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Bøger af Frederick Dodson

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  • af Frederick Dodson
    333,95 kr.

    This book presents dozens of wonderful treatments and refreshing experiences you can try for yourself. You will learn about hydropathy and water-cures, electropathy or the healing with electrical currents and sound frequencies, at one time popular and effective treatments. The book also shares the untold story of how traditional healing methods got renamed "alternative medicine" while taking drugs got renamed "modern medicine". You will learn how and why Big Pharma suppressed the healing methods of our ancestors and why housands of hot springs disappeared across the United States and what exactly created the obesity crisis, the cancer crisis and and how it relates to foods and drugs. Finally, this book inspires you with a vision of how a wholesome hospital could look and feel, what the Spa of the future could be and how we can and will reclaim our healthcare.

  • - An investigation of the alien-reptilian presence on Earth
    af Frederick Dodson
    322,95 kr.

    Because of personal experiences and spiritual realization, the author embarks on a quest to find out whether there is an anti-human or alien reptilian presence on, above or under Earth seeking to harvest human beings as energy, food, slave labor, for sex and other purposes. Among the many "forbidden" subjects covered in this book: The disappearance of "reptilian" researchers, the "human meat" conspiracy, missing children, propaganda and brainwashing techniques, how to spot and remove psychopaths from organizations, astral and dreamscape manipulation and many other things too controversial for mainstream "conspiracy" literature. Unlike other books of the genre, the author also presents methods to counter, combat and transcend nefarious agendas so that we can work together to take back our planet and restore freedom, peace and prosperity for all.

  • - Despierta tu capacidad innata
    af Frederick Dodson
    182,95 kr.

    La capacidad de sanar a otros es innata a todo ser humano. No es algo para lo que necesites formarte, estudiar o certificarte. Ha sido utilizada instintivamente por madres, veterinarios, soldados que atienden a los heridos, pastores religiosos, curanderos energéticos y muchos otros a lo largo de los siglos. Este libro describe la curación mediante la imposición de manos, la oración, la energía de la atención y las órdenes en el nombre del Altísimo. Ha sido empleado con éxito por el autor a lo largo de 35 años de trabajo de Coaching. Con estas sencillas herramientas puedes curar a cualquier persona, incluido tú mismo.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    147,95 kr.

    ✨ DISCOVER THE MAGIC WITHIN! ✨ In "MIA'S GLOWING HEART," YOUNG READERS EMBARK ON A TRANSFORMATIONAL JOURNEY TO UNDERSTAND THEMSELVES BETTER, BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES, AND LOVE WHO THEY ARE. This special hardcover children's book weaves a beautiful story that will touch the hearts and minds of children, leaving a lasting impression. ✨ A JOURNEY OF FINDING YOURSELF ✨ Meet MIA, a young, gentle and empathetic girl looking for her place in the world. She feels overwhelmed by her feelings, but one day, MIA'S HEART SPEAKS UP. This moment sets her on a wonderful path of discovering who she truly is, where doubts turn into happiness and self-confidence. ✨ BENEFITS FOR YOUR CHILD ✨ "MIA'S GLOWING HEART" is more than a story; it's a valuable source of lessons and inspiration. This book empowers children to: - BUILD SELF-CONFIDENCE: Mia's journey helps kids believe in themselves, which will be a great help in everything they do.- FOSTER SELF-LOVE: Through Mia's adventures, children learn to love and appreciate themselves more.- PRACTICE KINDNESS AND UNDERSTANDING: Mia's kindness and empathy inspire young readers to be kind and understanding to others.- EXPLORE THE MAGIC OF IMAGINATION: This book encourages kids to let their imaginations run wild, which will make them more creative and love storytelling.- MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES: Mia leans to make healthy choices, and this book encourages kids to make healthy choices too.

  • - Cómo enfocar la energía para manifestar riqueza, salud y amor
    af Frederick Dodson
    182,95 kr.

    Cómo enfocar la energía en forma de pensamiento, palabra y acción para atraer, crear y manifestar riqueza, salud y amor. Más allá de las aguas poco profundas de la nueva era, la ley de la atracción y la psicología motivacional convencional, hay un pozo profundo del que deriva en una determinación y fuerza inquebrantables. Esa fuente está dentro de ti y se puede despertar para lograr cualquier cosa. La Técnica de Creación de Realidad es el método más rápido y eficaz para ayudarte a hacer realidad tus sueños.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    182,95 kr.

