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Bøger af Ann Voskamp

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  • - En udfordring til at leve HELT og FULDT her og nu
    af Ann Voskamp
    186,95 kr.

    Et Tusinde GaverAt leve fuldt ud lige der hvor du erForfatteren Ann Voskamp er landmandskone, mor til 6 børn – som hun giver hjemmeundervisning - og forfatter.Hun deler sit hjerte med os i denne utrolig smukke bog om at se skønheden i de mange små oplevelser - hver dag. Gennem bogen følger vi Ann og hendes familie i deres, til tider, slidsomme liv. Forfatteren viser os, hvordan hun lærer at sætte pris på de mange velsignelser i løbet af dagen, og hendes hjerte glæder sig over stort og småt. Det er på denne måde, hun finder ud af at leve fuldt ud, der hvor hun er i livet. Hun ser Guds storhed i det små og vokser med den erkendelse både menneskeligt og åndeligt. Oplevelsen af Guds nærvær er jo det, der bringer os denne dybe og vedvarende glæde. Ann Voskamp har som barn været igennem nogle traumatiske oplevelser, der kaster lange skygger ind i voksenlivet. I en periode, hvor hun syntes livet var hårdt og træls, blev hun udfordret af en veninde til at skrive alle de små ting ned, der var gode eller smukke i hverdagen. Det gør hun så, først lidt modvilligt, men hen over tid bliver det til en form for guddommelig observation. Ligesom Ann Voskamp ønsker vi vel også at leve vores liv med 100 % nærvær. Vi kan glemme ønskelisten over eksotiske og fjerne steder, der får os til at flygte fra hverdagens trivialiteter. ”Hvordan” undrer Ann sig ”finder vi glæden midt i deadlines, ubetalte regninger, drama og daglige gøremål? Hvordan ser Kristus-livet virkeligt ud, når dine dage er fuld af gnidninger, lange og sommetider mørke? Hvordan finder vi Gud også der?” I ”Et Tusinde Gaver” opfordres vi til at omfavne hver dags velsignelse og gå om bord i den forvandling, der sker, når vi vænner os til at nedskrive Guds gaver til os. Ann siger videre, at ”det er kun ved at give udtryk for taknemlighed over det liv, vi har, at vi opdager det liv, vi altid har ønsket os….et liv vi kan gribe, sige tak for og dele ud til andre”. Vi vil opdage det ’umulige’ lige ind i vores knogler: at vi er vildt elsket af Gud.

  • - A Dare to Hope
    af Ann Voskamp
    145,95 kr.

    Using her own personal story of adopting a Chinese daughter and sponsoring a refugee family, New York Times bestselling author Ann Voskamp shows in The Way Maker how God will always make a way, not to where we may want to go, but to Him.

  • - En udfordring til at leve HELT og FULDT her og nu
    af Ann Voskamp
    157,95 kr.

    Få øjnene op for tusind velsignelserHer er udfordringen til at leve HELT og FULDT - her og nu!Et Tusinde Gaver er signalet til dig om at søge væk fra stolthedens, frygtens og den strenge selvkontrols barske terræn og sætte din lid til den Gud, som fylder dit bæger i overflod. Efterhånden som forfatteren lader dig få indblik i sine egne nådefyldte øjeblikke, vil hun nænsomt lære dig, hvordan du kan bruge Bibelen til at sørge over tab ved at vende smerten til poesi, hvordan du bevidst baserer dit liv på dyb og inderlig taknemmelighed, sætter tempoet ned og mærker Gud i nuet.Et Tusinde Gaver er ikke en bog, der blot skal læses og stilles i reolen; det er derimod en dejlig praktisk guide til at leve et liv i glæde. Hen ad vejen vil du opdage, at taknemmelighed er en måde at leve livet på, som bringer dyb og varig lykke og som viser vej til sandheder om Guds rige glæde og forvandler dit liv for evigt.I bogen opfordres vi til at omfavne hver dags velsignelse og gå om bord i den forvandling, der sker, når vi vænner os til at nedskrive Guds gaver til os. Ann siger videre, at ”det er kun ved at give udtryk for taknemlighed over det liv, vi har, at vi opdager det liv, vi altid har ønsket os….et liv vi kan gribe, sige tak for og dele ud til andre”. Vi vil opdage det ’umulige’ lige ind i vores knogler: at vi er vildt elsket af Gud.

  • af Ann Voskamp
    192,95 kr.

  • af Ann Voskamp
    372,95 kr.

