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Bøger af Brian Norman

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  • - A Ridiculously Simple Guide To the Next Generation of iPad and iOS 12
    af Brian Norman
    187,95 kr.

    The iPad does everything...but what if you don't want to do everything?! Sure, it's great that you can log into a private network or set up an iMAP / POP email account--but what if you are retired and just want to know the basics--like how to do a group Facetime with all the grandkids! This book walks you through what you need to know step-by-step--including how navigation works now that the Home button is gone on some of the iPad Pros. It covers only what you need to know--so you don't have to comb through hundreds of pages of tech-speak just to find out how to do a common feature. This book is based on the bestselling book "The Ridiculously Simple Guide to the Next Generation iPad Pro" but includes sections specifically for seniors (including accessibility features that make text easier to see).Are you ready to start enjoying your new iPad Pro? Then let's get started! Note: This book is not endorsed by Apple and should be considered unofficial.

  • - Eine Praktische Anleitung Für Den Einstieg in Die Nächste Generation Von iPhone Und IOS 12
    af Brian Norman
    172,95 kr.

    Ein neues iPhone zu bekommen ist aufregend; es fühlt sich fast wie ein neues Spielzeug zu bekommen. Niemand mag ein Spielzeug, das einen dazu bringt, ein langes Handbuch zu lesen, nur um herauszufinden, wie das verdammte Ding funktioniert! Wenn Sie bereits ein iPhone hatten (oder vielleicht mehrere), dann stehen die Chancen gut, dass Sie bereits wissen, wie es funktioniert. Aber das iPhone wird Ihnen eine unangenehme Überraschung bescheren, weil der Home Button entfernt wurde. Ich werde Ihnen helfen, sicherzustellen, dass Sie wissen, wie Sie die Abkürzungen und Gesten benutzen, die mit diesem Übergang einhergehen. Es wird natürlich auch alle neuen Funktionen von iOS 12 abdecken.Diese Anleitung ist so formatiert, dass sie Ihnen hilft, Ihr Telefon (und alle seine leistungsstarken Funktionen) so schnell wie möglich zu benutzen. Ich habe diesen Leitfaden so geschrieben, dass es etwas lockerer und lustiger ist, was man von den meisten iPhone Handbüchern erwartet. Das iPhone ist ein lustiges Gadget und jede Anleitung, die Sie lesen, sollte ebenso lustig sein. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit Stichpunkten, was behandelt wird, so dass Sie, wenn Sie etwas bereits wissen, direkt vüberspringen können; wenn Sie nur wissen müssen, wie Sie neue Funktionen nutzen können, ist das Buch auch so formatiert, dass diese hervorspringen.Sind Sie bereit, Ihr neues iPhone zu genießen? Dann lassen Sie uns anfangen!

  • - Una Guía Práctica Para Comen-Zar Con La Próxima Generación de iPhone E IOS 12
    af Brian Norman
    152,95 kr.

    Conseguir un nuevo iPhone es emocio-nante; Casi se puede sentir como conseguir un nue-vo juguete. ¡A nadie le gusta un juguete que te hace leer un manual largo solo para descubrir cómo funciona la estúpida cosa!Si usted ya ha tenido un iPhone (o tal vez vari-os), entonces es probable que usted ya sabe cómo funciona. Pero el iPhone X te lanzará una bola curva porque se ha eliminado el botón de Inicio. Me aseguraré de que sepa cómo usar los accesos direc-tos y los gestos que acompañan esta transición. Por supuesto, también cubrirá todas las nuevas carac-terísticas agregadas a iOS 12.Esta guía está formateada para ayudarlo a usar su teléfono (y todas sus potentes funciones) lo más rápido posible.A propósito, he escrito esta guía para que sea un poco más informal y divertida que lo que espera de la mayoría de los manuales de iPhone. El iPhone es un gadget divertido, y cualquier guía que lea de-be ser igualmente divertida.Cada capítulo comienza con puntos claves so-bre lo que se cubrirá, por lo que si algo ya sabe, puede saltar hacia adelante; Si solo necesita saber cómo usar las nuevas funciones, el libro también está formateado de manera que se destaque.¿Estás listo para comenzar a disfrutar tu nuevo iPhone? ¡Entonces comencemos!

