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  • af Burhan Ahmad
    420,95 kr.

    Pretendemos realçar a fragilidade dos ambientes de elevada altitude que são particularmente vulneráveis às alterações climáticas. Os picos elevados do Hindukush e dos Himalaias são um vasto depósito de água congelada, com a maior concentração de gelo do mundo fora da região polar. Este "terceiro pólo" ajuda a fornecer a água de que 1,3 mil milhões de pessoas dependem para sobreviver, juntamente com a monção anual, que também é afetada pelas alterações climáticas.

  • af Burhan Ahmad
    419,95 kr.

    Intendiamo evidenziare la fragilità degli ambienti di alta quota, particolarmente vulnerabili ai cambiamenti climatici. Le alte vette dell'Hindukush e dell'Himalaya sono un vasto deposito di acqua in forma ghiacciata, con la più grande concentrazione di ghiaccio al mondo al di fuori della regione polare. Questo "terzo polo" contribuisce a fornire l'acqua da cui dipendono 1,3 miliardi di persone per la sopravvivenza, insieme al monsone annuale, anch'esso colpito dai cambiamenti climatici.

  • af Burhan Ahmad
    420,95 kr.

    Wir wollen die Fragilität hochgelegener Gebiete hervorheben, die durch den Klimawandel besonders gefährdet sind. Die hohen Gipfel des Hindukusch und des Himalaya sind ein riesiger Wasserspeicher in gefrorener Form, mit der weltweit größten Eiskonzentration außerhalb der Polarregion. Dieser "dritte Pol" trägt dazu bei, das Wasser zu liefern, von dem 1,3 Milliarden Menschen zum Überleben abhängen, ebenso wie der jährliche Monsun, der ebenfalls vom Klimawandel betroffen ist.

  • af Burhan Ahmad
    420,95 kr.

    Nous souhaitons mettre en évidence la fragilité des environnements de haute altitude qui sont particulièrement vulnérables au changement climatique. Les hauts sommets de l'Hindukush et de l'Himalaya constituent un vaste réservoir d'eau sous forme gelée, avec la plus grande concentration de glace au monde en dehors de la région polaire. Ce "troisième pôle" contribue à fournir l'eau dont 1,3 milliard de personnes dépendent pour leur survie, ainsi que la mousson annuelle, qui est également affectée par le changement climatique.

  • af Burhan Ahmad
    287,95 kr.

    We intend to highlight fragility of high altitude environments that are particularly vulnerable to climate change. The high peaks of the Hindukush and Himalayas are a vast storehouse of water in frozen form, with the world¿s greatest concentration of ice outside the polar region. This ¿third pole¿ helps to provide the water that 1.3 billion people depend on for survival, along with the annual monsoon, which is also impacted by climate change.

  • af Shahid Mahmood & Burhan Ahmad
    1.674,95 kr.

    This research explores observed, simulated, and projected extreme climate indices from a selection of different GCMs from CMIP5 ensemble for Pakistan at province level. The extreme indices for observed, simulated and projected climate are found and analysed on provincial basis over the country. Pakistan has been facing shortages in both the power and water sector which are the lifelines of the country. Significant increases in the maximum and minimum temperatures over the country may affect such sectors drastically. Considerable increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, coupled with erratic monsoon rains may cause frequent and intense floods and droughts in the region. Rising temperatures resulting in enhanced heat and water-stressed conditions, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, may lead to reduced agricultural productivity. This report shall bring added value to all stakeholders and policy makers in determining the hazards that extreme climate has brought in the past and may bring in the near future.

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