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Bøger af Chris McLaughlin

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  • af Chris McLaughlin
    172,95 kr.

    Homegrown botanical dyes are in, and they’re part of today’s shift toward natural and organic living.  And you don’t have to have a degree in chemistry do create your own natural dyes. It just takes a garden plot and a kitchen. A Garden to Dye For shows how super-simple it is to plant and grow a dyer’s garden and create beautiful dyes. Many of these plants may already be in our cutting, cottage or food gardens, ready for double duty.

  • af Chris McLaughlin
    160,95 kr.

    Chris is your typical run-of-the-mill college kid until he is forcibly summoned to a land where magic reigns supreme. Chris is thrust into the role of Kage (Kah-gay), a shadow. With his world turned upside down, he must navigate this new world of nettling nobles fighting for power, mythical beasts, and sinister secrets that threaten the very existence of the Earth.

  • af Chris McLaughlin
    132,95 kr.

    Deciding to become a real estate investor might be the smartest financial decision you

  • af Chris McLaughlin
    372,95 kr.

    What makes a garden good? For Chris McLaughlin, it's about growing healthy, scrumptious fruits and veggies, but it's also about giving back. How can your little patch of Earth become a sanctuary for threatened wildlife, sequester carbon, and nurture native plants? In this joyful guide, McLaughlin gives you all the tricks and tips you need to grow the sustainable garden of your dreams. Gardeners will learn the fundamentals, including how to choose the right plant varieties for their microclimate, and proven methods to fight pests without chemicals. You'll also discover the nuances of developing a green thumb, from picking species to attract specific types of pollinators to composting techniques based on time available. A good garden offers endless possibilities and The Good Garden offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

  • - Hurricane Katrina and a Life That Went to the Dogs
    af Chris McLaughlin
    267,95 kr.

    Including photos from four-time Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Carol Guzy, Mississippi Barking spans the course of two years as Chris McLaughlin and others ventured into the wreckage of the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina to rescue the animals left behind.

  • - Opskrifter og gode råd til et smertefrit liv
    af Chris McLaughlin
    157,95 kr.

    Lider du af astma eller allergi, så er det her måske den helt rigtige bog for dig. Bogen som hjælper dig til et bedre og nemmere liv så du fremadrettet bedre kan leve med astma, og allergier i fremtiden. Du får hjælp til at slå symptomerne på astma og allergier ned. Med sektioner om selvhjælp, komplementære terapier og ernæring, er denne informative bog nøglen til et allergi-frit liv. Mere end 60 opskrifter hjælper dig til sund kost, målrettet til at lindre astma og allergier, herunder høfeber. Du får samtidig tips, råd og vejledning til at identificere fødevarer, der udløser astma og allergier, ligesom en praktisk vejledning til at kontrollere symptomerne og gi dig indsigt og hjælp til hvordan du kan anvende både traditionel og alternativ behandling. Det er ingen naturlov, at sund mad og hensyn til allergi behøver være kedeligt! Bogen her er den perfekte gave, der med sikkerhed bringer lindring og madglæde til en ven eller familiemedlem, der lider under allergi eller døjer med astma.

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