  • - A Ridiculously Simple Guide to the Next Generation of iPad and IOS 12
    af Brian Norman
    142,95 kr.

    The iPad does everything...but what if you don't want to do everything?! Sure, it's great that you can log into a private network or set up an iMAP / POP email account--but what if you are retired and just want to know the basics--like how to do a group Facetime with all the grandkids!This book walks you through what you need to know step-by-step--including how navigation works now that the Home button is gone on some of the iPad Pros. It covers only what you need to know--so you don't have to comb through hundreds of pages of tech-speak just to find out how to do a common feature.This book is based on the bestselling book "The Ridiculously Simple Guide to the Next Generation iPad Pro" but includes sections specifically for seniors (including accessibility features that make text easier to see).Are you ready to start enjoying your new iPad Pro? Then let's get started!Note: This book is not endorsed by Apple and should be considered unofficial.

  • af Brian Norman
    107,95 kr.

    Getting a new iPhone is exciting; it can almost feel like getting a new toy. Nobody likes a toy that makes you read a lengthy manual just to figure out how the darn thing works! If you've already had an iPhone (or maybe sev-eral), then chances are you already know how it works. But the iPhone X will throw you a curveball because the Home button has been removed. I'll help make sure you know how to use the shortcuts and gestures that go along with this transition. It will, of course, also cover all the new features added into iOS 12.This guide is formatted in a way to help you use your phone (and all its powerful features) as quickly as possible. I purposely have written this guide to be a little more casual and fun then what you expect from most iPhone manuals. The iPhone is a fun gadget, and any guide you read should be an equally fun read. Each chapter starts with bullet points on what will be covered, so if something you already know, you can skip right ahead; if you only need to know how to use new features, the book is also formatted in a way that these stand out.Are you ready to start enjoying your new iPhone? Then let's get started!

  • - Jim Crow in Post-civil Rights American Literature
    af Brian Norman
    367,95 - 1.290,95 kr.

    Norman traces a neo-segregation narrative tradition--one that developed in tandem with neo-slave narratives--by which writers return to a moment of stark de jure segregation to address contemporary concerns about national identity and the persistence of racial divides.

  • - Figures of Injustice in American Literature
    af Brian Norman
    357,95 - 472,95 kr.

    The prospect of posthumous citizenship bears important implications for debates over the legal rights of the dead, social histories of burial customs and famous cadavers, and the political theory of citizenship and social death.

  • - Eine Praktische Anleitung Fur Den Einstieg in Die Nachste Generation Von iPhone Und IOS 12
    af Brian Norman
    167,95 kr.

    Ein neues iPhone zu bekommen ist aufregend; es fühlt sich fast wie ein neues Spielzeug zu bekommen. Niemand mag ein Spielzeug, das einen dazu bringt, ein langes Handbuch zu lesen, nur um herauszufinden, wie das verdammte Ding funktioniert! Wenn Sie bereits ein iPhone hatten (oder vielleicht mehrere), dann stehen die Chancen gut, dass Sie bereits wissen, wie es funktioniert. Aber das iPhone wird Ihnen eine unangenehme Überraschung bescheren, weil der Home Button entfernt wurde. Ich werde Ihnen helfen, sicherzustellen, dass Sie wissen, wie Sie die Abkürzungen und Gesten benutzen, die mit diesem Übergang einhergehen. Es wird natürlich auch alle neuen Funktionen von iOS 12 abdecken.Diese Anleitung ist so formatiert, dass sie Ihnen hilft, Ihr Telefon (und alle seine leistungsstarken Funktionen) so schnell wie möglich zu benutzen. Ich habe diesen Leitfaden so geschrieben, dass es etwas lockerer und lustiger ist, was man von den meisten iPhone Handbüchern erwartet. Das iPhone ist ein lustiges Gadget und jede Anleitung, die Sie lesen, sollte ebenso lustig sein. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit Stichpunkten, was behandelt wird, so dass Sie, wenn Sie etwas bereits wissen, direkt vüberspringen können; wenn Sie nur wissen müssen, wie Sie neue Funktionen nutzen können, ist das Buch auch so formatiert, dass diese hervorspringen.Sind Sie bereit, Ihr neues iPhone zu genießen? Dann lassen Sie uns anfangen!

