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  • af Dale Carnegie
    443,95 kr.

    El Arte de Hablar en Publico, esta basado en la experiencia de mas de setenta años del Curso de Relaciones Humanas de Dale Carnegie, con el fin de descartar lo trivial e ir directamente al centro del proceso de la comunicación, autententica y reveladora expresion de la personalidad. Cuando no somos aptos para decir claramente lo que queremos decir, a causa del nerviosismo, la timidez o los nebulosos procesos del pensamiento, nuestra personalidad queda expuesta al bloqueo, a la confusión, y a la incomprensión. Este libro esta construido a partir de tres principios básicos de Dale Carnegie: Saber que decir, decirlo con convicción, decirlo vivida y claramente. Este libro le sera de utilidad: * Para convencer a un grupo de escépticos acerca de las conveniencia de determinado punto de vista * Para que aprendamos la manera en que debe explicarse una materia compleja * Para ofrecer una idea en una reunión comunal * Para convencer a un agente de ventas de que su producto es el mejor * Para conversar con fluidez con una amistad reciente * Para "vender" una gran idea * Para persuadir a un grupo de entrar en acción * Para entrar en conversión con un grupo de extranjeros, y mucho mas...

  • af Dale Carnegie
    138,95 kr.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    128,95 kr.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    168,95 kr.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    238,95 kr.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    263,95 kr.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    168,95 kr.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    198,95 kr.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    158,95 kr.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    158,95 kr.

    Aprende cómo y cuándo emprender los cambios en tu camino hacia el éxitoLa capacidad de promover los cambios y adaptarse a ellos es uno de los factores más importantes para alcanzar el éxito tanto en la vida privada como en el trabajo. A menudo pensamos que cuando un método funciona, lo hará siempre; sin embargo, esta consigna a veces no es cierta: lo que hoy tiene validez puede no ser el mejor enfoque para el futuro. Si queremos progresar, debemos estar dispuestos a hacer cambios, incluso de gran envergadura. En estas páginas, encontrarás información práctica y detallada sobre:Cómo y cuándo deberíamos sugerir o iniciar un cambioCómo lidiar con el cambio cuando formamos parte de un equipoCómo reducir el estrés cuando estamos afrontando un cambioEsta es una guía fundamental para lograr que los cambios nos ayuden a transitar hacia el éxito.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONLearn how and when to make changes in your journey towards success. The ability to promote changes and adapt to them is one of the most important factors to succeed in both your private life and your work. We often think that if a methodology works, it will do so forever. However, this line is not always true. What applies today may not be the best approach for the future. If we want to make progress, we must be willing to make some changes, even great ones. Within these pages you will find practical and comprehensive information regarding:   How and when we should suggest or promote change.   How to deal with changes as part of a team.   How to reduce stress in the face of change.   This is a fundamental guide to make the kind of changes that will help us navigate towards success.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    148,95 kr.

    LA GUÍA DEFINITIVA PARA CONVERTIRTE EN UN VERDADERO LÍDERLos gerentes eficaces saben que para cumplir las metas tienen que ser verdaderos líderes que guíen, motiven, entrenen y cuiden a sus colaboradores. En este libro encontrarás.• Crear y compartir una visión con todos los miembros del equipo.• Lograr un equilibrio entre el cumplimiento de los objetivos y las habilidades de liderazgo • Encontrar el punto medio entre la motivación y la rendición de cuentas• Comunicar eficazmente tus ideas• Manejar y superar las situaciones negativas y los conflictosEl recurso más valioso de toda organización es su gente. Detrás de los consejos que encontrarás en estas páginas se esconde la clave de un gerente exitoso.: Pasar de ser jefe a ser un buen líder. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONLearn the proven, time-tested human relations principles from Dale Carnegie Training and discover how bring creativity, enthusiasm, and productivity to your job.Featuring many useful, life-changing lessons including how to identify your leadership strengths; achieve your goals and increase your self-confidence; eliminate an “us vs. them” mentality; become a team player and strengthen cooperation among associates; balance work and leisure; control your worries; and energize your life, The Leader in You proves that the most important investment you will ever make is in yourself.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    323,95 kr.

