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  • af Amy Lane
    112,95 kr.

    Search and Rescue: Book FourSearch-and-rescue worker Spencer Helmsley has everything he needs: a job he loves, a flight partner he'd die for, and an amazing dog.Then he flings himself out of a helicopter to rescue Theo Wainscott.Stuck on a raft in the middle of a flood with the most stubborn, argumentative man in the world, Spencer soon finds himself asking not how they'll survive but what'll kill them first-the water, each other or the sexual tension.While Theo and Spencer are trying to beat the odds, Theo is also trying to beat some sense into his rescuer. Spencer seems to have no regard for his own safety, and that's a problem for Theo. Maybe he's never seen another gay man in the wild, but it doesn't take him long to recognize that he'd like to get to know this one better.If they make it out alive, Theo will have his work cut out for him convincing Spencer to risk his heart instead of his life.

  • af Amy Lane
    242,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    112,95 kr.

    Dante Vianelli and Cully Cromwell have been in love since college, when Dante saved Cully from the world’s worst roommate and introduced him to his friends. Seven years later, they’re still roommates and they’re still in love… but they’ve never become lovers. Now a catastrophic spell gone wrong has cut them off from their coven. Wandering their suburban prison alone, separated by the walls of their own minds and gaps in the space-time continuum, Cully and Dante are as stuck as they have been for the past seven years. And they’ll remain lost in their memories—unless they confront the truths that kept them from taking the step from friends to lovers and trust their friends and coven to get them out. But it’s easier said than done. Those walls didn’t build themselves. Dante’s great at denial, and Cully’s short on trust. Can they do the work it will take to get into each other’s arms and back to the sunlight where they belong?

  • af Amy Lane
    117,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    132,95 - 163,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    187,95 kr.

    Vor langer, langer Zeit wurde Felix Salinger bei seinem ersten Taschendiebstahl erwischt, und Danny Mitchell half ihm zu entkommen. Die beiden waren unzertrennlich ... bis sie sich trennten. Zwanzig Jahre nach dieser ersten Begegnung kehrt Danny nach Chicago zurück, in die Stadt, in der er mit Felix und ihrer perfekten Familie gelebt hat, um ihn erneut zu retten. Felix' Nachrichtensender - der schuld an ihrer Trennung war - steht durch eine skrupellose Mitarbeiterin, die schwere Anschuldigungen gegen Felix erhebt, unter Beschuss. Eine offizielle Untersuchung könnte ihr Kartenhaus zum Einsturz bringen. Der einzige Weg, Felix' Unschuld zu beweisen, besteht darin, ihren bisher größten Betrug durchzuführen. Doch obwohl Felix sein Talent für Gaunereien nicht verloren hat, ist das Wiedersehen mit Danny bittersüß. Ihre zehnjährige Trennung hat in beiden Herzen Löcher hinterlassen, die keine noch so große Diebesbeute füllen kann. Eine Gruppe junger, unerfahrener Diebe steht ihnen zur Seite, während sie mit alten Juwelen handeln und gegen neue Bedrohungen kämpfen, um den perfekten Raub durchzuziehen. Die schwierigste Aufgabe wird allerdings sein, zu beweisen, dass die Liebe das einzig Wertvolle ist, das sie je besessen haben.

  • af Amy Lane
    144,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    99,95 kr.

    When Jordan casts a spell to help his friends, he doesn't expect to summon Mack to his door. Mack is happy to assist--Jordan is intense, and Mack is into it. But the rescue will require quiet, private Jordan to confront his heart's desire.

  • af Amy Lane
    192,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    207,95 kr.

