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  • af George Orwell
    217,95 kr.

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come""Nada dice que no pueda ser dentro de una semana""nothing says it can't be in a week from now""O podría venir dentro de cien años""or it could come in a hundred years""Puedo verlo tan claramente como veo la paja bajo mis pies""I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet""Tarde o temprano se hará justicia""sooner or later justice will be done""Fijen sus ojos en ese objetivo, camaradas""Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades""¡Recuérdenlo por el corto resto de sus vidas!""remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!""Y sobre todo, no dejéis morir aquí este mensaje mío""And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here""Transmita este mensaje a los que vienen después de usted""pass this message on to those who come after you""Entonces las generaciones futuras continuarán la lucha""then future generations shall carry on the struggle""Seguirán luchando hasta que los nuestros salgan victoriosos""they will fight on until our kind is victorious"

  • af George Orwell
    217,95 kr.

    Je peux le voir aussi clairement que je vois la paille sous mes pieds "I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet" Tôt ou tard, justice sera faite "sooner or later justice will be done" Fixez vos yeux sur cet objectif, camarades "Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades" Souvenez-vous-en pour tout le court reste de votre vie! "remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!" Et surtout, ne laissez pas mon message s'éteindre ici "And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here" Transmettez ce message à ceux qui viendront après vous "pass this message on to those who come after you" Alors les générations futures poursuivront la lutte "then future generations shall carry on the struggle" Ils se battront jusqu'à ce que notre espèce soit victorieuse "they will fight on until our kind is victorious"

  • af George Orwell
    217,95 kr.

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come""Niente dice che non può essere tra una settimana""nothing says it can't be in a week from now""o potrebbe arrivare tra cento anni""or it could come in a hundred years""Posso vederlo chiaramente come vedo la paglia sotto i miei piedi""I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet""Prima o poi giustizia sarà fatta""sooner or later justice will be done""Fissate gli occhi su quell'obiettivo, compagni""Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades""Ricordatelo per tutto il breve resto della vostra vita!""remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!""E soprattutto, non lasciate che questo mio messaggio si spenga qui""And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here""Trasmettete questo messaggio a coloro che verranno dopo di voi""pass this message on to those who come after you""Allora le generazioni future continueranno la lotta""then future generations shall carry on the struggle""Continueranno a combattere fino a quando la nostra specie non sarà vittoriosa""they will fight on until our kind is victorious"

  • af George Orwell
    167,95 kr.

    "First published in 1939, Coming Up for Air is a novel written by George Orwell shortly before the outbreak of World War II. Set in 1938 London, the story revolves around a middle-aged insurance salesman George Bowling who lives in a suburban row-house with his wife and two children. As the years roll by, he feels like a hostage to his own wife and children and himself as a prisoner. One day, after winning some money from a bet, George steals away from his family to visit the village where he grew up, to fish for carp in a pool he remembers thirty years before. The pool, alas, is gone, the village has changed beyond recognition, and the principal event of his holiday is an accidental bombing by the RAF. In this novel, Orwell has portrayed a character who seeks to escape in order to come up for air. It is a poignant account of one man's attempt to recapture childhood innocence as war looms on the horizon."

  • af George Orwell
    192,95 kr.

    A Clergyman's Daughter is a 1935 novel by English author George Orwell. It tells the story of Dorothy Hare, the clergyman's daughter of the title, whose life is turned upside down when she suffers an attack of amnesia. It is Orwell's most formally experimental novel, featuring a chapter written entirely in dramatic form, but he was never satisfied with it and he left instructions that after his death it was not to be reprinted. Despite these instructions, Orwell did consent to the printing of cheap editions "of any book which may bring in a few pounds for my heirs" following his death.

  • af George Orwell
    207,95 kr.

    "First published in 1934, Burmese Days is a novel by George Orwell. Set in British Burma during the waning days of the Empire, it is ""a portrait of the dark side of the British Raj."" The story is based on Orwell's own experiences as a police officer in Burma. The main character of the novel is John Flory and he represents what is known as the ""pukka sahib"" who upholds British values and the British way of life. Flory is deliberately contrasted with other British residents of the area, however, he has real respect for the local culture and is not bigoted as the others. The others stand for the more normal course of British imperialism, with the British exercising power over people for whom they have contempt. The strong pessimism of Orwell is seen in the way Flory is marginalized by the British community precisely because he is not the bigot others are and so, Flory cannot survive in this atmosphere and commits suicide."

  • af George Orwell
    167,95 kr.