    The Intuitive Awareness Method allows you to perceive knowledge that you do not know or were not sure of. It has been used to find lost people and items, find solutions to illness, test money investments, access hidden information and general spiritual growth. Most view this has having "psychic" or "supernatural" powers. But in reality, the Intuitive Awareness Method simply makes use of your natural ability to tell truth from falsehood and the quality of consciousness to perceive things across time and space. In this book you will experience that, once you know yourself, nothing stays unknown to you.

  • - Levels of Energy Book II
    af Frederick Dodson
    462,95 kr.

    This is Book 2 in the "Levels of Energy" series. Book 1 dealt with the spectrum of emotions and consciousness in everyday life. Book 2 addresses lower and higher realms of consciousness and the authors personal journeys through these realms. It also shows that the inner circles of the World Religions and ancient traditions are familiar with the levels of consciousness and are in fact puzzle pieces to understanding our place in the Universe. This book is fundamentally empowering and will help you understand the purpose of life and guide you to more freedom, love and ability.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    372,95 kr.

    Because of personal experiences and spiritual realization, the author embarks on a quest to find out whether there is an anti-human or alien reptilian presence on, above or under Earth seeking to harvest human beings as energy, food, slave labor, for sex and other purposes. Among the many "forbidden" subjects covered in this book: The disappearance of "reptilian" researchers, the "human meat" conspiracy, missing children, propaganda and brainwashing techniques, how to spot and remove psychopaths from organizations, astral and dreamscape manipulation and many other things too controversial for mainstream "conspiracy" literature. Unlike other books of the genre, the author also presents methods to counter, combat and transcend nefarious agendas so that we can work together to take back our planet and restore freedom, peace and prosperity for all.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    167,95 kr.

    Communication and Self-Confidence go beyond what you say and do. They are matters of consciousness and energy-exchange. This book addresses everything you wanted to know about Communication that is not taught in Academia or Corporate Courses because they dismiss ideas about "consciousness" and "energy." Learn how to send good vibes, neutralize bad vibes, speak publicly, strengthen your aura and presence, develop humor and integrity and be spontaneous in your self-expression.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    237,95 kr.

    What happens when the soul leaves the body? Did you have past lives? Can you catch glimpses of your future lives? What happens in the afterlife? Do soulmates exist? How can you detect them? How can you connect to your Higher Self? What is your lifes purpose? Join Frederick Dodson as he describes his insights based on his own out-of-body experiences, Lucid Dreams, past-life-regression techniques and Meditation practices. Learn what the soul does in its "lives between lives" and how you can better connect to your memory of your Souls Intentions and your Intuition.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    342,95 kr.

    This examination of Atlantis shows the congruency between mythological accounts across the globe. The legends, folklore, mythology, religion of all cultures reference very similar fantastical events on lost ancient empires, extraterrestrials, giants, dwarves, supernatural Beings and many things hidden and secret. This book aims to present the tangible evidence for these myths.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    397,95 kr.

    The History you have been taught in school is false. It is not just a little false due to human error or bias, it's completely fabricated. This unique book presents the results of meticulous research into some of our mysterious "History". It examines buried cities in deserts, evidence of Giants as recent as the 1800s, the reality of subterranean civilizations, the Domed Earth, ancient energy lines and grids, the fake timelines of America and Africa and much more. This is a collection of articles published on between 2020 and 2022.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    397,95 kr.

    Who are the richest people in the world and what can you learn from them for your own prosperity? What are the psychological and spiritual factors involved in wealth-creation? How can you generate passive income? How can you develop more mental toughness and pro-active power? What do Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity teach on how to get rich? What are Millionaires thoughts, words and deeds that create their abundant reality? This book will help you understand and apply what it takes to become stronger, happier and richer.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    227,95 kr.