    Buch 2 in der Serie - Keeping Promise RockShane Perkins wollte immer ein Held sein. Doch dann wird seine Karriere zerstort, weil er nicht aufgeben wollte und gekampft hat. Als er aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen wird, bleiben ihm nur eine leere Wohnung, eine Unmenge Geld und die Sehnsucht nach einem Menschen, der ihn vermissen wird, falls er noch einmal im Dienst verwundet werden sollte. Er endet als Polizist in einer Kleinstadt namens Levee Oaks. Seine Sehnsucht nach einer eigenen Familie bringt ihn dazu, sich mit seiner flatterhaften, unbestandigen Schwester Kimmy zu versohnen. Kimmy ist Tanzerin, und als Shane sie das erste Mal mit ihrem Tanzpartner auf der Buhne sieht, bleibt ihm die Luft weg.Mikhail Wassiljewitsch Bayul tanzt wie ein Engel, hat aber keine sehr himmlische Vergangenheit. Nach seiner Ausreise aus Russland hat er sich zwei Dinge versprochen: Nicht mehr auf der Strae zu landen und mit seiner Mutter vor ihrem Tod noch eine wunderbare Reise zu machen. Es kommt fr ihn nicht infrage, Verpflichtungen einzugehen und anderen Menschen Versprechen zu machen. Aber das war, bevor er Shane kennenlernte. Der ernsthafte, mutige und so bescheidene Shane spricht Mikhails Sprache und - was Mikhail am meisten berrascht - Shane hat die unerwartete Eigenschaft, seine Versprechen zu halten.

  • af Amy Lane
    207,95 kr.

    Buch 1 in der Serie - Keeping Promise Rock Carrick Francis besa schon immer die zweifelhafte Gabe, Arger und Probleme jeder Art wie ein Magnet anzuziehen. Das einzige, was ihn vor Haftstrafen oder Schlimmerem bewahrte, ist seine unverbruchliche Freundschaft zu Deacon Winters. Deacon war seine Rettung und half ihm, seine ungluckliche Kindheit und die Misshandlungen durch seinen Vater zu uberstehen. Crick wurde alles tun, um fur immer bei Deacon bleiben zu konnen. Deshalb schiebt er seine Studienplane auf als Deacons Vater stirbt. Er springt ein und hilft seinem Freund, so wie der ihm geholfen hat.Deacon wnscht sich nichts mehr, als dass Crick seinen schlechten Erinnerungen und ihrer kleinen Stadt entflieht und eine strahlende Zukunft findet. Aber nach zwei Jahren, in denen seine Gefhle fr seinen Freund immer tiefer werden, kann er der Versuchung nicht mehr widerstehen und gibt Cricks Annherungsversuchen nach. Der schchterne Deacon gibt endlich zu, dass er ein Teil von Cricks Leben werden mchte.Aber Crick wartet nur darauf, von Deacon wieder verstoen zu werden - so wie er in der Vergangenheit von seiner Familie verstoen wurde. Eine seiner typischen, spontanen Fehlentscheidungen lsst ihn weit weg von zuhause enden. Deacon bleibt allein zurck. Er ist am Boden zerstrt und muss hart kmpfen, bis er sein gebrochenes Herz wieder heilen und er in einer Welt berleben kann, in der Cricks Liebe ein ewiges Versprechen ist, das vielleicht niemals in Erfllung gehen wird.

  • af Amy Lane
    172,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    112,95 - 187,95 kr.

  • - Integrale
    af Amy Lane
    172,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    127,95 kr.

    Hedge Witches Lonely Hearts Club: Book TwoSometimes love is flashier than magic.On the surface, Alex Kennedy is unremarkable: average looks, boring accounting job, predictable crush on his handsome playboy boss, Simon Reddick.But he's also a witch.Business powerhouse Simon goes for flash and glamour most of the time. But something about Alex makes Simon wonder what's underneath that sweet, gentle exterior.Alex could probably dance around their attraction forever if not for the spell gone wrong tearing apart his haunted cul-de-sac. When a portal through time and space swallows the dog he's petsitting, only for the pampered pooch to appear in the next instant on Simon's doorstep, Alex and Simon must confront not only the rogue magic trying to take over Alex's coven, but the long-buried passion they've been harboring for each other.

  • - An Empowering Guide to Running Well Far
    af Amy Lane & Edward Lane
    99,95 - 117,95 kr.

    The must-have handbook to inform and inspire you to start running for good by Amy Lane - Women's Health Digital Editor and creator of hugely popular running podcast, Well Far.

  • af Amy Lane
    99,95 - 192,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    112,95 - 172,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    112,95 kr.

