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Bøger af Clara Cunha

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  • af Clara Cunha
    394,95 kr.

  • af Clara Cunha
    135,95 kr.

    SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Uno de los libros má s divertidos para contar a niñ os de 2 a 5 añ os. Cuquedo es un monstruito que ve como todos los animales de la jungla tienen pareja, así que decide que tambié n quiere una, pero para hacer lo que a é l le gusta de verdad: asustar. > SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: One of the most fun books to read to 2 to 5 year-olds. Little ones won't stop laughing, as they will be able to try and copy the noises that different animals make to try to scare people. Cuquedo is a little monster who notices that all of the animals in the jungle have a partner. He decides he would like one too, but so he can do what he really loves to do: scare people. He decides to test the different animals in the jungle to see who is able to frighten people the most. Children will be able to try and scare people just like the animals do throughout the book, so it becomes a book that provides good times and laughter! Cranes, monkeys, hyenas and snakes will take the test, but it's only when Cuquedo meets Cuqueda that he will find someone who can frighten people as much as he can.

  • af Clara Cunha
    135,95 kr.

    Hay un rumor en la selva, nadie sabe quien es Cuquedo, pero todos dicen que da mucho miedo y asusta a los animales que estâan parados en el mismo lugar. Como ninguno quiere que lo asusten, todos deciden ir de allâa para acâa y de acâa para allâa. Solo se paran para avisar a los animales que se encuentran, para que se unan a ellos. Hipopâotamos, cebras, elefantes, jirafas, rinocerontes formarâan una divertidâisima manada de animales.

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