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  • - Josef Goebbels, Magda Goebbels, & Eva Braun
    af Brad Kronen
    307,95 kr.

    The two decades prior to the mid-point of the 20th century bear a unique significance on numerous levels - historically, sociologically, ethically, and astronomically. In 1930 an event occurred that not only forever altered Man's working knowledge of the Solar System, it also permanently changed the foundation of that great cosmic circle in the heavens better known as the Zodiac - the observational discovery of the planet Pluto. Following the cosmic law of "As Above, Is Below", soon after humanity became aware of Pluto's existence, our own planet saw a number of things take place on the world's stage that could only be described as being thoroughly Plutonian in essence.And the most Plutonian of those things was the rise and subsequent fall of Nazism and the Third Reich. Nazism was a sociological phenomenon never before seen where an entire nation was brainwashed with an ideology of racist hatred and believed lies. With that said, it's no cosmic coincidence the evil genius named Josef Goebbels who both orchestrated as well as created this system of societal brainwashing otherwise known as Propaganda was born a Scorpio, the sign ruled by the planet Pluto. Pluto also oversees anything of an obsessive nature and obsession when placed wholly from within the positive spectrum is called by a different name - "Devotion". The three greatest devotees within the Third Reich who devoted nearly all of their waking energy along with their very lives to Nazism and its supreme leader, Adolf Hitler, are the subject of Brad Kronen's book entitled, "Evil's Devotion: Josef Goebbels, Magda Goebbels, & Eva Braun".They say if History goes unheeded, it's karmicly guaranteed to repeat itself. It is the author's most sincere hope the horrors brought about by the Third Reich shall never again be repeated. However present day politics are showing more and more that not only are the Nazis being emulated as seen with the separation of immigrant families along with ICE raids and round ups taking place in the dead of night but the deceptive media tactics first introduced by Josef Goebbels in Nazi Germany are being repeated down to the last detail with the American public left scratching their heads as to whether much of today's news is "fake" or factual.And to be clear, news that is "fake" be it coming from either the Right or the Left is news that is "Propaganda".The knowledge gained from looking back to the Past can only better assist modern society in facing the subtleties and nuances of the 21st century and beyond.

  • - THE 21st Century Astrological Dating Guide for the Modern Libra
    af Brad Kronen
    227,95 kr.

    Not only does this 21st century astrological dating guide that's like no other cover every possible combination of any given person's Sun sign dating every other sign in the Zodiac, each chapter of "Love in the Stars" also contains a famous couple of romantic example along with a recommended "Love Cocktail" that by either its ingredients or name is a fitting final touch to match the romantic content discussed for every Zodiacal love union!

  • - THE 21st Century Astrological Dating Guide for the Modern Sagittarius
    af Brad Kronen
    227,95 kr.

    Not only does this 21st century astrological dating guide that's like no other cover every possible combination of any given person's Sun sign dating every other sign in the Zodiac, each chapter of "Love in the Stars" also contains a famous couple of romantic example along with a recommended "Love Cocktail" that by either its ingredients or name is a fitting final touch to match the romantic content discussed for every Zodiacal love union!

  • af Brad Kronen
    342,95 kr.

    In the 21st century, among the three largest organized religions in the United States, namely Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, none worship any kind of female deity or divine feminine presence. None, with the exception of a Christian sect called Catholicism which pays homage and gives devotion to Mary, the Mother of Christ.In his book "The Mysticism of Mary" renowned astrologer Brad Kronen discusses the role Mary serves as the Catholic Church's force of the ancient feminine from the mystical events which mark the birth and death of the Blessed Mother to those particularly supernatural, inexplicable events known as "Marian Apparitions". By incorporating his knowledge of History, Religion, and Astrology, Kronen shows how the Mysticism of Mary sustains the Catholic Religion into the modern era and beyond by embodying that which is divinely mysterious and prophetic along with being the fiercest defender of the Faith against the agents of Darkness.

  • - Oskar Groening & Edith Stein
    af Brad Kronen
    152,95 kr.

