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  • af Christoph Lutge
    1.477,95 kr.

    This book describes cutting edge technology using supercritical fluids for the production of foodstuffs, medicals, and polymers. It illustrates the importance and use of basic data for design and operation at industrial scale units. The book's authors have several decades of experience of applied research on how to develop large scale industrial units. It provides readers complete insight in design and operation of industrial high pressure process plants. The book is written so it may be understood for people (with?) little or no background on high pressure process technology. It will provide information on how some foodstuffs, medicals, polymers are produced using high pressure technologies. The book demonstrates the importance of fundamental data, how to measure them and how to apply them to design industrial plants. At the same time, it also serves as a textbook for students.

  • af Christoph Lutge
    604,95 kr.

    In this collection, we bring together various disciplines that are critically engaged in reflecting the diverse aspects of digitization in business, politics, ethics, and education. Accordingly, the volume will provide a provocative discourse space, were the key theoretical and practical problems of implementing ethics in digitization will be discussed and assessed. Moreover, we aim to create a bridge between two (hitherto) mostly separate discourses: the ethical discourse of issues of digitization and the discourse on ethical standards and their implementation in the area of business. These discourses are greatly in need of being joined together, since the vast majority of ethical standards in the field of digitization will have to be implemented by companies, not government agencies, NGOs or other non-profit organisations. We believe that this particular selection of articles is a first step towards creating this bridge.

  • af Christoph Lutge
    824,95 kr.

    Business ethics as a discipline has been evolving rapidly, and indeed needs to evolve constantly. This evolution is mandated more urgently than ever before as we plunge headlong, and with increasing velocity, into the era of automation, artificial intelligence and digitization. In a scenario where legal and policy guidelines are scarce or ambiguous, the role of business ethics in guiding academic and industrial research and innovation cannot be understated. Ethical codes and guidelines are needed for educators, scientists, industries, law and policy makers, as well as for the general public engaged with emerging technologies not only to ensure a smooth transition into the autonomous and digital age, but also to ensure that in the process, we do not unknowingly disengage from basic human rights, values and responsibilities. Traditional, time tested and universally accepted principles of (business) ethics, including principles of integrity, responsibility and sustainability must, therefore, not be abandoned, but rather permitted to evolve to address the unique issues that emerging technologies present to humankind. This evolution necessarily entails an evolution also in research methods (including methods that permit multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder engagement), entrepreneurship ethics and a multi-cultural understanding of human rights and responsibilities, as relevant to emerging technologies such as autonomous driving.  The envisaged volume "e;Evolving Business Ethics: Integrity, Sustainability and Responsible Innovation in the Digital Age"e; accordingly brings together contributions in the field of business ethics from a diversity of perspectives and disciplines.

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