    George Orwell is one of the world's most influential writers, the visionary author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-four and non-fiction classics Down and Out in Paris in London, The Road toWigan Pier and Homage to Catalonia.George Orwell was born Eric Blair in India in 1903 into a comfortable'lower-upper-middle class' family. Orwell's father had served the British Empire, and Orwell's own first job was as a policeman in Burma. Orwell wrote in "Shooting an Elephant" (1936) that his time in the police force had shown him the "dirty work of Empire at close quarters"; the experience made him a lifelong foe of imperialism.By the time of his death in 1950, he was world-renowned as a journalist and author: for his eyewitness reporting on war (shot in the neck in Spain) and poverty (tramping in London, washing dishes in Paris or visiting pits and the poor in Wigan); for his political and cultural commentary, where he stood up to power and said the unsayable ('If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear'); and for his fiction, including two of the most popular novels ever written: Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four.

  • af George Orwell
    122,95 kr.

    The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell. In Wigan I stayed for a while with a miner who was suffering from nystagmus. He could see across the room but not much further. He had been drawing compensation of twenty-nine shillings a week for the past nine months, but the colliery company were now talking of putting him on 'partial compensation' of fourteen shillings a week. It all depended on whether the doctor passed him as fit for light work 'on top'. Even if the doctor did pass him there would, needless to say, be no light work available, but he could draw the dole and the company would have saved itself fifteen shillings a week. Watching this man go to the colliery to draw his compensation, I was struck by the profound differences that are still made by status. Here was a man who had been half blinded in one of the most useful of all jobs and was drawing a pension to which he had a perfect right, if anybody has a right to anything. Yet he could not, so to speak, demand this pension - he could not, for instance, draw it when and how he wanted it. He had to go to the colliery once a week at a time named by the company, and when he got there he was kept waiting about for hours in the cold wind. For all I know he was also expected to touch his cap and show gratitude to whoever paid him; at any rate he had to waste an afternoon and spend sixpence in bus fares. It is very different for a member of the bourgeoisie, even such a down-at-heel member as I am. Even when I am on the verge of starvation I have certain rights attaching to my bourgeois status. I do not earn much more than a miner earns, but I do at least get it paid into my bank in a gentle-manly manner and can draw it out when I choose. And even when my account is exhausted the bank people are passably polite. This business of petty inconvenience and indignity, of being kept waiting about, of having to do everything at other people's convenience, is inherent in working-class life. A thousand influences constantly press a working man down into a passive role. He does not act, he is acted upon. He feels himself the slave of mysterious authority and has a firm conviction that 'they' will never allow him to do this, that, and the other. Once when I was hop-picking I asked the sweated pickers (they earn something under sixpence an hour) why they did not form a union. I was told immediately that 'they' would never allow it. Who were 'they'? I asked. Nobody seemed to know, but evidently 'they' were omnipotent.

  • af George Orwell
    192,95 kr.

    The oppressed animals on Mr. Jones' farm revolt against their human masters and take over the farm. Led by the pigs, they decide to run the farm themselves on egalitarian principles. However, in course of time, a new dominion is formed and the pigs, now corrupt by power, start to rule over the other animals. The story is a timeless and overwhelming satire which is directed towards Stalin. It tells us how power is a never-ending game of greed, corruption, betrayal and hatred

  • af George Orwell
    152,95 kr.


  • af George Orwell
    167,95 kr.

    George Orwell's celebrated novella, Animal Farm, is a biting, allegorical, political satire on totalitarianism in general and Stalinism in particular. One of the most famous works in modern English literature, it is a telling comment on Soviet Russia under Stalin's brutal dictatorship based on a cult of personality which was enforced through a reign of terror. The book tells a seemingly simple story of farm animals who rebel against their master in the hope of stopping their exploitation at the hand of humans and creating a society where animals would be equal, free and happy. Ultimately, however, the rebellion is betrayed and the farm ends up in a state as bad as it was before. The novel thus demonstrates how easily good intentions can be subverted into tyranny.Orwell has himself said that it was the first book in which he had tried, with full consciousness of what he was doing, 'to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole.' The book was first published in England in 1945, and has since then remained a favourite with readers all over the world, and has consistently been included in all prestigious bestseller lists for the past many years.

  • af George Orwell
    137,95 kr.


  • af George Orwell
    242,95 kr.


  • - The Man And His Works
    af George Orwell
    290,95 - 403,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    122,95 kr.

    Quizá la empresa mas difícil de acometer sea la de hacernos conscientes. El mundo en que vivimos parece decididamente abocado a distraernos, a impedirle a los individuos un momento de lucidez para mirar su entorno, observar cómo funciona la sociedad. Los verdaderos poderes del visionario de Orwell radican en su capacidad para mirar no sólo los objetos, sino, principalmente, la sombra que proyectan. Rebelión en la granja es una fábula en la que la adjudicación de las aflicciones y necesidades humanas a los animales protagonista venció la resistencia racional de los primeros lectores a mirar lo que no querían mirar. Lo que nos cuenta Orwell ya estaba en los periódicos: la historia sobre los crímenes estalinistas en la Unión Soviética.

