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  • af Emmanuel Onwubiko
    1.097,95 kr.

    Bibliometria e Biblioterapia Plus è un libro di undici capitoli scritti in due dimensioni - teorica ed empirica. I primi quattro capitoli del libro riguardano l'Introduzione, la Bibliometria come concetto, le leggi relative alla Bibliometria, le applicazioni della Bibliometria e l'analisi delle citazioni come aspetto della Bibliometria. La seconda parte del libro tratta della "Libroterapia", professionalmente nota come BIBLOTERAPIA. Per garantirne la comprensibilità e l'applicabilità ai fini di una distribuzione sostenibile della conoscenza, i due capitoli sulla biblioterapia sono stati basati su ricerche (cioè su studi empirici). Il libro tratta anche del "Sistema bibliotecario integrato come panacea per la fornitura di servizi sostenibili in un'epoca di pandemia, utilizzando il COVID-19 come punto di riferimento". Altre aree trattate nel libro sono: l'integrazione dell'apprendimento elettronico (E-learning) nel processo educativo come vero e proprio strumento per un apprendimento inclusivo sostenibile, la condivisione della conoscenza e l'inclusione delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (TIC) nella gestione delle biblioteche universitarie, nonché l'applicazione della tecnologia Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) nei servizi bibliotecari In generale, il libro è una lettura obbligata per tutti.

  • af Emmanuel Onwubiko
    1.097,95 kr.

    Bibliometric and Bibliotherapy Plus est un livre de onze chapitres écrits en deux dimensions - théorique et empirique. Les quatre premiers chapitres portent sur l'introduction, la bibliométrie en tant que concept, les lois liées à la bibliométrie et les applications de la bibliométrie ainsi que l'analyse des citations en tant qu'aspect de la bibliométrie. La deuxième partie de l'ouvrage est consacrée à la "thérapie par le livre", connue sous le nom de BIBLOTHERAPIE. Afin d'assurer sa compréhension et son applicabilité à la transmission durable des connaissances, les deux chapitres sur la bibliothérapie sont basés sur des recherches (c'est-à-dire des études empiriques). Le livre traite également du "Système de bibliothèque intégré comme une panacée pour une prestation de services durable à l'ère de la pandémie en utilisant COVID-19 comme point de référence. Parmi les autres domaines traités dans ce livre, citons : l'intégration de l'apprentissage électronique (E-learning) dans le processus éducatif comme un véritable outil d'apprentissage durable, le partage des connaissances et l'intégration des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans la gestion des bibliothèques universitaires, ainsi que l'application de la technologie Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) dans les services de bibliothèque.

  • af Emmanuel Onwubiko
    1.097,95 kr.

    Bibliometric and Bibliotherapy Plus ist ein Buch mit elf Kapiteln, die in zwei Dimensionen geschrieben sind - theoretisch und empirisch. Die ersten vier Kapitel des Buches befassen sich mit der Einführung, der Bibliometrie als Konzept, bibliometrischen Gesetzen und bibliometrischen Anwendungen sowie der Zitationsanalyse als einem Aspekt der Bibliometrie. Der zweite Teil des Buches befasst sich mit der "Buchtherapie", die in der Fachwelt als BIBLOTHERAPIE bezeichnet wird. Um die Verständlichkeit und Anwendbarkeit im Hinblick auf eine nachhaltige Wissensvermittlung zu gewährleisten, wurden die beiden Kapitel über Bibliotherapie auf der Grundlage von Forschungsergebnissen (d. h. empirischen Studien) verfasst. Das Buch behandelt auch das "Integrierte Bibliothekssystem als Allheilmittel für die nachhaltige Bereitstellung von Dienstleistungen in einer Ära der Pandemie unter Verwendung von COVID-19 als Referenzpunkt. Andere Bereiche, die in diesem Buch behandelt werden, sind: die Integration des elektronischen Lernens (E-Learning) in den Bildungsprozess als ein echtes Werkzeug für nachhaltiges inklusives Lernen, die gemeinsame Nutzung von Wissen und die Einbeziehung der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) in die Verwaltung von Universitätsbibliotheken sowie die Anwendung der Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi)-Technologie in Bibliotheksdiensten Generell ist das Buch ein Muss für alle.