    Search and Rescue: Book ThreeFive months ago boy-band lead singer Cash Harper left Glen Echo in a hospital in Jalisco... and broke his heart.Glen's heart is the only home Cash has ever known. He's spent the past five months trying to find his friend Brielle and make sense of his own instincts. Now he's ready to be a real partner and lover to Glen-but first they have to finish their original mission.Glen is ready for Cash to walk through his door needing help, but he is absolutely determined not to let him back into his heart. Men don't run. Cash did. End of story.Rescuing Brielle will take the full talents of Glen's search and rescue company, and that means Cash needs to re-earn the team's trust. Between Bond-villain traps, snakes that shouldn't be there, and bad guys with guns, they all have plenty to negotiate. If Cash can prove he can stay the course and that he deserves Glen's faith, they might survive this op whole and ready to love.

  • af Amy Lane
    112,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    145,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    136,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    112,95 kr.

    Search and Rescue: Book TwoDog wrangler Preston Echo has been in love with his brother's best friend, copilot, and business partner since high school-and Damien Ward knew it. As Preston grew into a stunning, hard-willed man, Damien began to dream of Preston too. Then Damien almost died in a helicopter crash. While his physical wounds are slowly healing, the blows to his self-confidence and goodwill are almost worse. His body is broken and he's afraid to fly-how can Preston love him now?When Preston's brother goes on a search-and-rescue mission and disappears in an earthquake zone in Mexico, Preston and Damien are thrown together in an effort to find him and bring him back. Preston's merciless honesty-and relentless passion-may leverage Damien into his bed, but can Damien overcome his fears to allow himself to stay there?

  • af Amy Lane
    167,95 kr.

    A Winter Ball NovelAs far as Clay Carpenter is concerned, his abusive relationship with food is the best thing he's got going. When a good friend starts kicking his ass into gear, Clay is forced to reexamine everything he learned about food and love-and that's right when he meets troubled graduate student, Dane Hayes.Dane Hayes doesn't do the whole monogamy thing, but the minute he meets Clay Carpenter, he's doing the friend thing in spades. The snarky, scruffy bastard not only gets Dane's wacky sense of humor, he also accepts the things Dane can't control-like the bipolar disorder Dane has been trying to manage for the past six years.Dane is hoping for more than friendship, and Clay is looking at him with longing that isn't platonic. They're both positive they're bad at relationships, but with the help of forbidden desserts and new medication regimens, they prove outstanding at being with each other. But can they turn their friendship into the love neither of them has dared to hope for?

  • af Amy Lane
    197,95 kr.

    Fish Out of Water: Book FiveJackson Rivers has always bucked the rules-and bucking the rules of recovery is no exception. Now that he and Ellery are starting their own law firm, there's no reason he can't rush into trouble and take the same risks as always, right?Maybe not. Their first case is a doozy, involving porn stars, drug empires, and daddy issues, and their client, Henry Worrall, wants to be an active participant in his own defense. As Henry and Jackson fight the bad guys and each other to find out who dumped the porn star in the trash can, Jackson must reexamine his assumptions that four months of rest and a few good conversations have made him all better inside.Jackson keeps crashing his bicycle of self-care and a successful relationship, and Ellery wonders what's going to give out first-Jackson's health or Ellery's patience. Jackson's body hasn't forgiven him for past crimes. Can Ellery forgive him for his current sins? And can they keep Henry from going to jail for sleeping with the wrong guy at the wrong time?Being a fish out of water is tough-but if you give a fish a bicycle, how's he going to swim?

  • af Amy Lane
    197,95 kr.

    Seth Arnold learned at an early age that two things in life could make his soul soar-his violin and Kelly Cruz. In Seth's uncertain childhood, the kindness of the Cruz family, especially Kelly and his brother, Matty, gave Seth the stability to make his violin sing with the purest sound and opened a world of possibility beyond his home in Sacramento.Kelly Cruz has loved Seth forever, but he knows Seth's talents shouldn't be hidden, not when the world is waiting. Encouraging Seth to follow his music might break Kelly's heart, but he is determined to see the violin set Seth's soul free. When their world is devastated by a violent sexual assault and Matty's prejudices turn him from a brother to an enemy, Seth and Kelly's future becomes uncertain.Seth can't come home and Kelly can't leave, but they are held together by a love that they clutch with both hands.Seth and Kelly are young and the world is wide-the only thing they know for certain is they'll follow their heartstrings to each other's arms whenever time and fate allow. And pray that one day they can follow that string to forever before it slices their hearts in two.

  • af Amy Lane
    177,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    177,95 kr.

  • af Amy Lane
    137,95 kr.

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