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Bøger af Daniel Goleman

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  • - Emotional Intelligence
    af Daniel Goleman
    310,95 kr.

    Hvad betyder vores IK?Daniel Goleman gør op med den gængse opfattelse af, hvor afgørende vores IK er. Bogen er blevet til på grundlag af mange års undersøgelser, og Goleman beskriver, hvad det er, der spiller ind, når nogle mennesker med en høj IK roder med deres liv, mens andre med en mere ydmyg IK klarer tilværelsen med bravur.Han understreger betydningen af følelsesmæssig intelligens, som hviler på kvaliteter som selverkendelse og selvbeherskelse, vedholdenhed, flid og motivation, indlevelsesevne og situationsfornemmelse. Disse kvaliteter er betegnende for mennesker, der udmærker sig i tilværelsen, hvis nære forhold fungerer, og som arbejdsmæssigt klarer sig suverænt. Disse personer er kendetegnet ved selvstændighed og selvdisciplin, næstekærlighed og medfølelse - basale evner, som er nødvendige, hvis vores samfund skal blomstre.Goleman påviser, at mangel på følelsesmæssig intelligens medfører personlige omkostninger som f.eks. problemer med partnere, forældrerolle og psykisk sundhed. Han gør opmærksom på vigtigheden af, at vi styrker vores børns følelsesmæssige intelligens gennem deres opvækst, og han giver detaljeret viden om, hvordan vi på bedste vis kan anvende denne nye indsigt.FØLELSERNES INTELLIGENS (Emotional Intelligence) udkom i USA i 1995 og lå straks efter på toppen af bestsellerlisterne. Den er nu oversat til adskillige sprog og markerer sig overalt som en af vor tids vigtigste bøger inden for nyere psykologisk forskning.Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., journalist og forfatter, skriver bl.a. om adfærds- og hjerneforskning i The New York Times. Han er tidligere chefredaktør på Psychology Today.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    167,95 kr.

    Den følelsesmæssigt intelligente leder er en socialt intelligent leder, som forstår, hvad der driver den enkelte medarbejder. Og erfaringer viser, at den følelsesmæssigt kompetente leder har lettere ved at opnå succes og nå sine mål, fordi medarbejderne føler sig set og hørt.Følelsesmæssig intelligens i ledelse hjælper til at skabe et positivt arbejdsmiljø baseret på åbenhed og tolerance. Et miljø, hvor kritik gives på en kompetent måde og med plads til humor.Lederen, der arbejder med og øger sin følelsesmæssige intelligens, kan samle medarbejderne og vise en klar retning for de ansatte og for virksomheden.

  • - 25th Anniversary Edition
    af Daniel Goleman
    127,95 kr.

    The number 1 worldwide bestseller about why your emotional intelligence is more important than your IQ

  • - Den nye videnskab om menneskelige relationer
    af Daniel Goleman
    310,95 kr.

    I efterfølgeren til ´Følelsernes intelligens´ tager Daniel Goleman fat på de menneskelige relationers betydning for den fysiske og psykiske sundhed og livskvaliteten som helhed. Med sin vanlige sans for relevante detaljer og sin særlige evne til at formidle tungt videnskabeligt stof, giver Daniel Goleman læseren en radikalt anderledes måde at tænke over sig selv og sin omverden på. Daniel Goleman påpeger, at vi på et biologisk plan er langt mere forbundet til andre mennesker end vi erkender. Helt ubevidst tuner vi os ind på andres følelser og tilpasser vores indre tilstand - andres følelsesmæssige påvirkning er således meget større end vi aner.Det er en vigtig bog, som har bud til alle, der arbejder med opdragelse, uddannelse og udvikling i stor som i lille målestok.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    107,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    356,95 kr.

    Golemans bestseller Følelsernes intelligens ændrede vores syn på os selv og på vores personlige relationer. Følelsesmæssig intelligens i lederskab vil forandre vores syn på lederskab!Forfatterne viser, hvordan følelsesmæssig intelligens kan bruges som et ledelses- og kommunikationsværktøj til at skabe resultater. Vi får indblik i, hvad der skaber gode ledere, og svar på, hvorfor nogle ledere er bedre end andre.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    125,95 kr.

