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  • af Bjarne Hastrup
    73,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Er du parat til at gøre stop undervejs i livet og reflektere over, hvordan du bevarer livsgnisten?Oftere er der nu fire generationer i samme familie, og 100-års fødselsdagene er i vækst. De lange liv rummer mange muligheder og nye udfordringer. SENIOR COOL er til dig, der har indset, at du må udforske din livskvalitet for at skabe en god, meningsfyldt tilværelse resten af livet.”Seniorer kan se om hjørner. Unge mennesker kan løbe om hjørner.” - forfatter Bjarne Hastrup, administrerende direktør i Ældre Sagen.

  • - The Danish Model
    af Bjarne Hastrup
    260,95 kr.

    The Danish social welfare model has helped place Denmark solidly among the leading countries in the Western world. Social Welfare — The Danish Model charts the dynamics between the public sector, the businesssector and the civil sector. These are the three main actors in the continued negotiations about the Danish model; it is through their agreement (and disagreement) that new and improved versions ofthe model emerge in support of the country’s progress and competitive advantage. And – not least – in support of a society that is a decent society for all. Bjarne Hastrup (MSc. Political Science) is Managing Director and Co-Founder of DaneAge Association, and a Director of DaneAge Foundation. He is very active in the social welfare debate in Denmark and has written a number of books and articles on this topic. He also teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the Danish social welfare model and social welfare economics at the University of Copenhagen.

  • - The Danish Model
    af Bjarne Hastrup
    327,95 kr.

    The Danish social welfare model has helped place Denmark solidly among the leading countries in the Western world. Social Welfare — The Danish Model charts the dynamics between the public sector, the business sector and the civil sector. These are the three main actors in the continued negotiations about the Danish model; it is through their agreement (and disagreement) that new and improved versions of the model emerge in support of the country’s progress and competitive advantage. And – not least – in support of a society that is a decent society for all. Bjarne Hastrup (MSc. Political Science) is Managing Director and Co-Founder of DaneAge Association, and a Director of DaneAge Foundation. He is very active in the social welfare debate in Denmark and has written a number of books and articles on this topic. He also teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the Danish social welfare model and social welfare economics at the University of Copenhagen.

  • - i dansk og international velfærd i begyndelsen af det 21. århundrede
    af Bjarne Hastrup
    277,95 kr.

    Hovedstrømninger giver en analyse af de dramatiske forandringer, der er sket i velfærden i løbet af de seneste århundrede.Danmark har stadig en stjernestatus som verdens mest markante velfærdssamfund. Samtidig har danskerne måttet reformere og tilpasse deres velfærdsmodel, som har oplevet både en helt eksorbitant fremgang i begyndelsen af perioden og et rystende tilbageslag efterfølgende - en krise, landet netop er kommet sig over.Midt i disse begivenheder besluttede danskerne at reformere deres velfærdsstats design, så det passede til globaliseringen og til en ny demografi. Det er første gang, at forhold langt ude i fremtiden er afgørende for indretningen af velfærden i dag.Der er skabt en nyorientering i velfærdstænkningen: fra hjælp og støtte til hjælp til selvhjælp, og fra jobs og arbejdskraftsfremskaffelse med kraftige incitamenter i støttepolitikken og pensionerne til bliven på arbejdsmarkedet. Danmark blev gennem disse reformer det mest digitaliserede samfund i Vesten, men fik ikke løst sine stadigt voksende integrationsproblemer, ligesom uligheden voksede i det ellers så lige danske samfund.

  • - The Danish Model
    af Bjarne Hastrup
    367,95 kr.

    Social Welfare - The Danish Model charts the dynamics between the public sector, the business sector and the civil sector. These are the three main actors in the continued negotiations about the Danish model; is it through their agreement (and disagreemnt) that the new and improved versions of the model emerge in support of the country's progress and competitive advantage. And - not least - in support of a society that is a decent society for all.

  • - in Danish and Global Welfare at the Dawn of the 21st Century
    af Bjarne Hastrup
    277,95 kr.

    Major Trends in Danish and Global Welfare at the Dawn of the 21st Century provides an analysis of the dramatic changes that have taken place in the Danish welfare system during the past century.Denmark still has superstar status as the world's most notable welfare society. At the same time, Danes have had to reform and adapt their welfare model, which experienced both a very exorbitant success at the beginning of the period covered and a shocking setback thereafter - a crisis the country has just recently recovered from. Amid these events, the Danes decided to reform the design of their welfare state to suit globalization and a new demographic. This was the first time that conditions far into the future were crucial to the organization of welfare today. A new orientation was created in welfare thinking; one that went from help and support to help to self-help, and to jobs and the procurement of labour with strong incentives via support policies and pensions to remain in the labour market for longer. Through these reforms, Denmark became the most digitized society in the West, but it did not solve its ever-growing integration problems, and likewise inequality grew in the otherwise so equal Danish society.

  • af Bjarne Hastrup
    187,95 kr.

    "The social contract between generations" is the visible and invisible contract that binds generations together in caring for children, educating children and young adults, and providing for elderly parents.Yet the balance between the generations in Denmark - and the rest of the world - is undergoing dynamic changes, putting the social contract up for debate and renegotiation. There is a need for a new understanding - particularly between the young generation and the old - in anticipation of pension, labor market, healthcare and economic reforms.Bjarne Hastrup points to the wide spectrum of options we have to create a new social contract that will benefit every generation. He reviews the historical and future foundations of the social contract - and proposes a strategic tool to use in our deliberations and debates.

  • af Bjarne Hastrup
    242,95 kr.

    Major Trends in Danish and Global Welfare at the Dawn of the 21st Century provides an analysis of the dramatic changes that have taken place in the Danish welfare system during the past century. Denmark still has superstar status as the world’s most notable welfare society. At the same time, Danes have had to reform and adapt their welfare model, which experienced both a very exorbitant success at the beginning of the period covered and a shocking setback thereafter – a crisis the country has just recently recovered from. Amid these events, the Danes decided to reform the design of their welfare state to suit globalization and a new demographic. This was the first time that conditions far into the future were crucial to the organization of welfare today. A new orientation was created in welfare thinking; one that went from help and support to help to self-help, and to jobs and the procurement of labour with strong incentives via support policies and pensions to remain in the labour market for longer. Through these reforms, Denmark became the most digitized society in the West, but it did not solve its ever-growing integration problems, and likewise inequality grew in the otherwise so equal Danish society.

  • - Ledelse af folkelige organisationer
    af Henrik Stubkjær, Inge Vestbo & Bjarne Hastrup
    416,95 kr.

    Engang blev ledelse i det private erhvervsliv og den offentlige sektor anset for markant forskellige discipliner. Sådan er det ikke mere. Ledelsesfilosofierne glider ind over hinanden. Disse ledelsesmæssige udfordringer på tværs af sektorer løber sammen i de såkaldte folkelige organisationer - i denne bog eksemplificeret ved Ældre Sagen, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp og Hjerteforeningen, som er blevet professionaliserede og opererer i tæt samspil med både private virksomheder og ministerier. Markedsføring, økonomi, engagement, folkelig opbakning og lobby-indsatser er blevet fælles udfordringer, der i høj grad kræver strategisk ledelse.

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