  • - A Ridiculously Simple Guide to the Next Generation of iPhone and iOS 12
    af Brian Norman
    187,95 kr.

    The iPhone does everything...but what if you don't want to do everything?! Sure, it's great that you can log into a private network or set up an iMAP / POP email account--but what if you are retired and just want to know the basics--like how to do a group Facetime with all the grandkids!This book walks you through what you need to know step-by-step--including how navigation works now that the Home button is gone on some of the phones. It covers only what you need to know--so you don't have to comb through hundreds of pages of tech-speak just to find out how to do a common feature.This book is based on the bestselling book "The Ridiculously Simple Guide to iPhone X, XR, XS, and XS Max" but includes sections specifically for seniors (including accessibility features that make text easier to see).Are you ready to start enjoying your new iPhone? Then let's get started!Note: This book is not endorsed by Apple and should be considered unofficial.

  • - Una Guia Practica Para Comen-zar Con La Proxima Generacion De Iphone E Ios 12
    af Brian Norman
    129,95 kr.

  • - A Ridiculously Simple Guide to the Next Generation of MacBook and MacOS Mojave (Version 10.14)
    af Brian Norman
    187,95 kr.

    I'll make a wild guess: Mac isn't the first operating system you've used. In fact, if you are like most people, you are probably a Windows person. But you've heard a lot of good things about Mac's, it works alongside your phone, and it "Just works"-so you have decided to make the switch.It's not the most complicated operating system-in fact, it's simpler than Windows once you dig into it a little bit and start using it. But there is still a learning curve.This book was written with Window users in mind. I'll walk you through how to use it, but also compare it to Windows-so if there's a feature you're used to in Windows, I'll show you where that same feature is in MacOS.It's not a comprehensive guide, as you have probably noted by the number of pages. It's meant to be a guide that gets you up and running as quickly as possible. If you are looking for something that teaches you all about Unix command prompts in Terminal, then there are plenty of heftier books out there that are also excellent for doorstops. This book is for people who just want to know how the darn thing works so they can start using it!I purposely have done my best to make this handbook a little more casual and fun then what you expect from most Mac OS manuals. Mac OS is an operating system, and any guide you read should be an equally fun read.This book is based off the bestselling Mac "The Ridiculously Simple Guide to MacBook, iMac, and Mac Mini."Are you ready to start enjoying the new Mac OS? Then let's get started!

  • - A Beginners Guide to the Latest Generation of iPhone and iPad
    af Brian Norman
    232,95 kr.

    If you are new to iOS 12 (the operating system on iPhone and iPad) then this book will teach you all you need to get started as quick as possible. This book is a bundle of the two bestselling books "The Ridiculously Simple Guide to iPhone X, XS, and XR" and "The Ridiculously Simple Guide to the Next Generation iPad Pro"; you can buy them separately or buy them together to save.

  • - A Practical Guide to Getting Started with the New 11 and 12.3 iPad Pro
    af Brian Norman
    187,95 kr.

