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  • af Asia Bibi
    177,95 kr.

    "I was going to die because of a cup of water." After drinking water from the same cup as Muslim women, Asia Bibi, a Christian, was sentenced to hang by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 2010 on charges of blasphemy. Bibi's case polarized all of Pakistan and mobilized international support from across the globe, including politicians, journalists, and countless organizations and supporters who fought for her freedom. For nine long years, Bibi awaited death in prison until she was formally acquitted in January 2019. Now a political exile, Bibi is reunited with her family in the West, but she will never be allowed to return to her homeland. In Free at Last, Asia and journalist Anne-Isabelle Tollet, who championed Asia's cause for nearly a decade, share her story--one that reveals the heart and mind of a woman who refused to renounce her faith and unwittingly became the global symbol of the fight against religious extremism.

  • - En kvindes kamp mod religiøs fanatisme
    af Asia Bibi
    137,95 - 185,95 kr.

    Asia Bibi er på mange måder en typisk pakistansk kvinde fra landet. Hun er gift og mor til tre børn. En dag under hårdt markarbejde i brændende sol kom hun ved en fejl til at drikke vand af samme glas som en muslimsk kvinde. Det udløste et ramaskrig, for Asia Bibi er kristen – en minoritet, som ofte udsættes for forfølgelse i den islamiske republik. I 2010 blev Asia Bibi dømt til hængning. Anklagen lød på blasfemi. Asia Bibis usædvanligt hårde skæbne vakte international opsigt blandt politikere, journalister, hjælpeorganisationer og andre sympatisører, som kæmpede for hendes frihed. Efter ni år i en ussel dødscelle, hvor hovedpersonen ingen kontakt havde med sine børn, blev hun endelig frigivet."Dødsdømt" er en nøgtern, men gribende fortælling om Asia Bibis lange vej til frihed. Hun er nu genforenet med sin familie i Canada og kan aldrig vende tilbage til Pakistan. Bibis personlige historie involverer en kamp for især pigers og kvinders ret til skolegang, selvbestemmelse over eget liv – herunder religionsfrihed.Asia Bibi har fortalt sin historie til journalist og forfatter Anne-Isabelle Tollet. Tollet arbejdede i mange år som korrespondent i Pakistan og var fra 2010 frontkæmper for Asia Bibi.

  • - The true, heartbreaking story of the woman sentenced to death over a cup of water
    af Asia Bibi
    182,95 kr.

    Punjab, Pakistan, June 2009. The temperature is 45 and Asia has been out picking fruit for several hours. It's exhausting, sweaty work, but Asia and her husband have five children to feed. At midday she goes to the nearest well, picks up a cup and takes a long drink of cool water. She refills the cup, drinks some more and then offers it to another woman.Suddenly one of her fellow workers cries out that the water belongs to the Muslim women and that with her actions, Asia - who is Christian - has contaminated it. An argument ignites and in an instant, with one word, Asia's fate is sealed. 'Blasphemy!' someone shouts. In Pakistan this is a charge punishable by death.First attacked by a mob, Asia was soon after thrown into prison and then sentenced to be hanged. Since then she has been kept in a windowless cell. Her family have had to flee their village, under threat from vengeful extremists. In the wave of accusation that followed, only two public figures came to Asia's defence: the Muslim governor of the Punjab and Pakistan's Christian Minister for Minorities. Both have since been brutally murdered. Here, in equal measures shocking and inspiring, Asia Bibi, who has become a symbol for everyone concerned with ending the violence committed in the name of religion, bravely speaks to us from her prison cell.

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