    Intuition is the ability to understand something instantly, without the need for conscious reasoning.The Dictionary lists these synonyms: Hunch, Foreknowledge, Inspiration, Perceptivity, Premonition, Presentiment, Gut Feeling, Innate Knowledge, Insight.It also lists the following synonyms, although these are actually different than Intuition: Clairvoyance, Second Sight, Sixth Sense, Discernment, Gut Feeling and Instinct. As a humans evolve to their next higher version, they will live more from intuition than the old body-mind reactions. Contrary to popular belief, intuition is more accurate than any other source. I owe much of my own success and happiness to it. Many of my decisions are made in contradiction to normal reasoning. The purpose of this book is to look at Intuition from many different angles so that you attain a clear sense of this precious gift and take a leap to higher consciousness.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    347,95 kr.

    This book is the continuation of the book Atlantis and the Garden of Eden. The research presented here points to the deeper reality of ancient extraterrestrial visitation and the existence of the pre-flood global civilizations we call "Atlantis" or "Lemuria." Within these pages you will discover gems of untold History that have not been published anywhere before.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    237,95 kr.

    This book is the result of 35 years of research into the determinants of success, performance, achievement, and wealth. Based on many years of coaching experience, research, and real-life results, these are the definitive keys to abundant success in all areas of life.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    417,95 kr.

    This is a complete compendium on the Reality Creation Teachings and organizes hundreds of articles and research papers written over the past 20 years. Use this as a guide and training manual on reality creating, the law of attraction, manifesting, consciousness and achieving your dreams and goals through the power of focus, imagination, emotion, belief and action.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    237,95 kr.

    The rules of wealth have remained the same for thousands of years. Learn universal mindsets that will increase your financial abundance regardless of who and where you are. Results: Confidence in your ability to be of unique service to your fellow humans, comprehensive knowledge of simple Business Models that always work, the skills to generate passive income and the ability to fundamentally change your belief-patterns around the subject of money for lifelong financial stability from within. Frederick Dodson, author of Prosperity Consciousness and Success Attracts Success guides you through the most important processes to turn your life into an unending flow of riches for the benefit of yourself and the people you love.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    227,95 kr.

    This book contains everything worth knowing about Love, Sex, Male and Female Energy-Polarity, Conscious Relationships and Soulmates from the perspective of consciousness researcher and success coach Frederick Dodson.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    462,95 kr.

    This book describes "The Enlightenment Technique", a 2-minute method of self-inquiry that will help you gradually release subconscious beliefs, roles and behavioral patterns that block your natural radiance, emotional freedom and success. This book summarizes more than 20 years of intense research and experience into how Consciousness creates reality.

  • - Through Consciousness and Advanced Technology
    af Frederick Dodson
    227,95 kr.

    The purpose of this book was to write something beautiful that doesn't exist yet. It explores Time Travel as precognitive dreaming, de-materialization, with secret time machine technology and through consciousness travel, lucid dreaming and remote viewing. It examines various reports of time slips, dimensional doorways, claims of time travel, the physics of time travel, the nature of timelessness and non-linear causality.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    287,95 kr.

    This book examines humans and other living beings as electromagnetic fields of energy. Learn about electromagnetic healing, the spine as an antenna, the subconscious manipulation of group-energy-fields and mass indoctrination, the electromagnetic causes of violence, human magnetoreception, street-lamp-interference and other paranormal phenomena, the memory of water, cities and landscapes as closed and open energy circuits, recharging yourself and many other arcane and fascinating topics unknown to most people.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    382,95 kr.

    You can direct, open, focus, shift, deepen and expand Awareness for an ever increasing influence on Reality and an ever enjoyable Journey through life. This book supports you in making your dreams and aspirations come true.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    287,95 kr.

    The focus of this book is on increasing your level of energy, consciousness and health. It covers a broad range of topics from weight loss to addiction release, to experiencing states of flow, states of bliss and beyond. Within you find numerous techniques and principles that have been tried and tested in more than 30 years of consciousness research by international author and speaker Frederick Dodson.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    397,95 kr.

    Consciousness Researcher and Success Coach Frederick Dodson explores the mysteries of Identity and Reality. This book begins where his bestselling book "Parallel Universes of Self" ended. Whereas other books talk about "contacting Higher Self", this one teaches Being Higher Self - Being the highest version of you that you can be, following your true life's purpose and accessing the essence of your spirit and soul that lies beyond the dualities of the mind. If you care about experiencing more joy, humor, love and bliss, this book is for you.

