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Bøger af Frederick Schauer

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  • - Uses of Evidence in Law, Politics, and Everything Else
    af Frederick Schauer
    272,95 kr.

    How do we know what we think we know? The answer is evidence, but evidence is no simple thing. What counts as evidence in a scientific context or private dispute may not stand up in court. Frederick Schauer combines perspectives from law, statistics, psychology, and philosophy to assess the nature of evidence in the era of "fake news."

  • - Cases, Comments, and Questions
    af Michael C. Dorf, Frederick Schauer, Steven H. Shiffrin, mfl.
    188,95 - 4.037,95 kr.

    In preparing the new edition, the authors have retained the basic format of prior editions, but have added new cases and re-edited old ones to ensure coverage of important topics. The Notes and Questions continue to present a wide range of perspectives for students to consider, rather than reflecting a single point of view that users of the book must either adopt or teach against.

  • af Michael C. Dorf, Frederick Schauer, Jesse H. Choper & mfl.
    2.763,95 kr.

    An annually-revised paperback designed for a single-semester course on constitutional law. The book contains ""the essentials"" for teaching a basic course in constitutional law. This edition of Leading Cases is up to date through the completion of the Supreme Court Term that ended in June 2020.

  • - Cases, Comments, and Questions
    af Michael C. Dorf, Frederick Schauer, Richard H. Fallon & mfl.
    4.157,95 kr.

    This casebook has two main distinguishing attributes. Because students benefit from engagement with Supreme Court opinions, pivotal cases are edited less substantially than in other books. And, because Constitutional Law is an argumentative practice, this edition follows its predecessors in exposing students to diverse perspectives.

  • af Steven H. Shiffrin & Jesse H. Choper
    3.823,95 kr.

    This widely adopted soft cover casebook, designed for a two- or three-unit course in the First Amendment, has been thoroughly revised, tightened, and updated. The authors present the materials in a way that permits instructors to depart from the organization of the casebook with relative ease.

  • af Frederick Schauer
    478,95 kr.

    Many legal theorists maintain that laws are effective because we internalize them, obeying even when not compelled to do so. In a comprehensive reassessment of the role of force in law, Frederick Schauer disagrees, demonstrating that coercion, more than internalized thinking and behaving, distinguishes law from society's other rules.

  • af Frederick Schauer
    333,95 kr.

    When the law makes decisions about groups based on averages, the public benefit can be enormous. On the other hand, profiling and stereotyping may lead to injustice. As Schauer argues, there is good profiling and bad profiling. If we can effectively determine which is which, we stand to gain, not lose, a measure of justice.

  • - A New Introduction to Legal Reasoning
    af Frederick Schauer
    219,95 kr.

    Aimed at law students and upper-level undergraduates, this primer on legal reasoning is also an original exposition of basic legal concepts that scholars and lawyers will find stimulating. Schauer's analysis of what makes legal reasoning special will be a valuable guide for students and a challenge to a wide range of current academic theories.

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