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  • af Finace Bush
    182,95 kr.

    Thomas A. Edison is quoted as saying, "Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think."While it is a great time to be born because of the multifarious opportunities available in today's society, it's ironic that the challenge to succeed has become more difficult because of a variety of contributing factors. Although we are constantly challenged in this age to make a living and acquire means to survive, our mission must be to thrive rather than merely survive, which will require a great deal of thinking and planning from day to day.Pastoring a multicultural church gives me the opportunity to meet diverse kinds of men and women who are looking to God for assistance and breakthroughs in different areas of their lives. What is clear to me is that regardless of who these individuals are and how they struggle in their personal lives, those who are willing to think through their challenges, regardless of how they are classified, find insightful ways to overcome. They discover that a bridge to successful, wholesome living is thinking.It is apparent that those who are ready to think are usually those who will most likely succeed because they will include God's wisdom and take responsibility for their own lives. This is regardless of their spiritual status, race, gender, class, or color. But those who fail to think and plan will continue to survive from the wind of the wings of those who do.Great Thinkers: The Bridge to Successful Living is about game changers and force multipliers who find ways through thinking to leave their prints on society regardless of odds and statistics.

  • af Finace Bush
    237,95 kr.

    Imagine yourself as a leader in a desert; a dry place with hardly any cover. It's hot, intensely penetrating, and humid. You shift, but keep moving your team forward. This rapidly escalating heat is mobile and transitional. It's tailored to fit you like a garment. It actually wears you better than the seasonal garments you thought would suffice in this place. In previous stretches and other assignments, you've contended with heat, but never to this magnitude and never for this length of time. Adjusting to each of your physical features and every square inch of your charred body, this heat gradually becomes unrelenting. You begin removing layers of garments you once thought were necessary and definitely appropriate for your journey. I called my introduction: "I Thirst" and if you find yourself at a place in your life that you need more of God; more of His Holy Spirit; more of His leadership in your life ... here is where it starts! If you are thirsty, be thirsty for change. This book will walk you through the process of growing your business, your ministry, and building harmony in your personal life. You are but a drink away from the success you desire!

  • af Finace Bush
    267,95 kr.

    STRUCTURE - The Master Key to Kingdom Success is a book written to help Christian realize and implement key principles that when acted upon will guarantee the success they so desperately desire in all areas of their lives. Many people are bound to complacency through ignorance, which subjects them to a spirit of mediocrity. Wherever mediocrity exists the ability to accept non-progressive people and systems as they are will continue to erode that division of society and eventually prevail towards its non-existence.

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