    Students of public speaking continually ask, "How can I overcome self-consciousness and the fear that paralyzes me before an audience?" The authors answer, "How would you cure a horse that is afraid of cars--graze him in a back-woods lot where he would never see automobiles, or drive or pasture him where he would frequently see them? Practice, practice, PRACTICE in speaking before an audience will tend to remove all fear of audiences, just as practice in swimming will lead to confidence and facility in the water. You must learn to speak by speaking. But how shall you be able to criticize yourself? Simply by finding out three things: What are the qualities that make an effective speaker; how at least some of these qualities be acquired; and what wrong habits of speech work against acquiring and using the qualities you find to be good." This thorough, helpful, encouraging book will enable the aspiring speaker to do all three. Dale Carnegie, a pioneer in public speaking and personality development, gained fame by teaching others how to become successful. His book How to Win Friends and Influence People has sold more than 10 million copies. Joseph Esenwein wrote The Art of Story-Writing, Writing the Photoplay, and Children's Stories and How to Tell Them.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    156,95 kr.

    "Selections from How to win friends and influence people, and How to stop worrying and start living."

  • af Dale Carnegie
    216,95 kr.

    Students of public speaking continually ask, "How can I overcome self-consciousness and the fear that paralyzes me before an audience?" The authors answer, "How would you cure a horse that is afraid of cars--graze him in a back-woods lot where he would never see automobiles, or drive or pasture him where he would frequently see them? Practice, practice, PRACTICE in speaking before an audience will tend to remove all fear of audiences, just as practice in swimming will lead to confidence and facility in the water. You must learn to speak by speaking. But how shall you be able to criticize yourself? Simply by finding out three things: What are the qualities that make an effective speaker; how at least some of these qualities be acquired; and what wrong habits of speech work against acquiring and using the qualities you find to be good." This thorough, helpful, encouraging book will enable the aspiring speaker to do all three. Dale Carnegie, a pioneer in public speaking and personality development, gained fame by teaching others how to become successful. His book How to Win Friends and Influence People has sold more than 10 million copies. Joseph Esenwein wrote The Art of Story-Writing, Writing the Photoplay, and Children's Stories and How to Tell Them.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    118,95 kr.

    Twelve ways to make listeners like their speakers.Rule 1: If we feel that we are honored by being asked to address an audience, let's say so! Rule 2: Let's give our listeners sincere appreciation. Rule 3: Whenever possible, let's mention the names of SOME of our listeners. Rule 4: Let's play ourselves down-not up! Rule 5: Let's say "we" instead of "you." Rule 6: Let's not talk with "a scowling face and an upbraiding voice."

  • af Dale Carnegie
    176,95 kr.

    Drawing on Dale Carnegie's years of experience as a business trainer this book will show you how to overcome the natural fear of public speaking, to become a successful speaker and even learn to enjoy it.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    148,95 kr.

    EL COMPENDIO DE HERRAMIENTAS IMPRESCINDIBLES PARA LA MEJORA DE TU CARRERA PROFESIONALMuchos consideran que su puesto actual es sólo un peldaño en la escalera de su trayectoria profesional, donde cada paso los conduce a un puesto superior. Otros detestan su trabajo o sólo lo toleran, sin sentirse realmente felices con lo que hacen, y están en busca de una mejor oportunidad.Ya sea que pertenezcas a uno u otro grupo, hay que trabajar con empeño y esforzarse por adquirir las habilidades y conocimientos que garanticen el ascenso o el cambio de profesión. Este libro te ofrece herramientas prácticas para lograrlo, ya que revela:• Cuáles son las competencias que debes adquirir para hacerte merecedor de un ascenso• Cómo analizar las oportunidades dentro y fuera de tu compañía y lograr visibilidad• Cuáles son las fuentes e instrumentos para la búsqueda de un nuevo empleoOlvida la idea de conformarte y avanza en tu carrera: será gratificante, obtendrás una mejora económica y ganarás satisfacción laboral.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONA COMPILATION OF ESSENTIAL TOOLS TO IMPROVE YOUR PROFESSIONAL CAREER.   Many consider their current jobs to be just one step on their career ladder, and each step would lead to a higher position. Others hate their work, or just put up with it, and aren’t really happy with what they do, and are looking for a better opportunity.   Whether you belong to one or another group, you must work hard and strive to acquire the skills and knowledge that guarantee promotion or change of profession.   This book offers you practical tools to achieve that, as it reveals: • What skills must you acquire to earn a promotion? • How to analyze opportunities inside and outside your company and gain visibility. • What are the best resources and tools to search for a new job?   Forget the idea of settling in your career and instead get ahead: it will be rewarding, you will advance financially, and you will have great job satisfaction.

  • af Michael A. Crom, J. Oliver Crom & Dale Carnegie
    223,95 kr.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    128,95 kr.

    If you want to get ahead in business, if you want to increase your income, if you want people to like you, learn the skills discussed in the interviews Dale Carnegie has with ordinary and extraordinary people.

  • af Dale Carnegie
    132,95 kr.

  • af Associates & Dale Carnegie
    146,95 - 333,95 kr.

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