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  • af Anna-Lena Prüser
    322,95 kr.

    Literature Review from the year 2017 in the subject Economics - Other, grade: 1,7, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, language: English, abstract: Commuting describes the regular travel between residence and workplace. The morning and evening ritual is a time-consuming activity, which is often necessary in order to practice a profession but prevents from doing other more pleasant activities. For 54% of the EU employees it takes up to 30 minutes to commute to their place of work, 30% need 31 to 60 minutes and 16% need even more than one hour for one way, as the European Working Condition Survey recently reported (2015).

  • af Anna-Lena Prüser
    401,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Geography / Earth Science - Economic Geography, grade: 1,3, University of Twente , language: English, abstract: This bachelor thesis examines a city¿s interlinkage in the globalizing processes and aims at answering the research question: To what extent can Hamburg be qualified as a Global City in terms of its localization of global producer services and cultural industries? Global cities are defined as local nodes of the corporate service sector and the cultural economy, which are associated in a global network. Following this, an in-depth analysis of Hamburg¿s performance on the economic and cultural dimension will be provided in order to clarify its global city status. It will be innovative in two respects: Firstly, it will provide an incorporation of both dimensions (economic and culture) into its analysis in order to provide a more comprehensive and less biased estimate of a metropolis¿ global city status, a practice that has not been conducted in the literature so far. Secondly, it will apply this dualistic approach to the city of Hamburg. Even though it is the second largest city in Germany (according to population numbers), Hamburg has not yet been subject of detailed investigation by global city researcher. In a SWOT-analysis the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the producer service sector and the cultural economy are outlined in order to determine their basic situation; the sectors¿ integration in the global networks are discussed mainly on basis of the Globalization and World Cities Studies Research Network (GaWC) dataset and the data generated by Kratke (2010). By linking the local conditions with the global perspective on both sectors, the not fully developed functional status of Hamburg as a global city becomes clear; it is a global city ¿in the second row¿. Derived from this finding, recommendations for a better involvement in the global networks are provided.

  • af Anna-Lena Prüser
    607,95 kr.

    Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich VWL - Wettbewerbstheorie, Wettbewerbspolitik, Note: 2,3, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Sowohl im europäischen Raum als auch in Deutschland mehren sich die Stimmen, welche eine Kriminalisierung von Zuwiderhandlungen gegen das Kartellverbot fordern. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Frage, ob die strafrechtliche Verfolgung von Hardcore-Kartellen, jene besonders sozialschädlichen Absprachen zwischen Unternehmen, ein aus rechtlicher Perspektive geeignetes und aus ökonomischer Perspektive effizientes wettbewerbspolitisches Instrument darstellt. Dabei bildet das europäische und deutsche Recht den Rahmen, innerhalb dessen sich ein solches Kriminalisierungsvorhaben bewegen muss. Zusätzlich kann die Schaffung eines entsprechenden strafrechtlichen Tatbestandes nur legitimiert sein, wenn gewisse strafrechtsdogmatische Anforderungen erfüllt werden. Die ökonomische Analyse des Rechts bietet einen geeigneten Rahmen, um die Effektivität des Vorhabens anhand der Wohlfahrts- und Verhaltensökonomie zu beurteilen. Die Ergebnisse der Literaturarbeit deuten auf erhebliche rechtliche Bedenken und Effizienzrisiken einer strafrechtlichen Verfolgung von Hardcore-Kartellen hin, infolgedessen Kriminalitätsbestrebungen für den deutschen Rechtsraum abzulehnen sind. Stattdessen empfiehlt sich die Fortentwicklung der beiden Steuerungsgrößen Ahndungswahrscheinlichkeit und Schwere der Sanktionierung, um eine optimale Abschreckung gegenüber der Bildung neuer Hardcore-Kartelle zu erwirken.