    The notion of "Ethics" is considered by many to be at its most complicated at present. But as renowned astrologer Brad Kronen points out in his latest book "The Ethics of Auschwitz: Oskar Groening & Edith Stein", contemporary society need only look to the not so distant past of the Second World War to see just how far the Western World has come in establishing new societal standards of human civility.Kronen looks at the very different lives of two people who both have gained global notoriety as of late for their time spent at the largest of the Nazi death centers during the war, the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. One who arrived there as a Nazi prison guard named Oskar Groening and the other who arrived at the concentration camp as a prisoner named Edith Stein. Groening eventually left Auschwitz and would draw the attention of the international press when at the age of 93 in 2015 he was put on trial for his time spent there in military service. Edith Stein never left Auschwitz due to being murdered in the death camp's gas chambers immediately upon arriving there. Edith Stein was born a Jew who had converted to Christianity and became a cloistered Carmelite Catholic nun. She gained international notoriety not only for being a philosopher with a Ph.D but Stein's life was celebrated by Catholics around the world when in 1998 the nun who perished in Auschwitz was canonized a Catholic saint named Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. In this fascinating and uniquely provocative book, Brad Kronen supports his belief that only by remembering the horrors from a not so civil time in the not so distant past can the modern world ensure itself a more civil, ethical, and globally humanist future.

  • - An Astrological Testament to that Holiday Icon of Good Cheer better known as Santa Claus
    af Brad Kronen
    172,95 kr.

    In this unique and first of its kind book, Brad Kronen analyzes the origins of that icon of Holiday Good Cheer and Goodwill Towards Men, better known as Santa Claus. Take a Yuletide journey with the renowned astrologer as he uncovers the surprising history behind the evolution of both the astrological myth and the actual man who would first evolve into "Jolly Old Saint Nick" and eventually become the very essence of Christmas Joy and Generosity the 21st century world knows and needs more than ever today, Santa Claus. Written especially for the Holiday Season, Brad's search for the source of both Santa and Saint Nick leads him to make a first of its kind astrological discovery about the actual 3rd century Turkish bishop named Nicholas of Myrna.

  • - THE 21st Century Astrological Dating Guide for the Modern Capricorn
    af Brad Kronen
    227,95 kr.

    Not only does this 21st century astrological dating guide that's like no other cover every possible combination of any given person's Sun sign dating every other sign in the Zodiac, each chapter of "Love in the Stars" also contains a famous couple of romantic example along with a recommended "Love Cocktail" that by either its ingredients or name is a fitting final touch to match the romantic content discussed for every Zodiacal love union!

  • af Brad Kronen
    287,95 kr.

    2020 is a noteworthy year in the headquarters of the Catholic faith, better known as The Vatican. In March of 2020 the remainder of the secret archives will be made open regarding the pontificate of one of Catholicism's most controversial leaders - Pope Pius XII. Overseeing the Catholic Church from 1939, just as the Second World War was about to begin until his death in 1958, the man born as Eugenio Pacelli is disputed over mainly for what he did not do during his time as Pope versus any of his active deeds as the Vatican's "Pontiff" or supreme leader. Brad Kronen's latest book "The Controversial Life of Pius XII, the Wartime Pope" explores the life of the man who lies at the very center of the "Pius wars" where some consider him to be one of Catholicism's greatest leaders and others have dubbed him "Hitler's Pope".

  • af Brad Kronen
    227,95 kr.

    What do the following Pop Culture icons all share in common? Annie "Woody Woodpecker" Lennox, Elvis "The Pelvis" Presley, Sissy "Blood Splattered Prom Queen" Spacek, David "Space Alien Drag Queen" Bowie, Marlene "Drag King" Dietrich? Got your goat? Brad Kronen's latest book, "The Capricorn Icons of Culture Shock" focuses exclusively on the last representative of the element of Earth better known as the sign of Capricorn. The renowned astrologer takes a detailed look at the sign that's often pigeon holed for its close association with such conservative things as corporate culture, materialism, and the pursuit of elevated status. Much to his astrological shock Brad discovered that the Pop icons who have created the most culture shock at the commencement of their careers have consistently been born beneath that most reputedly conservative of signs. In other words, Western society's biggest culture shockers have been Capricorns. Join Brad as he presents his list of the Top 10 (The Mystic Mountain Goat is the 10th sign of the Zodiac) Capricorns who made their biggest impact on the fabric of modern society by seriously shaking up the status quo through their becoming Icons of Culture Shock for the rest of us."The Capricorn Icons of Culture Shock" shows that beneath the surface of even the most conservative Goat Guy or Girl lies the heart of a cultural rebel.A must read for both Cappies and non-Cappies alike!