    Bringing together ancient Buddhist wisdom and breakthroughs in a variety of fields from neuroscience to child development, this book offers fresh insights into how we can recognise and transform our destructive emotions. It tells where destructive emotions (craving, anger and delusion, known in Buddhism as the three poisons) come from.

  • - Emotional Intelligence
    af Daniel Goleman
    73,95 kr.

    Hvad betyder vores IK?Daniel Goleman gør op med den gængse opfattelse af, hvor afgørende vores IK er. Bogen er blevet til på grundlag af mange års undersøgelser, og Goleman beskriver, hvad det er, der spiller ind, når nogle mennesker med en høj IK roder med deres liv, mens andre med en mere ydmyg IK klarer tilværelsen med bravur.Han understreger betydningen af følelsesmæssig intelligens, som hviler på kvaliteter som selverkendelse og selvbeherskelse, vedholdenhed, flid og motivation, indlevelsesevne og situationsfornemmelse. Disse kvaliteter er betegnende for mennesker, der udmærker sig i tilværelsen, hvis nære forhold fungerer, og som arbejdsmæssigt klarer sig suverænt. Disse personer er kendetegnet ved selvstændighed og selvdisciplin, næstekærlighed og medfølelse - basale evner, som er nødvendige, hvis vores samfund skal blomstre.Goleman påviser, at mangel på følelsesmæssig intelligens medfører personlige omkostninger som f.eks. problemer med partnere, forældrerolle og psykisk sundhed. Han gør opmærksom på vigtigheden af, at vi styrker vores børns følelsesmæssige intelligens gennem deres opvækst, og han giver detaljeret viden om, hvordan vi på bedste vis kan anvende denne nye indsigt.FØLELSERNES INTELLIGENS (Emotional Intelligence) udkom i USA i 1995 og lå straks efter på toppen af bestsellerlisterne. Den er nu oversat til adskillige sprog og markerer sig overalt som en af vor tids vigtigste bøger inden for nyere psykologisk forskning.Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., journalist og forfatter, skriver bl.a. om adfærds- og hjerneforskning i The New York Times. Han er tidligere chefredaktør på Psychology Today.

  • - 10th Anniversary Edition; Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
    af Daniel Goleman
    212,95 - 256,95 kr.

  • - The Hidden Driver of Excellence
    af Daniel Goleman
    107,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    145,95 kr.

    Put yourself back in control of your mind and your life with these meditation practices proven by neuroscientific research.In this modern digital age, many of us feel overwhelmed, panicked and short on time. The practice of meditation is an ancient and scientifically proven antidote to that frenzied feeling. Combining scientific expertise and spiritual wisdom, this is a practical guide on how it can help you feel calm and in control.With chapters on Breathing, Compassion and Worry, it is full of empirically proven and easy-to-follow exercises that will help you tackle mental obstacles, including issues such as self-doubt and negative thought patterns. This is a fresh perspective on meditation that will uplift and soothe your mind, whether you're new to it or not.PRE-ORDER THE LATEST BOOK FROM BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, DANIEL GOLEMAN

  • - How to Change Your Brain, Mind and Body
    af Daniel Goleman
    105,95 kr.

  • - The New Science of Human Relationships
    af Daniel Goleman
    125,95 kr.

    Presents a synthesis of the findings in biology and brain science, revealing a fundamental discovery: we are designed for sociability, constantly engaged in a 'neural ballet' that connects us brain-to-brain with those around us. This work explains the surprising accuracy of first impressions, the basis of charisma and emotional power, and more.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    165,95 - 212,95 kr.

  • - The Hidden Driver of Excellence
    af Daniel Goleman
    85,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Goleman, Clayton M. Christensen, Harvard Business Review, mfl.
    178,95 - 400,95 kr.

