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  • - A royal, erotic tale of dominance and submission.
    af Audrie Rain
    82,95 kr.

    Ruby's infatuation for her Masters grows every day. She is proud to be their subservient lover as they conquer her together. She devotes her love to Diamond and idolizes her power, but as the King's perceptions begin to change, so does his treatment of their statures, leaving Diamond in a struggle for power. And Ruby cannot help when her enchantments begin to falter. The concubines live in a secret collection of chambers hidden behind the library. Their lavish life allows them to bath in waterfalls, dry their voluptuous bodies by fireplaces, and enact their wildest fantasies at the royal master's discretion. Submitting to the King's dominate lust and desire is their only duty in life.

  • af Audrie Rain
    82,95 kr.

    A soldier of virtue lead a failed uprising against the crown. Now imprisoned, starved, and beaten, he is finally put before the tyrannical Queen and questioned. He is certain he will be tortured and lose his head like many, many before him. ...but the Queen seems to have something else in mind. His name, given by the Queen, is a humiliating and permanent reminder that he will forever be collared in iron and treated as a pet. The blood thirsty Queen leverages his life against him to keep him weak of heart, obedient, and submissive. With his old name and memory destroyed, Iron becomes nothing more than a slave to her pleasures and desires, no matter how erotic or degrading they might be. Can he hope to appease the Queen's insatiable lust and sadistic desires at the risk of losing his head?

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