  • - Alexander Rodchenko
    af Brad Kronen
    223,95 kr.

    Throughout the near entirety of the calendar year of 2019, the planet associated with Luck and Good Fortune called the "The Great Benefic" otherwise known as Jupiter will be transiting through the sign the King of Planets naturally rules over, Sagittarius. With this double emphasis of the lucky planet travelling through the lucky sign, much attention has been given as of late to such concentrated Jupiterian things as Blessings, Abundance, and events that are as unlikely of occurring as they are rife with advantage, namely winning the lottery. In his series, "A Series of Unfortunate Sagittarian Events" renowned astrologer Brad Kronen takes a very different approach to this heavily emphasized Jupiterian "good stuff" by observing it through a lens that is seldom if ever used - the negative spectrum. This series analyzes the lives of three famous Sagittarians who experienced tragic endings from the diverse fields of Science, Art, and Politics, namely Fritz Haber, Alexander Rodchenko, and John Kennedy, Jr. Kronen observes that even among "the lucky ones" unfortunate events can unfold brought about by a lack of appreciation for Life's blessings or approaching risk filled situations with the presumption that everything will work out as it always usually does without taking any precautionary measures or prior preparation. One could reasonably say two of these notorious Sagittarians, namely Fritz Haber along with the artistic great whose life is discussed in this series' second installment, Alexander Rodchenko, both ended up dying of a broken heart due to being rejected by their chosen "cause" which served both men as the source of their projected passions and ground- breaking work. Of the three Sagittarians overall, John Kennedy Junior's tale is by far the most tragic since not only did the Sagittarian's presumptuousness and careless actions result in the political hopeful's untimely demise but the lives of two other vibrant young people of vast potential were snuffed out as well. The deaths associated with Kennedy's recklessness were irretrievable losses that painful truth be told, were COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE.It is by appreciating the goodness in Life along with realizing it is the combination of said goodness along with Life's hardships and difficulties that our souls are given the best opportunities to optimally experience growth of both a spiritual and evolutionary nature.The second installment of this series focuses on the life of a man who could arguably be called the most versatile artist of all time - Alexander Rodchenko.Born at the end of Russia's imperialist era, Rodchenko was a student fresh out of Art School when the Bolshevik Revolution took place in Moscow in 1917. A fervent Communist, he rose the ranks within the newly established Soviet government eventually becoming the Head of their Museum Ministry. While still in its infancy, the post-Revolutionary government sponsored and supported art work that was reflective of its Socialist ideals ushering in the short-lived artistic movement known as the "Russian Avant-Garde" with Rodchenko being its most celebrated and prolific of artists. Fueled by an idealistic vision of a glorious Communist future, Rodchenko created works of art that not only were decades ahead of their time, they were made within nearly every possible medium of artistic expression. Tragically, this multi-talented Sagittarian who single-handedly originated the art forms of both graphic design and commercial art was squelched by another Sagittarian who had a very different vision of his own regarding the future of Mother Russia named Joseph Stalin.

  • - Arnold, Bill, Martha, & Monica
    af Brad Kronen
    152,95 kr.

    Read All About It! Renowned Astrologer Brad Kronen Devises a Unique Astrological Theory that's the First of its Kind! In this book which focuses on the concept of Hubris, a trait of excessive pride where one feels he or she is above the jurisdiction of the gods as well as the Laws of their fellow Man, Brad Kronen not only traces the mortal source of this human affliction of personality back to ancient times but also discusses Hubris in the modern day through the scandals of self undoing made by four people born beneath the Solar sign of Leo - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and Martha Stewart. Kronen does this while applying his wholly unique astrological theory he calls "The Hubris Manifestor", an astrological aspect which represents a person's Hubris manifesting into physical form. Join Brad as he takes you back to ancient times and also leads you into a brave new world of astrological theory that is utterly unique and a first of its kind.

  • - The Leonine Queens: Whitney Houston & J.K. Rowling
    af Brad Kronen
    172,95 kr.