    Change is the one constant in business, and we must adapt or face obsolescence. Yet certain challenges never go away. That's what makes this book "e;must read."e; These are the 10 seminal articles by management's most influential experts, on topics of perennial concern to ambitious managers and leaders hungry for inspiration--and ready to run with big ideas to accelerate their own and their companies' success.If you read nothing else - full stop - read:Michael Porter on creating competitive advantage and distinguishing your company from rivalsJohn Kotter on leading change through eight critical stagesDaniel Goleman on using emotional intelligence to maximize performancePeter Drucker on managing your career by evaluating your own strengths and weaknessesClay Christensen on orchestrating innovation within established organizationsTom Davenport on using analytics to determine how to keep your customers loyalRobert Kaplan and David Norton on measuring your company's strategy with the Balanced ScorecardRosabeth Moss Kanter on avoiding common mistakes when pushing innovation forwardTed Levitt on understanding who your customers are and what they really wantC. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel on identifying the unique, integrated systems that support your strategy

  • af Daniel Goleman & BM Author
    43,94 kr.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    43,94 kr.

    Følelsesmæssig intelligens og ledelse hænger uløseligt sammen, og i de senere år har den viden opnået bred anerkendelse. Den følelsesmæssigt kompetente leder har lettere ved at opnå succes og nå sine mål, fordi medarbejderne føler sig set og hørt. Med FI i ledelse skabes et positivt arbejdsmiljø baseret på åbenhed og tolerance. Et miljø hvor kritik gives på en kompetent måde og hvor der er plads til humor. Det er en visionær ledelsesstil, der samler medarbejderne og viser en klar retning for de ansatte og for virksomheden. Den følelsesmæssigt intelligente leder er en socialt intelligent leder. Han eller hun forstår, hvad der driver den enkelte medarbejder.

  • af Daniel Goleman, W. Chan Kim, Renee A. Mauborgne & mfl.
    178,95 - 398,95 kr.

    Managing people is fraught with challenges even if you're a seasoned manager. This book inspires you to tailor your management styles to fit your people; motivate with more responsibility, not more money; support first-time managers; build trust by soliciting input; teach smart people how to learn from failure; and build high-performing teams.

  • af Daniel Goleman, Clayton M. Christensen & Peter F. Drucker
    178,95 - 398,95 kr.

    Offers managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world.

  • af Daniel Goleman, Harvard Business Review, Susan David, mfl.
    177,95 - 427,95 kr.

    The benefits of mindfulness include better performance, heightened creativity, deeper self-awareness, and increased charisma-not to mention greater peace of mind.This book gives you practical steps for building a sense of presence into your daily work routine. It also explains the science behind mindfulness and why it works and gives clear-eyed warnings about the pitfalls of the fad.This volume includes the work of:Daniel GolemanEllen LangerSusan DavidChristina CongletonThis collection of articles includes "e;Mindfulness in the Age of Complexity,"e; an interview with Ellen Langer by Alison Beard; "e;Mindfulness Can Literally Change Your Brain,"e; by Christina Congleton, Britta K. Holzel, and Sara W. Lazar; "e;How to Practice Mindfulness Throughout Your Work Day,"e; by Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter; "e;Resilience for the Rest of Us,"e; by Daniel Goleman; "e;Emotional Agility: How Effective Leaders Manage Their Thoughts and Feelings,"e; by Susan David and Christina Congleton; "e;Don't Let Power Corrupt You,"e; by Dacher Keltner; "e;Mindfulness for People Who Are Too Busy to Meditate,"e; by Maria Gonzalez; "e;Is Something Lost When We Use Mindfulness as a Productivity Tool?"e; by Charlotte Lieberman; and "e;There Are Risks to Mindfulness at Work,"e; by David Brendel.How to be human at work. The HBR Emotional Intelligence Series features smart, essential reading on the human side of professional life from the pages of Harvard Business Review. Each book in the series offers proven research showing how our emotions impact our work lives, practical advice for managing difficult people and situations, and inspiring essays on what it means to tend to our emotional well-being at work. Uplifting and practical, these books describe the social skills that are critical for ambitious professionals to master.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    102,95 kr.

