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  • af Gebhard Mathis
    1.315,95 - 2.342,95 kr.

  • af Gebhard Mathis
    1.120,95 kr.

    Chest sonography is an established procedure in the assessment of pulmonary and pleural disease, allowing the investigator to make an unequivocal diagnosis without exposing the patient to costly and stressful procedures. Since the second edition of this book, the value of chest sonography has been further demonstrated in many new studies, especially regarding the application of portable ultrasound stethoscope systems. The new edition presents the state of the art in chest investigation by means of ultrasonography and takes into account the results of the 1st International Consensus Conference on Pleural and Lung Ultrasound. The numerous excellent illustrations and the compact text provide concise and easy-to-assimilate information about the diagnostic procedure. Basic aspects such as indications, investigative techniques, and image artifacts are detailed in separate chapters, and new chapters have been included on emergency ultrasound of the chest and pediatric chest sonography.

  • af Gebhard Mathis
    982,95 kr.

    Chest sonography is an established procedure in the stepwise imaging diagnosis of pulmonary and pleural disease. It is the method of choice to distinguish between solid and liquid lesions and allows the investigator to make an unequivocal diagnosis without exposing the patient to costly and stressful procedures. This book presents the state of the art in chest investigation by means of ultrasonography. A number of excellent illustrations and the compact text provide concise and easy-to-assimilate information about the diagnostic procedure. Basic elements such as indications, investigation techniques and image artifacts are detailed in separate chapters.

  • af Gebhard Mathis
    1.518,95 kr.

    DAS Standardwerk für Lungen- und Pleurasonographie für Internisten, Pneumologen, Radiologen, Thoraxchirurgen, Intensiv- und Notfallmediziner, Pädiater. State-of-the-art von den Meinungsbildnern des deutschsprachigen Raums. Der Schallkopf als Stethoskop: Kleine, tragbare Ultraschallgeräte, die immer dabei sind, werden zum unverzichtbaren Tool und ermöglichen die ¿Bedside-Sonographie¿. Moderne Technik liefert Bilder höchster Qualität - Kosten sparend, ohne Belastung für den Patienten.GrundlagenIndikationen, Gerätetechnik, Bildartefakte, UntersuchungsgängeDiagnostik, Befundung, VerlaufskontrolleAusführliche Darstellung der bildgebenden StufendiagnostikEntscheidungsfindung ¿Vom Symptom zur Diagnose¿Mit Praxistipps und Hinweisen auf FehlerquellenInklusive detaillierter Darstellung der Ultraschalluntersuchung des Mediastinums (endobronchialer Schall, transösophagealer Schall)Inklusive Kontrastunterstützte Sonographie (KUS)Lungensonographie in der Notfallmedizin z.B. in der Differentialdiagnose der Luftnot, PneumothoraxEinbeziehung der neuesten Studienergebnisse, Metaanalysen und LiteraturUmfangreiches einzigartiges BildmaterialHochwertige Abbildungen nach neuester Technik

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