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Bøger af Dorothy May Mercer

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  • - Library Edition
    af Dorothy May Mercer
    207,95 kr.

    Handsome and single cop, Det. Lt. Michael "Mike" McBride, Jr. continues his on-again, off-again romance with the sophisticated redhead, Juliette Carolle. The drug war persists in the towns and on the high seas. After intercepting a cocaine shipment, earlier, the US Coast guard pursues a drug sub while the US Navy attempts to follow the cocaine trail to its South American source, with surprising and amusing results. Free, awaiting trial, drug king-pin, Joseph the Rat, carries on behind the scenes, making trouble in Mike's town. A date-rape, kidnapping, and two murdered witnesses keep Mike and his precinct busy. His martial arts skills come in handy and his dog, Lady, helps track and chase the bad guys.

  • - Library Edition
    af Dorothy May Mercer
    192,95 kr.

    Lt. Michael "Mike" McBride, Jr. is the most handsome, brave, intelligent, strong, and single cop ever. Not only that, he owns a nice house in the suburbs. What girl wouldn't die to have him? Enter the lady in distress--a beautiful, sophisticated and attractive redhead having trouble with an ex-boyfriend who has violent criminal tendencies. Mix in a murder, attempted murder, arson fire, explosion, drug bust, suspicious accident, a bank robber, stalker, and a mysterious drug lord. Mike certainly has his hands full.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    197,95 kr.

    En esta emocionante novela, Det. El teniente Mike McBride Jr., popular héroe de dos novelas más vendidas, regresa para aventuras más emocionantes, garantizado para mantenerte girando páginas. Una moneda de oro exquisita y de valor incalculable - una reliquia de una especie de una civilización antigua - conduce a la intriga, el secuestro, la extorsión y el asesinato. Det. El teniente Mike se involucra en las rivalidades de contrabando mientras patrulla a lo largo de la frontera con Meico. Mike y Juliette continúan su cortejo. Sólo la cantidad correcta de romance es la costumbre en los libros de McBride. Habrá una boda única, pero, no estamos diciendo quién, dónde o cuándo. Cada libro de la serie está solo.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    112,95 kr.

    Number 19 of the popular "How to For You" Series of booklets for aspiring authors and independent publishers, this book will answer your questions: Where do I get an ISBN number for my book? Must I always get an ISBN number? What will it cost? Is it worth the trouble to copyright my book? What does copyrighting cost? How long will it take? What is the easiest way to do it? Does a US copyright protect me in other countries? Where do I go to obtain international copyrights? Recently revised, this edition has added new information about applying for a Library of Congress Control Number.

  • - with Dave and Dorothy
    af Dorothy May Mercer
    217,95 kr.

    Dave and Dorothy left Michigan in their motorhome for the Alaska Highway (formerly named the Alcan Highway) on their dream trip of a lifetime. Two months later they returned home with a freezer full of fish, hundreds of pictures, and memories. Dorothy kept a daily journal of their adventure, driving, hiking, fishing, observing people, animals, birds and magnificent mountains. In this full color book you will share her intimate thoughts of the adventures and misadventures of an ordinary couple, such as yourself, You will view a sampling of their digital pictures and learn a few things to do, and not to do, should you decide to make the trip of a lifetime. Enjoy.

  • - Your Book Needs This
    af Dorothy May Mercer
    102,95 kr.

    You are writing a novel. The story is spell binding, the characters fascinating, and yet, something is missing--the certain something that draws the reader in. The missing ingredient that makes the people real and lights up your story is communication. Not only must your characters communicate with each other, they must think, as well. This little book with teach you how to bring your characters to life with dialog and thoughts. Your readers will eavesdrop on the lives, inner lives and thoughts of your heros, heroines, and villians.

  • - Of Your Book
    af Dorothy May Mercer
    102,95 kr.

    Remember the thrill the first time you held your book in your hand? Well, get ready to experience that again when you hear it for the first time. And yet, there are a few things holding you back, i.e. questions such as how much will it cost, will my audible book sell, where can I get it done, can I do it myself, how long will it take and can I make a profit. In this book, teacher, coach, author and publisher Dorothy May Mercer will answer those questions and share her experience with

  • - Your Book
    af Dorothy May Mercer
    112,95 kr.

    Dorothy May Mercer is President of Mercer Publications & Ministries, Inc., founded in 1993. As a successful businesswoman, author and boutique publisher she is uniquely qualified to write this--the ultimate How To book for any aspiring writer or independent publisher. Updated to reflect recent changes, with new material, this volume will save you from mistakes, do-overs and tons of research. Coach, author, mentor, friend and publisher of some fifty books, Dorothy May will lead you through formatting your draft and preparing it for eBook, print and Audible versions. Step-by-step instructions and tips guide you from start to finish. A special, somewhat amusing, FAQ section of questions submitted by first-time publishers will cover nearly every conceivable issue and inspire you to submit your own questions.

  • - Two For One
    af Dorothy May Mercer
    117,95 kr.

    Combined into one bargain bundle, this essential information, for writers and independent publishers, covers how to format your paragraphs and how to format your entire book, in both ebook and paper versions. Authors have lauded the How to For You Series since it first appeared in ebook format, for its clear and simple guidelines, and easily understood, step by step instructions. Now available in paperback version for ease of use and handy reference, many authors, who are already familiar with the ebook versions, are choosing to add the paper version to their libraries, keeping the books by their desk for quick access.

