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  • af Benjamin Diri
    766,95 kr.

    Le livre intitulé "Fundamentals of Civil Society Organization in Nigeria" est une exploration perspicace des rôles et des impacts des organisations de la société civile (OSC) au Nigeria. En douze chapitres, il couvre l'évolution historique des OSC, leur implication dans la démocratie, l'éducation, le bien-être et la santé, ainsi que leur rôle dans le développement social. L'ouvrage examine la manière dont les OSC contribuent à la défense et à la formulation des politiques, abordent les questions relatives aux droits de l'homme et participent à la croisade anti-corruption depuis 1999. Il examine également les défis auxquels les OSC sont confrontées et leurs perspectives d'avenir. Ce guide complet est essentiel pour comprendre le rôle multiforme des OSC dans le façonnement du paysage social, politique et économique du Nigeria. Il s'agit d'une ressource essentielle pour les universitaires, les décideurs politiques et toute personne intéressée par la dynamique de la société civile au Nigeria.

  • af Benjamin Diri
    764,95 kr.

    The book title "Fundamentals of Civil Society Organization in Nigeria", is an insightful exploration into the roles and impacts of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Nigeria. Spanning twelve chapters, it covers the historical evolution of CSOs, their involvement in democracy, education, welfare, and health, and their role in social development. The book probes into how CSOs contribute to advocacy and policy formulation, tackle human rights issues, and participate in the anti-corruption crusade since 1999. It also examines the challenges CSOs face and their future prospects. This comprehensive guide is crucial for understanding the multifaceted role of CSOs in shaping Nigeria's social, political, and economic landscape. It's an essential resource for scholars, policymakers, and anyone interested in the dynamics of civil society in Nigeria.

  • af Benjamin Diri
    882,95 kr.

    Nel campo delle scienze sociali, e in particolare delle scienze politiche, molti studenti scelgono il quadro dell'economia politica come strumento analitico principale. Tuttavia, i risultati spesso rivelano una mancanza di comprensione di questo approccio. Riconoscendo questa lacuna, il dottor Benjamin B. Diri ha scritto una guida fondamentale all'economia politica. Sebbene il libro possa essere utile agli studenti post-laurea, in particolare a quelli che non conoscono le scienze politiche, il suo pubblico principale è costituito da studenti universitari e lettori generici che non hanno familiarità con i concetti delle scienze politiche. L'autore demistifica meticolosamente i concetti di economia politica, presentandoli in una sequenza logica, assicurando che anche i neofiti possano afferrarli e applicarli efficacemente, colmando il divario di conoscenze esistente.

  • af Benjamin Diri
    527,95 kr.

    In the realm of Social Science, particularly within Political Science, many students opt for the political economy framework as their primary analytical tool. However, outcomes frequently reveal a lack of understanding of this approach. Recognizing this knowledge gap, Dr. Benjamin B. Diri penned a foundational guide to political economy. While the book can benefit postgraduate students, especially those not versed in political science, its core audience is undergraduates and general readers unfamiliar with political science concepts. The author meticulously demystifies political economy concepts, presenting them in a logical sequence, ensuring even newcomers can grasp and apply them effectively, bridging the existing knowledge gap.

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