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Bøger af Christian Mittelstedt

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  • af Christian Mittelstedt
    400,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Buch widmet sich der Elastostatik, d.h. der Ermittlung von Spannungen und von Deformationen in elastischen Körpern, und stellt eine umfangreiche Aufgabensammlung mit vollständigen Lösungen bereit. Studierende werden hiermit in die Lage versetzt, sich der Thematik anhand von durchgerechneten Beispielen zu nähern und darauf aufbauend ingenieurstechnische Aufgabenstellungen der Elastostatik eigenständig zu lösen. Das Buch wendet sich an Studierende an Fachhochschulen und Universitäten derjenigen Studiengänge, in denen die Elastostatik eine Rolle spielt.

  • af Christian Mittelstedt
    1.107,95 kr.

    This book deals with the analysis of plates and shells and is divided into four sections. After briefly introducing the basics of elasticity theory and the energy methods of elastostatics in the first section, the second section is devoted to the statics of disk structures. In addition to isotropic disks in Cartesian and polar coordinates, approximation methods and anisotropic disks are also discussed. The following third section deals with plate structures, covering plates in Cartesian and polar coordinates, and also discussing approximation methods and higher-order plate theories. Other chapters in this section discuss plate buckling as well as geometric nonlinear analysis and laminated plates. The fourth and final section of this book is devoted to shells, i.e., curved thin structures, following the common division into membrane theory on the one hand and bending theory on the other hand. This book is intended for students at universities, but also for engineers in practice andresearchers in engineering science.

  • af Christian Mittelstedt
    609,95 kr.

    This book follows the classical division of engineering mechanics as taught at universities in Germany and is devoted to strength of materials, i.e. the determination of stresses and of deformations in elastic bodies. The aim of this book is to provide students with a clear introduction and to enable them to formulate and solve engineering problems in this field. For this purpose, the book provides a number of examples. This book is intended for university students of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, mechanics, but also all other courses in which the contents of this book play a role. The ContentsIntroduction to linear elasticity ¿ Plane stress state ¿ Bars ¿ Beams ¿ Beam deflections ¿ Shear stresses in beams ¿ Torsion ¿ Energy methods ¿ Buckling of bars

  • af Christian Mittelstedt
    657,95 kr.

  • af Christian Mittelstedt
    989,95 kr.

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