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Bøger af Evelio Rosero

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  • - Winner of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize
    af Evelio Rosero
    112,95 kr.

    An old Colombian man bears witness to the senseless violence engulfing his country in an immensely disturbing book where every detail is true to life.

  • af Evelio Rosero
    127,95 kr.

    Far Far Away is the Colombian master Evelio Rosero's ninth novel and has been billed by his Spanish publisher as "one of the most important Colombian works of fiction written in the past two decades." In search of his missing granddaughter Rosaura, an old man named Jeremías Andrade arrives in a town strewn with dead mice and overflowing with mist and fog. The owner of a rotten hotel and the dwarf who always accompanies her; children who play with sinister soccer balls and observe life from the ruined rooftops; an albino named Bonifacio who appears and disappears like a ghost; the cart driver whose only task is to pick up the mice piling up night after night; the charitable nuns in a nearby convent - these are the characters that converge in a vigil turned nightmare. Jeremías's wanderings reveal a haunting truth, and a possibility of reunion in a place where all is lost, a forever-gaping abyss.

  • af Evelio Rosero
    117,95 kr.

    An allegorical tale. In a small town the full terror emerges of a dominant power structure left unchallenged. One of many kept indoors during their short lives, an unknown narrator describes with increasing circles the boundaries of his living space and the realities of his uncertain condition.

  • af Evelio Rosero
    92,95 kr.

    When Father Almida is summoned to an audience with the parish's principal benefactor, a stand-in is found in Father Matamoros, a drunkard with an angel's voice whose sung mass is mesmerizing to all. But Matamoros hides a darker side...

  • af Evelio Rosero
    287,95 kr.

    Min kammerat Toño Ciruelo tager læseren med ind i demaskeringsprocessen af en morder med mange ansigter, som lidt efter lidt afsløres for til sidst kun at efterlade ét – ofrenes. Forfatteren Evelio Rosero giver med denne roman et portræt af en morder. Den er en dyster rejse gennem Toño Ciruelos liv fortalt af hans barndomsven, forfatteren Eri Salgado, som efter 20 år pludselig konfronteres med Ciruelo igen. Eri Salgado går tilbage i tiden i fortællingen om, hvordan denne ondskab er opstået. Vi føres via en række historier gennem Toño Ciruelos barndom og ungdom, gymnasietid, universitetsstudier og arbejdsliv – en række små og ubetydelige episoder, men også andre mere komplekse – som alt sammen har været medvirkende til skabelsen af et monster. Samtidig udspiller Colombias historie i slutningen af 1960’erne sig i baggrunden. Rekonstruktionen af Toño Ciruelos liv opbygger svaret på, hvordan en person, som for det ydre blik virker helt normal, kan rumme så mørkt et indre.

  • af Evelio Rosero
    162,95 kr.

    Ismail, the profesor, is a retired teacher in a small Colombian town where he passes the days pretending to pick oranges while spying on his neighbor Geraldina as she lies naked in the shade of a ceiba tree on a red floral quilt. The garden burns with sunlight; the macaws laugh sweetly. Otilia, Ismail's wife, is ashamed of his peeping and suggests that he pay a visit to Father Albornoz. Instead, Ismail wanders the town visiting old friends, plagued by a tangle of secret memories: Where have I existed these years? I answer myself: up on the wall, peering over. When the armies slowly arrive, the profesor's reveries are gradually taken over by a living hell. His wife disappears and he must find her. We learn that not only gentle, grassy hillsides surround San José but landmines and coca fields. The reader is soon engulfed by the violence of Rosero's narrative that is touched not only with a deep sadness, but an extraordinary tenderness.

  • af Evelio Rosero
    117,95 kr.

    A beguiling, surreal and controversial novel by Colombia's greatest writer since Gabriel Garcia Marquez

  • af Evelio Rosero
    94,95 kr.

    Langt oppe i bjergene i det frodige Columbia bor den pensionerede lærer Ismail med sin kone. Mens han plukker sine søde saftige, modne appelsiner i formiddagssolen, krydres hans rolige dagligdag af naboens kone, som solbader nøgen i sin have, af naboens unge pige, som bliver yppigere og yppigere, og af hans egen kone, Otilia, som skælder ham ud for at stå og lure. Det har han gjort i mange år, men mere diskret end nu. Men en morgen kommer borgerkrigen til byen, og naboen og hans kone bliver deres ofre. I forvirringen kommer Otilia og Ismail væk fra hinanden, og hans bekymring over det vokser, da flere af landsbyens beboere forsvinder, mens virkelighedens jernhånd griber om den gamle mands sanselige, sensuelle verden. Ismail vil ikke flygte som de andre landsbyboere, ikke uden sin kone, og han bliver nu et ufrivilligt vidne til den meningsløse vold, der snart hærger hans land. Ismael rammes af en virkelighed, han ikke længere forstår, og hans historie er sørgeligt aktuel i en uvirkelig og uafvendelig borgerkrig, hvor mennesker forsvinder sporløst i hænderne på navnløse soldater, guerillaer, paramilitære og den såkaldte ordensmagt – alle sammen hære i en hallucinatorisk malstrøm af opbrud.Evelio Rosero Diago (f. 1958) er en prisbelønnet, colombiansk forfatter og journalist.

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