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  • - Practical Application Tools.
    af Gabriel Radu
    117,95 kr.

    This book is completely different than anything you have encountered before about the Law of Attraction. The uniqueness of this book is the fact that it helps you know precisely: 1. The components of the concept of attraction (10 universal laws that constitute the foundation of this concept); 2. The scientific and the spiritual bases of each component 3. The practical and concrete tools of applying of each of the 10 laws. The Concept of Attraction only has real power by applying both components in the materialization process, both the scientific component and the spiritual component. If you apply only the spiritual component, you'll become a dreamer left high and dry. If you apply only the scientific component, you will not add energetic and spiritual power to what you want and thus, you will block the materialization process. If you had to apply the Law of Attraction in your life on your own until now, well, the tone changes radically, as you are not on your own anymore. You will discover that by merely reading this book, without application of concepts into the physical plane, you'll probably venture in your most important mental trip.

  • - Instrumente Practice de Aplicare
    af Gabriel Radu
    172,95 kr.

    Aceasta carte este complet diferita fata de tot ce ai intalnit pana in acest moment referitor la Legea Atractiei. Daca pana acum a trebuit sa te descurci singur in aplicarea acestei legi, ei bine de aceasta data tonul se schimba radical, intrucat nu mai esti pe cont propriu. Legea Atractiei, asa cum o cunosc majoritatea oamenilor, de fapt nu este o simpla lege, ci un concept care are la baza 10 legi universale, prin care sa atragi in viata ta ceea ce iti doresti cu adevarat. Unicitatea acestei carti consta in faptul ca te ajuta sa cunosti cu exactitate: - componentele Conceptului de Atractie (zece legi universale); - baza stiintifica respectiv baza spirituala aferente fiecarei componente; - instrumentul concret si 100% practic de aplicare a fiecareia din cele zece legi. Acesta carte este pentru tine daca: - Vrei sa intelegi odata pentru totdeauna, cum sa atragi in viata ta ceea ce iti doresti; - Vrei sa intri in controlul gandurilor si a emotiilor tale; - Vrei sa te eliberezi de trecutul tau, pentru a da o noua directie vietii tale; - Vrei sa aduci armonia in viata ta; - Vrei sa definesti mult mai bine si in mod corect ceea ce vrei in viata ta; - Vrei sa iti construiesti un plan strategic de reorganizare a vietii. Ce ai de pierdut daca nu citesti aceasta carte: - Vei continua sa atragi in viata ta ceea ce nu iti doresti; - Grijile si nemultumirea se vor tine de tine; - Viata ta va fi o lupta continua cu tot ceea ce te inconjoara; - Iti vei pierde incerederea in fortele tale; - Vei munci din greu ca sa traiesti din greu; - Vei duce o viata la intamplare, condus de circumstantele din jurul tau.

  • - Free yourself from negative thinking and live a happy successful life!
    af Gabriel Radu
    142,95 kr.

    I want to be entirely honest with you and to offer the right image of the reality. Thus, this is what this audio-book can do: -it can help you to develop a constantly focused thinking on results; - it offers you simple but effective tools that can help change your thoughts; This book has been made for you if you can find yourself in at least one of the following 5+1 situations: 1. You would like to make the movement from the negative to positive thinking, to enjoy a better, easier, freer, and worth living life; 2. You would like to constantly stay focused on what you are willing to change in your life and on the results you want to achieve in the next years; 3. You really want to use practical-proof instruments, through which the changing in your thinking to become predictable; 4. You are willing to significantly improve your emotional control state; 5. You are determined to discover an easy way through which to clearly direct your future; 6. You are a keen consumer of quality personal development literature. You know where your thoughts are and where your energy gathers, there will be results in your life.

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