    The iPad has long been a companion to the computer; it's the device you use casually when your computer isn't practical. But computer replacement? That's a bit of a stretch. Until now!The next generation iPad Pro has introduced a level of power that is making a lot of people think twice about replacing their computer outright for the tablet. Is it time for you to make the leap?This book introduces you to the newest iPad's and shows you things brand new to generation: notably new gestures that have been introduced because there is no longer a Home button, and what you need to know about the newest Apple Pencil.This guide is for the user who needs to know all the basics to get started in as little time as possible. I purposely have written this guide to be a little more casual and fun then what you expect from most iPad Pro guides. The iPad is a fun gadget, and any guide you read should be an equally fun read. Each chapter starts with bullet points on what will be covered, so if something you already know, you can skip right ahead; if you only need to know how to use new features, the book is also formatted in a way that these stand out.Whether you are thinking about switching from a computer to an iPad, or if you want to use both, but just want to learn your way around iOS 12, then this guide will cover what you need to know.Are you ready to start enjoying the newest iPad Pro? Then let's get started!

  • - A Practical Guide to Getting Started with the Next Generation of MacBook Air and MacOS Mojave (Version 10.14)
    af Brian Norman
    177,95 kr.

    Every September, Apple holds a press conference to get us excited about the newest gadgets that are certain to suck your wallets dry.The 2018 event, of course, introduced us to the latest Apple Watch and iPhone. This year, however, Apple proved it wasn't quite done yet. In October, it held a conference to remind everyone of something that many had forgotten: The MacBook Air.It had been 10 years since Steve Jobs wowed us all by pulling a laptop out of an envelope; and it had been 5 years since the last update to the slim computer.Apple never stopped selling Airs, but most assumed its days were numbered-it's power, graphics, and design just didn't cut it anymore.Then October came, and Apple proudly reminded everyone that it had not forgotten about the once beloved device. It introduced a new MacBook Air with all the features you'd expect from a modern slim computer: retina display, top of the line processor, memory, and amazing battery life.MacBook Air was suddenly relevant again.If you have purchased the notebook or are just curious about seeing more about what Mac OS can do for you, then you'll see it in this book.This book is intended for people who want to get started quickly with the MacBook Air. For that reason, it's not as comprehensive as other guides. If you want to know about some feature buried deep under the hood that you'll never use, then there are other books for you--I'm sure they'll make good doorstops when you finish. If you just want a simple guide that tells you what you need to know, so you can use your computer already, then this book is for you. If you're new to Mac--perhaps switching over from Windows, then this book will help you figure out all the similarities and differences; because so many people come to Mac from Windows, this book is written in a way to help with that transition.I purposely have done my best to make this handbook a little more casual and fun then what you expect from most Mac OS manuals. Mac OS is an operating system, and any guide you read should be an equally fun read.Each chapter starts with bullet points on what will be covered, so if something you already know, you can skip right ahead; if you only need to know how to use new features, the book is also formatted in a way that these stand out.Are you ready to start enjoying the new Mac OS? Then let's get started!

  • - A Practical Guide to Getting Started With the Next Generation of MacBook Pro and MacOS Mojave (Version 10.14)
    af Brian Norman
    177,95 kr.

    MacBook Pro is like every other MacBook except for two key differences. One: Power. Two: Touch Bar.If you have purchased the notebook or are just curious about seeing more about what Mac OS can do for you, then you'll see it in this book.This book is intended for people who want to get started quickly with the MacBook Pro (this book can also help you with other non-Pro MacBooks and iMacs-the only difference is a section on Touch Bar). For that reason, it's not as comprehensive as other guides. If you want to know about some feature buried deep under the hood that you'll never use, then there are other books for you--I'm sure they'll make good doorstops when you finish. If you just want a simple guide that tells you what you need to know, so you can use your computer already, then this book is for you. If you're new to Mac--perhaps switching over from Windows, then this book will help you figure out all the similarities and differences; because so many people come to Mac from Windows, this book is written in a way to help with that transition.I purposely have done my best to make this handbook a little more casual and fun then what you expect from most Mac OS manuals. Mac OS is an operating system, and any guide you read should be an equally fun read.Each chapter starts with bullet points on what will be covered, so if something you already know, you can skip right ahead; if you only need to know how to use new features, the book is also formatted in a way that these stand out.Are you ready to start enjoying the new MacBook Pro? Then let's get started!