  • - Levels of Energy Book 3
    af Frederick Dodson
    347,95 kr.

    After "Levels of Energy" and "Journeys in Spectral Consciousness" this is the third book in the series. In this Volume you learn of Higher Realms of Consciousness, Emotion and Reality and the Attitudes and Behaviors that align with them.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    297,95 kr.

    Springing from physics, and featured in science fiction, the "Parallel Worlds Theory" is an earth-shattering revision of our understanding of reality. It says, simply, that everything that can happen does. Universes branch and branch in time, one for every alternate possibility. Far more than an intellectual exercise, the parallel universe principle can be applied in personal reality and everyday life. You can "create" your reality by becoming the parallel-world version of yourself for whom the experience you want is already real. This is your roadmap, your guidebook, to Parallel Universes of Self.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    287,95 kr.

    Ontologist Frederick Dodson explores the hidden realities he has encountered in three decades of consciousness research. The fascinating topics of this book range from supernatural perception, paranormal events, near-death-experiences and the afterlife to mystical synchronicity with names and numbers, miraculous events and personal accounts of the strange and amazing. This is some of the finest insight into the nature of reality and the unseen you have read so far.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    122,95 kr.

    This book is not for entertainment purposes. Instead it is a manual for those who have already decided to learn one or several foreign Languages. You are guided through a 5 day do-it-yourself Course that enable you to learn up to 800 words and phrases of the foreign language. The author speaks from decades of experience as a Language-Coach, Superlearning-Instructor and Life Coach.

  • af Frederick Dodson
    237,95 kr.

    This Manual summarizes all of the lessons from the Leadership Workshop we have been conducting in the last 10 years. It is easily one of the most powerful Manuals on Leadership, Influence, Power and Creation of Reality available and will teach you: * A Scale of Performance by which you can make a precise status-check and find out exactly what the next steps are to higher Performance and Leadership.* Instructions and Exercises to apply the "Power of Context" in your function as a leader of groups, organizations and people for fantastic benefit of yourself, others and the world at large.* A Procedure to magnify your strengths and identify, admit to and overcome your weaknesses. Power is achieved through maximum authenticity. Getting in touch with reality makes you a master of reality.* A procedure to maximize your courage to go forward and initiate as well as to "go were it hurts" and tread where nobody has dared tread before. You will never be a leader if you do not learn to leave your comfort zone on a regular basis. These exercises will help you do just that consistently.* A procedure that will help you develop visions that are bigger than yourself. Follow something bigger than yourself and you will be followed.* Procedures to build integrity, values, virtues, strength of character and other qualities of great Leadership. In this section you learn how to deal with breaks in integrity, broken agreements, transgressions and restore your life energy.Some of the secrets you will learn in this Manual are mind-boggling yet they will change your life forever. Here is just one of many: Did you know that one of the big secrets of Leadership is not self-empowerment but the empowerment-of-others? Now that you read it you might say "makes sense!" but countless books and seminars on Leadership teach you just the opposite - namely that "Self-Empowerment" is the basis of good Leadership. With the help of this book you will be able to trash all the garbage you have learned and learn things that teach you not about Leadership but what it is like to actually BE a leader.In addition to helping you BE a leader you will also learn to...* No longer be dependent on peoples approval but instead do-the-right-thing* Have it be OK for you and others when you say "No"* Quit imitating the doing (actions) and having (possessions) of successful people and instead learn from the Being that creates those actions and possessions.* Learn to stay calm and poised in difficult circumstances* Learn to deepen your relationships to others.* Learn beyond doubt what your lifes purpose is* Learn how to help othersEven if you have been reading books on Self-Improvement for decades, this one will blow you away. It contains new and surprising lessons ignored by contemporary pop- and motivational-psychology as well as new-age literature. Nobody wants to tell you this stuff because they fear losing their own advantage.This Manual is succinct to help you focus on application instead of reading. It is in the application of these lessons that you go way beyond what you used to be. The Leadership Weekend Course cost $600 and that information is now available in a very affordable book format for $19.90.

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