  • - Three Books in One
    af Dorothy May Mercer
    142,95 kr.

    A remarkable phenomenon of this century is the amazing outpouring of books flooding the market. The independent publisher is giving the old line publishers a distinct run for their money. In fact the independent market is growing exponentially, threatening to dwarf and overrun the staid old mainline publishers, forcing them to rely on famous authors, and tell-all books by celebrities and politicos. Thus, there is a huge need for information to serve bulging ranks of authors, everything from how to format to how to add page numbers. While there are hosts of people willing to furnish these services for a fancy fee, there is very little affordable help out there. That is where the "How to For You" series comes in--offering specific help for the newbie author at very affordable prices. Wasting no time, each volume gets right to the point of its stated purpose, in easy to understand, clear and concise steps.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    147,95 kr.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    92,95 kr.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    157,95 kr.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    102,95 kr.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    112,95 kr.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    162,95 kr.

    Un thriller romántico de suspense, el segundo de las novelas de Mike McBride, "La Caza de la Cocaína," de Dorothy May Mercer, protagoniza guapo y elegible policía, Det. Teniente Michael "Mike" McBride, Jr., mientras continúa su romance con la mujer sofisticada, Juliette Carolle. La guerra contra las drogas persiste en las ciudades y en alta mar. Después de interceptar un cargamento de cocaína en la primera novela de Mike, "Unidad oo6 Respondiendo", la Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos persigue un submarino de drogas mientras la Marina estadounidense intenta seguir el rastro de cocaína hacia su fuente sudamericana con resultados sorprendentes y algo divertidos. Libre a la espera de juicio, jefe de la droga, Joseph the Rat, continúa detrás de las escenas, causando problemas en la ciudad de Mike. Una violación de fecha, el secuestro y dos testigos asesinados mantienen a Mike ya sus compañeros de precinto ocupados. Sus habilidades de artes marciales son muy útiles y su perro, Lady, ayuda a rastrear y perseguir a los malos. Amantes románticos wille disfrutar de la pintoresca boda en Hawai.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    147,95 kr.

    The story is about love and romance in America, 1920's style. Handsome Leon--tall, honest and rugged farm overseer--winner of riding contests and women's hearts--meets lovely Esther, petite and innocent farmer's daughter. His strong faith pulls him toward her, despite the twelve years difference in their ages. Will his vision of a relationship, born of his faith, become a nightmare test of faith, instead? A mysterious stalker of small town virgins has nearly ruined an innocent girl. Vicious gossips will finish the job and make your blood boil. be there when a local midwife delivers a home birth. Recommended for adults and mature teens.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    167,95 kr.

    Det. Lt. Mike McBride, Jr., popular hero of four best selling novels, returns for the final episode in the series. The story begins with a deceptively peaceful showing of a Hollywood gala opening. More thrilling adventures quickly follow with plenty of intrigue, extortion and kidnapping. Mike becomes involved in dirty politics at the highest levels. Will the United States and Mexico restore law and order, solving their border and immigration problems, or will they succumb to the reign of terror by the Drug Cartels? Just the right amount of romance is the custom in the McBride books. There may be a wedding, there may be multiple births; but we're not telling.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    157,95 kr.

    Love and romance 1920's style. Guess what takes place in a horse and buggy--things your great-grandparents will never tell! Handsome Leon--tall, honest and rugged farm overseer--winner of riding contests and women's hearts--meets lovely Esther, petite and innocent farmer's daughter. Do sparks fly? Will this love-match, born of his vision become a nightmare relationship instead? A mysterious stalker of small-town virgins has nearly ruined an innocent girl. Vicious gossips will finish the job and make your blood boil. Be there when a local midwife delivers a home birth.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    167,95 kr.

  • - Black & White Edition
    af Friends & Dorothy May Mercer
    122,95 kr.

  • af Friends & Dorothy May Mercer
    172,95 kr.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    127,95 kr.

    You need this to show you how to print a fabulous photo art book, using your own camera shots. Learn how to save a bundle and print unique photo books for gifts at a fraction of the cost. Includes everything from one or two shots to illustrate your novel, to a professional seventy page photo album, with bleed. Step by step instructions, using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher, include tips found no where else.

  • af Dorothy May Mercer
    127,95 kr.

    You are writing a novel. The story is spell-binding, the characters fascinating, and yet, something is missing--the certain something that draws the reader in. The missing ingredient that makes the people real and lights up your story is communication. Not only must your characters communicate with each other, they must think, as well. This little book with teach you how to bring your characters to life with dialog and thoughts. Your readers will eavesdrop on the lives, inner lives and thoughts of your heros, heroines, and villians.

  • - Kelly & Tom
    af Dorothy May Mercer
    162,95 kr.

    Kelly McBride and Sgt. Tom Turbulo of the Carson City PD are enjoying an ideal honeymoon on a Caribbean resort island when something awful happens to Kelly. While on an innocent shopping excursion to buy a teddy-bear for her nephew, she runs into a bear of a man who is up to no good. After narrowly escaping with her life, wouldn't anyone think she should have enough sense to stay out of trouble?Curiosity overcoming caution, before long she and Tom are caught up in international intrigue and a dangerous plot to blow up North America by means of an Electro-Magnetic-Pulse. What will it be? What will happen? It may require the US Space Force, a handsome CIA agent and two lovely McBride security guards to attempt a rescue. Even that is problematical.

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