  • - A Practical Guide to Getting Started with the Next Generation of Mac and Macos Mojave (Version 10.14)
    af Brian Norman
    177,95 kr.

    Every September, Apple holds a press conference to get us excited about the newest gadgets that are certain to suck your wallets dry. And every September, almost as an afterthought, something else is mentioned--something that is actually free! The latest version of Mac OS. You, of course, need to own a Mac computer (such as MacBook, Mac Mini or iMac) to get it, but Apple keeps updates absolutely free. When Mac updates it's OS, it tends to follow the formula as iOS: there are lots of changes, but a lot of them are not very obvious. The purpose of this book is twofold: one, to help you understand all the biggest features; two, to help you if you've never used a Mac before. This book is intended for people who want to get started quickly. For that reason, it's not as comprehensive as other guides. If you want to know about some feature buried deep under the hood that you'll never use, then there are other books for you--I'm sure they'll make good doorstops when you finish. If you just want a simple guide that tells you what you need to know, so you can use your computer already, then this book is for you. If you're new to Mac--perhaps switching over from Windows, then this book will help you figure out all the similarities and differences; because so many people come to Mac from Windows, this book is written in a way to help with that transition. I purposely have done my best to make this handbook a little more casual and fun then what you expect from most Mac OS manuals. Mac OS is an operating system, and any guide you read should be an equally fun read. Each chapter starts with bullet points on what will be covered, so if something you already know, you can skip right ahead; if you only need to know how to use new features, the book is also formatted in a way that these stand out. Are you ready to start enjoying the new Mac OS? Then let's get started!

  • - A Practical Guide to Getting Started with the Next Generation of iPhone and IOS 12
    af Brian Norman
    152,95 kr.

    Getting a new iPhone is exciting; it can almost feel like getting a new toy. Nobody likes a toy that makes you read a lengthy manual just to figure out how the darn thing works! If you've already had an iPhone (or maybe sev-eral), then chances are you already know how it works. But the iPhone X will throw you a curveball because the Home button has been removed. I'll help make sure you know how to use the shortcuts and gestures that go along with this transition. It will, of course, also cover all the new features added into iOS 12. This guide is formatted in a way to help you use your phone (and all its powerful features) as quickly as possible. I purposely have written this guide to be a little more casual and fun then what you expect from most iPhone manuals. The iPhone is a fun gadget, and any guide you read should be an equally fun read. Each chapter starts with bullet points on what will be covered, so if something you already know, you can skip right ahead; if you only need to know how to use new features, the book is also formatted in a way that these stand out. Are you ready to start enjoying your new iPhone? Then let's get started!

  • af Brian Norman
    1.086,95 kr.

    The purpose of this study is to assess the importance of Switzerland in the life and writings of Edward Gibbon. Whereas the choice of Lausanne as a place of exile for Gibbon to undo his youthful conversion to Roman Catholicism was largely accidental, the society and intellectual resources of that city, perched on its hills overlooking the shores of Lake Geneva, proved to be of lasting influence for the rest of his life. During his period of exile, he began to write in French his first work to be published, the Essai sur l'étude de la littérature, and the subject of Switzerland was his preferred choice of research until his Grand Tour, in which he renewed his residence in Lausanne for a further eleven months, stimulated the idea of writing a history of Rome. Eventually he decided to retire to Lausanne at the end of his parliamentary career to finish the last three volumes of The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Brian Norman shows that the liberalism of Gibbon's political philosophy in his criticism of Lausanne's subjection to the aristocratic rule of Berne surprised the patriots of the new canton of Vaud when his Letter on the Government of Berne, which is here established as a youthful work of the late 1750s, was posthumously published at the end of the eighteenth century. The author then proceeds to examine Gibbon's other early writings relating to Switzerland, his letters and journals, The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire and his Memoirs in order to show the abiding effect of the society, language, history, constitution and military organisation of Switzerland on his beliefs and assumptions.

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