  • af Anna-Lena Prüser
    311,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich Jura - Zivilrecht / Handelsrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht, Kartellrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Note: 1,7, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Mit Blick in die Geschichtsbücher lässt sich feststellen, dass umfassende Reformen unabhängig von ihrem Wirkungsraum immer auf einschneidende Krisen zurück zu führen sind. So führte z.B. die Weltwirtschaftskrise der 1930er Jahre zu einer Reihe von Strukturreformen im Finanz- und Bankensektor Italiens, dem Italienischen Bankengesetzt von 1936. Die gegenwärtige Krise ist durch ihre Globalität gekennzeichnet, begann sie doch ursprünglich mit dem Platzen der US-amerikanischen Immobilienblase. Starke Interdependenzen der liberalisierten Finanzmärkte ermöglichten jedoch eine schnelle Übertragung der Krise auf weitere Märkte und Staaten. Weltweit mussten Finanzinstitute hohe Abschreibungen verbuchen und gerieten so in Liquiditätsschwierigkeiten. Um die Kapitalmittelversorgung der Realwirtschaft nicht zu gefährden, sprang der Steuerzahler mit teuren Rettungsprogrammen ein. Die Verluste der Finanzwirtschaft wurden sozialisiert, indem die öffentliche Hand die Haftungsverpflichtung eines privatwirtschaftlich organisierten Sektors übernahm. Die Rettung systemischer Banken enthüllte das dysfunktionale Beziehungsgeflecht zwischen Staaten und Banken, denn es zwang eine Reihe von Eurostaaten zur Aufnahme hoher Staatsschulden und führte sie so in Refinanzierungsschwierigkeiten. Die Staatsschuldenkrise, welche die Euro-Währungsgemeinschaft bis an den Rand ihrer Existenz drängte, offenbart den Bedarf einer nachhaltigen Reformierung der Finanzmarktregulierung und wurde so zu einer endgültigen Absage an die Ideologie der sich selbst regulierenden Märkte und des restriktiven staatlichen Eingreifens. Stattdessen wurde der enorme Reformbedarf erkannt, um das Finanzsystem zu stabileren und die Resilienz der Banken zu erhöhen.

  • af Anna-Lena Prüser
    151,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2017 in the subject Law - European and International Law, Intellectual Properties, grade: 1,0, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, language: English, abstract: On the 26th July 2012, a time characterised by uncertainties about the future of the Eurozone, Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) declared ¿Within our mandate, the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me, it will be enough.¿ The announcement detached historic political, economic and especially legal incidents. Only two months later, the ECB published a press release, which proclaimed the introduction of Outright Monetary Transactions. These operations allowed for the purchase of government bonds form Member States (MSs), which take part in the ESFS or ESM and conquer macroeconomic structural adjustment programmes. Despite the fact that the press release was hardly ever followed by a binding legal act or instrument to implement OMT, the mere pronouncement had the power to reassure the financial markets. From that date on, there were no more such extreme spreads in interest rates for government bonds. But the announcement caused a judicial tremor, known as the Gauweiler case. In response to Gauweiler and others¿ complaint against the OMT, the German Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) asked the Europan Court of Justice (ECJ) the first time in history for a preliminary ruling (Art. 267 TFEU) on the legality of the OMT programme. According to the BVerfG the ECB has exceeded its role provided by the Treaties of the European Union ultra vires by initiating a measure that a) has an economic and not a monetary nature (Art. 127 TFEU) and b) violates the prohibition of monetary financing (Art. 123 TFEU). The ECJ¿s judgement was very different from that of the BVerfG, in the way that the OMT programme is compatible with EU law in the light of the European Court. Gauweiler had extensive implications on the powers of the ECB, the relation-ship between the ECJ and national courts (especially the BVerfG) and the constitutional framework of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). In addition, the case made important contributions to the distinctions between economic and monetary policy.

  • af Anna-Lena Prüser
    311,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2018 in the subject Politics - Region: Africa, grade: 1,0, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, language: English, abstract: As history tells us, economic development is typically identified as the driver of regional integration. Efforts to bring countries in one region together have been going on for several decades and both, experience and theory, encourage the potential of economic development for regional cooperation. The European Union is the prime example: the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952 was the basis for a common market for these resources and this idea of free movement was transferred to all goods, services, capital and labour in the subsequent decades. Parallel to that, the development of global regimes, such as the World Trade Organizations¿ legal framework, stimulated developing countries to form their own regional organizations in order to keep up with trade liberalization.

  • af Anna-Lena Prüser
    311,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2017 in the subject Politics - Topic: Development Politics, grade: 1,3, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, language: English, abstract: This assignment aims to shed some light into the turbidity of women¿s access to microcredits and their corresponding empowerment. Despite there is a range of literature reviewing the success of specific microfinance programs in different communities, here an overall picture of microcredits¿ capabilities to empower women will be developed.From 1997 when the first Microfinance Summit took place until today, 18 summits brought together microfinance practitioners, educational institutions, donors, financial institutions and non-governmental organizations to facilitate knowledge experience sharing in microfinance. While pushing this topic forward, the Microfinance Summit Campaign works on four issues. Next to ¿Reaching the Poorest¿, ¿Financial Self-Sustainability¿ and ¿A Positive, Measurable Impact¿ is ¿Empowering Women¿ among the top four goals. Thereby microfinance and empowering women just covers two essential objectives of the United Nations Development Goals set in 2015. But the potential to empower the poorest people of the world were already recognized in the 1970¿s and 1980¿s when the first microfinance intuition, the Garmeen Bank in Bangladesh, was established. In the following decades, microfinance instruments, especially microcredits, underwent a unique success story and became one of the most popular development tools. In 2013, microfinance institutions counted 211 million clients, among them 114 poorest borrowers.

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