    A leader's singular job is to get results. But even with all the leadership training programs and "e;expert"e; advice available, effective leadership still eludes many people and organizations. One reason, says Daniel Goleman, is that such experts offer advice based on inference, experience, and instinct, not on quantitative data. Now, drawing on research of more than 3,000 executives, Goleman explores which precise leadership behaviors yield positive results. He outlines six distinct leadership styles, each one springing from different components of emotional intelligence. Each style has a distinct effect on the working atmosphere of a company, division, or team, and, in turn, on its financial performance. Coercive leaders demand immediate compliance. Authoritative leaders mobilize people toward a vision. Affiliative leaders create emotional bonds and harmony. Democratic leaders build consensus through participation. Pacesetting leaders expect excellence and self-direction. And coaching leaders develop people for the future. The research indicates that leaders who get the best results don't rely on just one leadership style; they use most of the styles in any given week. Goleman details the types of business situations each style is best suited for, and he explains how leaders who lack one or more of these styles can expand their repertories. He maintains that with practice leaders can switch among leadership styles to produce powerful results, thus turning the art of leadership into a science.The Harvard Business Review Classics series offers you the opportunity to make seminal Harvard Business Review articles a part of your permanent management library. Each highly readable volume contains a groundbreaking idea that continues to shape best practices and inspire countless managers around the world-and will have a direct impact on you today and for years to come.

  • - The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review (with bonus McKinsey Award Winning article "The Focused Leader") (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
    af Daniel Goleman, Clayton M. Christensen, W. Chan Kim & mfl.
    180,95 - 472,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    165,95 kr.

    Features two books: "Emotional Intelligence" - It argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow, and that our emotions play a role in thought, decision making and individual success; and, "Working with Emotional Intelligence" - demonstrates that emotional intelligence at work matters twice as much as cognitive abilities such as IQ.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    324,95 kr.

    In his groundbreaking #1 bestseller Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman revolutionized how we think about intelligence. Now, he reveals practical methods for using these inner resources to more readily enter an optimal state of high performance and satisfaction while avoiding burnout. There are moments when we achieve peak performance: An athlete plays a perfect game; a business has a quarter with once-in-a-lifetime profits. But these moments are often elusive, and for every amazing day, we may have a hundred ordinary and even unsatisfying days. Fulfillment doesn't come from isolated peak experiences, but rather from many consistent good days. So how do we sustain performance, while avoiding burnout and maintaining balance? In Optimal, Daniel Goleman and Cary Cherniss reveal how emotional intelligence can help us have a great day, any day. They explain how to set a realistic, attainable goal of feeling satisfied that you've had a productive day ? to consistently work at your 'optimal' level. Based on research of how hundreds of people build the inner architecture of having a good day, they sketch what an optimal state feels like, and show how emotional intelligence holds the key to our best performance.Optimal is the culmination of decades of scientific discoveries bearing on emotional intelligence. Enhanced emotional intelligence pays off in improved engagement, productivity, and more satisfying days. In this book, you'll find the keys to competence in emotional intelligence, and practical methods for applying this skill set more readily. It will equip you to become a highly effective leader and enable you to build an organizational culture that empowers workers to sustain high performance.

  • af Daniel Goleman & Tsoknyi Rinpoche
    169,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    162,95 kr.

    Gestionar el lado humano del trabajo Las investigaciones de Daniel Goleman, psicólogo y coautor de Primal Leadership, han demostrado que la inteligencia emocional es un determinante más poderoso del buen liderazgo que la competencia técnica, el coeficiente intelectual o la visión. Influir en los que nos rodean y apoyar nuestro propio bienestar requiere que seamos conscientes de nosotros mismos, que sepamos cuándo y cómo regular nuestras reacciones emocionales y que comprendamos las respuestas emocionales de los que nos rodean. No es de extrañar que la inteligencia emocional se haya convertido en uno de los criterios cruciales para la contratación y la promoción. Pero por suerte no es sólo un rasgo innato: La inteligencia emocional se compone de habilidades que todos podemos aprender y mejorar. Managing the human side of work Research by Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and coauthor of Primal Leadershipp, has shown that emotional intelligence is a more powerful determinant of good leadership than technical competence, IQ, or vision. Influencing those around us and supporting our own well-being requires us to be self-aware, know when and how to regulate our emotional reactions, and understand the emotional responses of those around us. No wonder emotional intelligence has become one of the crucial criteria in hiring and promotion. But luckily it's not just an innate trait: Emotional intelligence is composed of skills that all of us can learn and improve on.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    297,95 kr.

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