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  • af Fabian Anya
    367,95 kr.

    God has the best for humans, but the avowed psychic intelligence has continued to trail, pervert and divert the way of the Church from the part of destiny which their Lord, Creator and savior has charted for them. This has subjected the church to obedience of the enemy, thus they serve God and at the same time, provoke Him to anger and jealousy. Indeed, the Lord sowed corn in His vineyard (the Church) while men slept, the enemy came in and sowed tares. We need to uproot these tares to make the Church perfect, without spots and wrinkles before her Lord.This book reveals the tares which the enemy has sown in the churches of Jesus Christ, and calls on all concerned to uproot these tares in order to keep the Church ready to inherit the Kingdom which their Lord has prepared for them either after death or at the second coming of the Lord.

  • af Fabian Anya
    297,95 kr.

    This world is destined by God to go through a pathway, accomplishing divinely prescribed events. The events are also time-bound, and will affect everyone on the earth. Institutions and persons that will play various roles are also identified.However, the events, their players and the effect on the earth and the dwellers are kept secret.This book is a research that unveils these global events that must take place, the time allotted to them to happen, the institutions and persons that will play the various roles and the overall effect on the earth and the dwellers.It further prescribed the actions necessary to be taken by earth dwellers for perpetual safety.

  • af Fabian Anya
    527,95 kr.

    Business ventures are made for the purpose of making profit. Continuity is not guaranteed when a business fails to break even. The desire of chief executives of businesses is to make sustainable profit and grow at an enviable rate, but this desire will be frustrated when the business fails to break even. A healthy looking business may not be healthy after all. Financial analysis is the medical checkup your business needs for its true health condition to be identified.A profitable business may suddenly become insolvent, and at the same time investors will avoid it like leprosy. This situation may force the company to wind up. Efficient financial analysis will reveal such situations and necessary action taken to mitigate the problem.In addition to financial analysis, risk analysis is important, as that will make the business identify potential risks before they actually take place and mitigate them. This is one of the ways to assure your business survives.Effective internal control guarantees optimum productivity and zero fraud. Human nature demands that they be controlled or compelled to obey rules and regulations.

  • af Fabian Anya
    607,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch soll den Lesern - Laien, Unternehmern/ Geschäftsführern und Wissenschaftlern - die Bedeutung, die Wichtigkeit und den Einsatz von Rechnungswesen und Finanzen für die Verwaltung unternehmerischer Aktivitäten zur Steigerung der Rentabilität und des Unternehmenswachstums vermitteln. Es lehrt die Erstellung von Jahresabschlüssen einschließlich Kapitalflussrechnungen für Produktions- und Handelsunternehmen sowie für Projekte. Es wird auch gelehrt, wie man Bilanzen analysiert, verschiedene Arten von Budgets erstellt und die Haushaltskontrolle einsetzt, um ein Unternehmen optimal zu führen. Ebenso wird gelehrt, wie man einen effektiven Geschäftsplan schreibt.

  • af Fabian Anya
    607,95 kr.

    Este livro foi concebido para ensinar aos leitores - leigos, empresários/executivos de empresas e académicos - o significado, a importância e a utilização da contabilidade e das finanças para gerir actividades empresariais com vista à rentabilidade e ao crescimento do negócio. Ensina a preparar demonstrações financeiras, incluindo demonstrações de fluxos de caixa para a produção, comércio e projectos. Ensina também a: analisar demonstrações financeiras; preparar diferentes tipos de orçamentos e a utilização do controlo orçamental para gerir empresas com vista a um desempenho óptimo. Do mesmo modo, ensina também a redigir um plano de negócios eficaz.

  • af Fabian Anya
    1.057,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch lehrt auf einfache und leicht verständliche Weise die wichtigsten Themen des betrieblichen Rechnungswesens, um die Anforderungen vieler Prüfungsgremien im Bereich Rechnungswesen und Finanzen zu erfüllen. Es hat die Themen so vereinfacht, dass es keine Unklarheiten beim Verständnis gibt, damit Schüler von weiterführenden Schulen, Fachhochschulen und Universitäten hervorragende Erfolge in ihren Prüfungen erzielen können. Geschäftsleute, die nicht auf Buchhaltung spezialisiert sind, werden das Buch ebenfalls nützlich finden, da es die Buchhaltungs- und Finanzpraktiken vereinfacht, die Geschäftsleute benötigen, um ihre Firmen profitabel zu führen.

  • af Fabian Anya
    643,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

  • af Fabian Anya
    277,95 kr.

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