la fertilité masculine et produit et sécrète le liquide prostatique, qui fait partie du sperme. Lors de l'éjaculation, les spermatozoïdes quittent les testicules en passant par une série de tubes. Les muscles de la prostate se contractent alors dans l'urètre. L'urètre est alors bloqué et l'urine ne peut plus y passer. Le sperme peut alors pénétrer dans l'urètre et le liquide prostatique est libéré et mélangé au sperme des testicules. Le liquide prostatique contient une enzyme appelée antigène prostatique spécifique (PSA). Le PSA aide à fluidifier le sperme. Cette source contient des enzymes, de l'acide citrique et du zinc. Ce liquide est l'une des parties du sperme qui contribue à protéger les spermatozoïdes. En particulier, le sperme est chimiquement basique.

  • af Amir Valizadeh
    693,95 kr.

    Prostate is an important gland in the male reproductive system. When healthy and in men younger than 50, it is usually the size of a walnut and weighs about 0.75 ounces. The prostate is located in the abdomen, in front of the rectum and between the penis and the bladder. The urethra is the same tube that carries sperm from the testicles and urine from the bladder through the penis and also passes through the prostate. This gland plays a role in male fertility and produces and secretes prostate fluid, which is a part of semen. During ejaculation, sperm move from the testicles through a series of tubes. This causes the prostate muscles to contract in the urethra. This causes the urethra to become blocked from any urine passing through it. Then the semen can enter the urethra and the prostate fluid is released and mixed with the semen from the testicles. Prostate fluid contains an enzyme called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA helps to thin the semen. This source contains enzymes, citric acid and zinc. This fluid is one of the parts of semen that helps protect the sperm. In particular, semen is chemically basic.

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