  • af Ann Voskamp
    217,95 kr.

  • af Ann Voskamp
    147,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Ann Voskamp
    247,95 kr.

    For every time you've ever asked, ';Where are you God?'When the story of our lives, the expectations of our one and only life, hasn't turned out to be quite what we always dreamed of, life can feel disorienting, as if we are being tossed and thrown by incoming waves and there's no way through. How do you navigate through the pounding storms of life with an internal calm and peace that is anchored and unwavering?Join New York Times best-selling author Ann Voskamp as she teaches you S.A.C.R.E.D., a daily habit, a rule of life, a way of life, that will reorient your soul in relation to God through Scripture and prayer and study. This powerful spiritual practice that Ann unpacks in this study will become your directing compass through the hard seasons where it feels like there is no way only to find you have a WayMaker making an unexpected way into the life you only dreamed of. This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:The study guide itself - video teaching notes, group discussion questions, personal study and application of the life-changing SACRED habit, and a welcome letter from Ann for introducing each session.An individual access code to stream all six video sessions online (you don't need to buy a DVD!).Watch on any device!Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2027. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Eligible only on retail purchases inside the United States. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

  • af Sally Lloyd-Jones, Ann Voskamp, Lisa Harper, mfl.
    211,95 kr.

  • - A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
    af Ann Voskamp
    195,95 kr.

    10th Anniversary Special Edition with More than 1.5 Million Copies SoldNew York Times bestselling author Ann Voskamp invites you to embrace everyday blessings and embark on the transformative spiritual discipline of chronicling God's gifts.

  • - A 60-Day Journey into a Deeply Meaningful Life
    af Ann Voskamp
    217,95 kr.

    As Ann Voskamp writes, each of us holds enough brokenness to overflow---to be given as the greatest story of our lives. The Way of Abundance is a rich new devotional reminding us that daring to be broken and given like Christ is the only way to the abundant life.

  • - Let Your Broken Be Turned into Abundance
    af Ann Voskamp
    197,95 kr.

    Be the Gift, by New York Times-bestselling author Ann Voskamp, will challenge and encourage you to listen to God and look for opportunities to be His gift to others.

  • - A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
    af Ann Voskamp
    142,95 kr.

  • - Reflections on Finding Everyday Graces
    af Ann Voskamp
    195,95 kr.

    This One Thousand Gifts Devotional includes sixty devotions inspired by the New York Times bestseller One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Each devotion provides a daily Scripture and prayer, inviting you to go deeper into the concept of grace explored in her book and on her blog. Includes a special section to record your own thoughts of gratitude.

  • - Finding the Way to the Life You've Always Dreamed Of
    af Ann Voskamp
    387,95 kr.

    We can trust that God, the WayMaker, is always at work creating the life of our dreams, through ways we never would have dreamed for ourselves.

  • af Ann Voskamp
    322,95 kr.

    Unwrap the greatest Gift with your family this Advent season!Person by person, story by story, retrace the lineage of Jesus. Fall in love with Him all over again as you experience God's plan of salvation for us--from the Garden of Eden to the manger and beyond.With vivid, full-color illustrations, downloadable ornaments, and moving scenes from the Bible, this book is a gift your whole family can unwrap each day leading up to Christmas.Each devotion includes the following: Scripture readings to go along with each story Questions and activities to engage the entire family Beautiful illustrations to further enhance each readingCelebrate the best love story of all time with your family!

  • - Discovering and Enjoying What God Can Do Through You
    af Susie Larson
    172,95 kr.

    Popular Radio Host Shows Women How to Embrace God's Unique Call for Their LifeListeners to Susie Larson's radio show and women she meets at events across the country tell her the same thing: I want to do something meaningful for God, but I don't know what to do, or how.Drawing on her own hard-earned experiences, Larson shows readers how to overcome insecurities, busyness, and other obstacles in order to focus their gifts and passions on their unique God-assignment. With biblical insights and inspiring stories from a variety of women, this action-oriented guide will speak to every woman who has felt a nudge from God--from the visionary who wants to end poverty to the empty-nest mom who feels called to help the young single mother next door.

  • - A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
    af Ann Voskamp
    306,95 kr.

    In the five-session small group Bible study, One Thousand Gifts, best-selling author Ann Voskamp reveals the amazing grace of God that transcends even the most dire circumstances. This pack includes one Participant Guide and one DVD.

  • - El Desaf O a Tener Plenitud de Vida All Mismo Donde Est S
    af Ann Voskamp
    172,95 kr.

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