  • af Emmanuel Onwubiko
    1.097,95 kr.

    Bibliométrica e Biblioterapia Plus é um livro de onze capítulos escritos em duas dimensões - teórica e empírica. Os primeiros quatro capítulos do livro foram sobre Introdução, Bibliometria como conceito, Leis Bibliométricas e Aplicações Bibliométricas, bem como Análise de citações como um aspecto da bibliometria. A segunda parte deste livro tratava da 'Terapia do Livro' profissionalmente conhecida como BIBLOTHERAPY. À luz da garantia da sua compreensibilidade e aplicabilidade no sentido de uma entrega sustentável do conhecimento, os dois capítulos sobre biblioterapia foram pesquisados com base (ou seja, estudos empíricos). O livro também tratou "Sistema Integrado de Biblioteca como uma panaceia para a prestação de serviços sustentáveis numa era de pandemia, utilizando a COVID-19 como ponto de referência. Outras áreas tratadas neste livro incluem: a integração da aprendizagem electrónica (e-learning) no processo educativo como uma verdadeira ferramenta para a aprendizagem de inclusão sustentável, a partilha de conhecimento e a inclusão das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) na gestão de bibliotecas universitárias, bem como a aplicação da tecnologia Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) nos serviços das bibliotecas.

  • af Emmanuel Onwubiko
    1.117,95 kr.

  • af Emmanuel Onwubiko
    1.117,95 kr.

  • af Emmanuel Onwubiko
    832,95 kr.

  • af Emmanuel Onwubiko
    730,95 kr.

    The book ¿ Applied Research Methodology in Librarianship (Trends in Library and Information Science), is written in response to some online/followers request that I have some of my researched works published as a book and also with the mindset of bridging the gap created by mere theoretical teaching of research methods in our institutions of higher learning. The book contains twelve well researched articles by the author that have received international commendations. The areas covered include: general aspect of library and librarians and their expected roles, application of Information and Communication Technologies (I.C.Ts) in teaching-learning process, staff attitude, e-learning, time management, emotional intelligence, turnover intention and application of SWOT in library management among others. Generally, the book is like a guide to all researchers and the general public therefore, a must read by all.

  • af Emmanuel Onwubiko
    664,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the impact of information and communication technologies on library operations and services. The subject domain is modern approaches in librarianship which covers all innovations and paradigm shift in the nature of libraries and services provided spearheaded by the birth of ICT and other related technologies. The book took a historical approach to explaining the concept ¿Library¿, in its conventional state as well as defining the various concepts that have changed the face of modern libraries including highlighting some innovations in the library as a result of ICTs. This approach is seen as a guide into understanding the full content of the book. The book looked at where we are coming from as a conventional library down to the application of ICTs in library operations and services which gave rise to mechanization and computerization that in their turn gave birth to library automation; hybrid, (hybrid of virtual and physical resources), digital libraries; Virtual libraries; integrated library system ETC. The topics have been carefully chosen and organized and written to serve both librarians, students, scholars and the general public.

  • af Emmanuel Onwubiko
    585,95 kr.

    Experience they say is the BEST teacher. In my travails as a teacher, Head of international Schools, School Administrator and as a Librarian, I was exposed to students¿ challenges as regards where and how to obtain the right information as well as go about their studies as to achieving their academic goals. It was realized, that most students have not heard let alone knowing the 5Ds principles which are guiding principles to academic success and any other facet of human endeavor. The 5Ds principles reveal that in any thing you are doing and want to achieve the best out of it, you must have the DESIRE; you must take a clear cut DECISION and set a SMART GOAL for yourself; the DETERMINATION to excel must be there and above all, you must have self DISCIPLINE and finally you must avoid DISTRACTIONS. The book; LIBRARY PLUS (Guide to Use of Library, ICT and Study Skills) is aimed at addressing and solving these challenges in an information age where the whole world has become a GLOBAL VILLAGE and growth of information stands at an astronomical level as a result of the birth of INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT).

  • af Emmanuel Onwubiko
    828,95 kr.

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