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  • af Daniela Silva
    362,95 kr.

    O tema "desenvolver o potencial criativo das crianças através da estimulação da janela de oportunidades" foi desenvolvido para demonstrar como é possível desenvolver o potencial criativo das crianças durante os períodos sensíveis da neuroplasticidade. A criatividade é uma caraterística da criança, potenciada de forma mais efectiva durante os períodos sensíveis de aprendizagem pela neuroplasticidade, de modo a que cada novo estímulo ou experiência adquirida se transforme em novas ligações cerebrais e, consequentemente, em capacidades diferentes. O livro pretende apresentar, numa linguagem simples e prática, o que é a neuroeducação infantil e como aplicá-la no ambiente de aprendizagem, a fim de melhorar as estratégias de ensino na sala de aula ou em casa. Para além disso, apresenta um guia prático de exercícios que combinam o conceito de inteligências múltiplas e a neuroeducação.

  • af Daniela Silva
    362,95 kr.

    Le thème "Développer le potentiel créatif des enfants en stimulant la fenêtre d'opportunités" a été développé pour démontrer comment il est possible de développer le potentiel créatif des enfants pendant les périodes sensibles de neuroplasticité. La créativité est une caractéristique de l'enfant, renforcée plus efficacement pendant les périodes sensibles de l'apprentissage par la neuroplasticité, de telle sorte que chaque nouveau stimulus ou expérience acquise se traduit par de nouvelles connexions cérébrales et donc par des capacités différentes. Ce livre a pour but de présenter dans un langage simple et pratique ce qu'est la neuroéducation de l'enfant et comment l'appliquer dans l'environnement d'apprentissage afin d'améliorer les stratégies d'enseignement en classe ou à la maison. En outre, il présente un guide pratique d'exercices combinant le concept des intelligences multiples et la neuroéducation.

  • af Daniela Silva
    362,95 kr.

    Il tema "Sviluppare il potenziale creativo dei bambini stimolando la finestra delle opportunità" è stato sviluppato per dimostrare come sia possibile sviluppare il potenziale creativo dei bambini durante i periodi sensibili della neuroplasticità. La creatività è una caratteristica del bambino, potenziata in modo più efficace durante i periodi sensibili dell'apprendimento dalla neuroplasticità, in modo che ogni nuovo stimolo o esperienza acquisita si trasformi in nuove connessioni cerebrali e quindi in abilità diverse. Il libro intende presentare con un linguaggio semplice e pratico cos'è la neuroeducazione infantile e come applicarla nell'ambiente di apprendimento per migliorare le strategie di insegnamento in classe o a casa. Inoltre, presenta una guida pratica di esercizi che combinano il concetto di intelligenze multiple e la neuroeducazione.

  • af Daniela Silva
    362,95 kr.

    Das Thema "Entwicklung des kreativen Potenzials von Kindern durch Stimulierung des Gelegenheitsfensters" wurde entwickelt, um zu zeigen, wie das kreative Potenzial von Kindern während der sensiblen Phasen der Neuroplastizität entwickelt werden kann. Kreativität ist eine kindliche Eigenschaft, die in den sensiblen Phasen des Lernens durch die Neuroplastizität effektiver gefördert wird, und zwar so, dass jeder neue Reiz oder jede neu erworbene Erfahrung zu neuen Gehirnverbindungen und damit zu anderen Fähigkeiten führt. In diesem Buch wird in einfacher und praktischer Sprache dargelegt, was Neuropädagogik bei Kindern ist und wie man sie in der Lernumgebung anwenden kann, um die Lehrstrategien im Klassenzimmer oder zu Hause zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus enthält es einen praktischen Leitfaden mit Übungen, die das Konzept der multiplen Intelligenzen und der Neuropädagogik miteinander verbinden.

  • af Daniela Silva
    283,95 kr.

    Daniela Silva is Brazilian, and a college graduate with a degree in Pedagogy (with skills in School Management and Business Education), an MBA in People Management, and a postgraduate degree in Neuroeducation.Daniela has been active in social projects since 2009, with a focus in the areas of learning and human development. Daniela has great motivation to transform lives through knowledge. In 2012 she became a volunteer with New Heights Educational Group, an American Award Winning 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit. In collaboration with NHEG and working with its founder/director, Pamela Clark, Daniela has developed this book, which is the first in the "Unraveling Series." There will be a book for each core subject taught in schools. These books will share information on educating those that need extra help mastering a subject and can be used for any age student.Unraveling Reading is a response to the needs and difficulties faced by parents, students and teachers with respect to literacy and education. It presents strategies and alternatives for developing reading and writing in children, youth and adults in a practical and dynamic way.Through diverse educational lessons, activities address three different learning styles, with consideration for how the brain learns and processes information visually, auditorily and kinesthetically.Unraveling Reading also includes examples of activities to improve reading and writing skills through movement, using the Brain Gym technique.

  • af Daniela Silva
    383,95 kr.

    The theme ¿developing the creative potential of children by stimulating the window of opportunities¿ was developed to demonstrate how is possible to develop child's creative potential during the sensitive periods of neuroplasticity. Creativity is a child characteristic, enhanced more effectively during the sensitive periods of learning by the neuroplasticity, in a way that each new stimulus or acquired experience becomes new brain connections and therefore different abilities. The book intends to present in a simple and practical language what is child¿s neuroeducation and how to apply it in the learning environment in order to improve teaching strategies in the classroom or at home. In addition,presents a practical guide of exercises combining the concept of multiple intelligences and neuroeducation.

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