    They say bad things come in 3's. And this rule certainly applies when it comes to behavior deserving punishment from the gods, otherwise known as Hubris. But even more specifically, books written about Hubris. Renowned astrologer Brad Kronen has written his third book which profiles the behavioral tool he himself has independently devised which he has termed - "the Hubris Manifestor", an astrological marker created strictly for those born beneath the one sign of the Zodiac whose planetary ruler is the Sun, itself, the Fire sign of Leo the Lion. Should a Leo become famous in his own right, he must be aware of a balance being struck between his "Solar" and "Lunar" selves. For if over time the famous Leo finds all of his waking energies being spent under the spotlight of notoriety or the Lioness of acclaim invests most of her day being the center of everyone's attention, they risk summoning the physical manifestation of their Hubris otherwise known as the "Hubris Manifestor". Book 1 of this series examined the lives of 4 famous Leos whose public scandals caused each of their own self undoing - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Clinton, Martha Stewart, and Monica Lewinsky. Book 2 looked at the lives and works created by 2 of the most talented film directors of the 20th century whose Leonine art brought out just as much protestation from the public as praise - Leni Riefenstahl and Roman Polanski. Kronen's 3rd installment of his Hubris Manifestor series focuses on the lives of 2 Leonine women, who at the height of their powers ruled over their realms of expertise like Queens without rivals - the singer dubbed the "Queen of Pop", Whitney Houston and the literary "Queen of Children's Books", J.K. Rowling.Both Leo women reached the penultimate top within their respective fields by achieving world-wide fame along with amassing material wealth for both Leo Queens to live like Kings in their own right. However, both Leos have committed acts of Hubris so intensely serious, one risks the world she single handedly created as her penalty price and the other Queen has already paid with the dearest price possible - her life. Book 3 of Brad Kronen's Hubris Manifestor series not only affirms that bad things really do come in 3's but that Hubris is at its core both non-sexist and an equal opportunist by providing self ruin to just as many Queens as Kings who believe their actions are above the reproach of both gods and mortals, alike.

  • af Brad Kronen
    322,95 kr.

  • af Brad Kronen
    297,95 kr.

    What began as an act of defiance against royal protocol ended up becoming the starting link of a chain of unresolved familial karma that would continue to grow in strength over the course of five generations within Britain's Royal Family, otherwise known as The House of Windsor. Brad Kronen's book "Five Generations of Unrectified Royal Karma, The House of Windsor 1894 - 2013" is a testament to the esoteric theory that Karma runs through Families by discussing the familial karma of one of the most prominent families in all of Modern History - Britain's House of Windsor.Starting with the birth of King Edward VIII in 1894 along with his subsequent abdication of England's throne and ending with the birth of the first of the British royals born in the 21st century, Prince George in 2013, Kronen covers the nearly 120 years where each subsequent generation within the House of Windsor forged a new link that in turn strengthened the Royal Family's ever growing chain of unresolved karma. Kronen sheds an entirely different light on key members of Britain's Royal Family who are also the most karmicly significant with the House of Windsor including Princess Diana, her son Prince William, along with the English monarch with the longest reign in British history, Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II. Not only is Brad Kronen's book about the House of Windsor's Royal Familial Karma esoterically unique, it's a literary work about England's Royal Family that is entirely new and wholly unto itself.

  • af Brad Kronen
    152,95 kr.

    Throughout the near entirety of the calendar year of 2019, the planet associated with Luck and Good Fortune called the "The Great Benefic" otherwise known as Jupiter will be transiting through the sign the King of Planets naturally rules over, Sagittarius. With this double emphasis of the lucky planet travelling through the lucky sign, much attention has been given as of late to such concentrated Jupiterian things as Blessings, Abundance, and events that are as unlikely of occurring as they are rife with advantage, namely winning the lottery. In his book series, "A Series of Unfortunate Sagittarian Events" renowned astrologer Brad Kronen takes a very different approach to this heavily emphasized Jupiterian "good stuff" by observing it through a lens that is seldom if ever used - the negative spectrum.The book analyzes the lives of three famous Sagittarians who experienced tragic endings from the diverse fields of Science, Art, and Politics, namely Fritz Haber, Alexander Rodchenko, and John Kennedy, Jr. Through his analysis Kronen shows that even among "the lucky ones" unfortunate events can unfold brought about by a lack of appreciation for Life's blessings or approaching risk filled situations with the presumption that everything will work out as it usually always does. By observing these exemplary cases of Sagittarian Hubris, Brad Kronen hopes both Sag and non-Sag alike will be able to bask in the benefits which emerge from this Jupiterian period by fully appreciating this uber-positive time for what it is worth unto its fully blessed self.

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