  • - Literatura
    af George Orwell
    97,95 kr.

    A trama revelada neste livro nunca mais sairá da sua cabeça, ela representa em síntese a disputa pelo poder. Quando um grupo esta no poder, outros confabulam derrubá-lo e para isto pregam que o governante é tirano, desonesto e apontam toda sorte de defeitos, mas quando chegam no poder, com certeza farão coisas ainda piores. Isto acontece no governo secular, na religião, no trabalho e em todas as relações humanas, porque os homens tem a natureza má e pervertida, além de ter o dom inimitável da falsidade e hipocrisia, capaz de acreditar em sua próprias mentiras para chegar ao poder.A ação ocorre na Granja do Solar, dirigida pelo Sr. Jones, que tem sérios problemas de alcoolismo e maltrata seus animais. Publicada em 1945, no auge do regime stalinista, "A Revolução dos Bichos" já começa com essa alusão ao final do czarismo. Afinal, o czar Nicolau 2° era conhecido por seu pouco apreço pela população, preferindo falar francês a russo, segundo relatos históricos, e tinha uma queda pelo álcool.Há ainda, na obra-prima de Orwell, várias alusões a fatos da Revolução Russa. As sempre inatingíveis metas dos planos quinquenais de Stálin são representadas pela construção do moinho de vento: o sonho impossível dos moradores da Granja dos Bichos.

  • af George Orwell
    97,95 kr.

    George Orwell's vivid memoir of his time living among the desperately poor and destitute, Down and Out in Paris and London is a moving tour of the underworld of society. Exposing a previously-hidden world to his readers, Orwell gave a human face to the statistics of poverty for the first time - and in doing so, found his voice as a writer.

  • - "Burmese Days"
    af George Orwell
    167,95 kr.

    "Como magistrado, sus métodos eran sencillos. No vendía la decisión de un caso por mucho dinero que le ofrecieran, porque sabía muy bien que un magistrado que dicta sentencias injustas a conciencia, es cogido más pronto o más tarde. Lo que él hacía era mucho más sensato: aceptaba soborno de ambas partes y luego decidía el caso estrictamente con arreglo a la ley. Esto le ganó una útil reputación de imparcialidad" "La marca" es una de las primeras obras de George Orwell y en ella, como en el resto de su bibliografía, dejaría un pedazo de su apasionada y combativa vida en lucha constante contra los totalitarismos de cualquier signo. En esta ocasión, retrata con su ya característica agudeza crítica la ocupación inglesa de Birmania. Una vez más, cabría pensar que muchos de los datos del libro son autobiográficos, ya que Orwell ejerció de policia imperial en Birmania de 1922 hasta 1927 y de esa experiencia seguramente provienen muchas de las vivencias que contiene el libro.

  • af George Orwell
    127,95 kr.

    1984 es una novela política de ficción distópica, escrita por George Orwell entre 1947 y 1948 y publicada el 8 de junio de 1949. La novela introdujo los conceptos del omnipresente y vigilante Gran Hermano o Hermano Mayor, de la notoria habitación 101, de la ubicua policía del Pensamiento y de la neolengua, adaptación del inglés en la que se reduce y se transforma el léxico con fines represivos, basándose en el principio de que lo que no forma parte de la lengua, no puede ser pensado. Muchos analistas detectan paralelismos entre la sociedad actual y el mundo de 1984, sugiriendo que estamos comenzando a vivir en lo que se ha conocido como sociedad orwelliana,1 una sociedad donde se manipula la información y se practica la vigilancia masiva y la represión política y social. El término orwelliano se ha convertido en sinónimo de las sociedades u organizaciones que reproducen actitudes totalitarias y represoras como las representadas en la novela. La novela fue un éxito en términos de ventas y se ha convertido en uno de los más influyentes libros del siglo XX.

  • af George Orwell
    242,95 kr.

    Animal Farm is regarded in the literary field as one of the most famous satirical allegories of Soviet totalitarianism. Orwell based the book on events up to and during Joseph Stalin's regime. Orwell, a democratic socialist and a member of the Independent Labour Party for many years, was a critic of Stalin and was suspicious of Moscow-directed Stalinism after his experiences in the Spanish Civil War.The plot is an allegory in which the pigs in a farm play the role of the Bolshevik revolutionaries and overthrow and oust the human owners of the farm, setting it up as a commune in which, at first, all animals are equal. The other characters have their parallels in the real world, but care should be taken with these comparisons as they do not always match history exactly and often simply represent generalised concepts.The novel was chosen by TIME Magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present.

  • af George Orwell
    322,95 kr.

    Nineteen Eighty-Four, Often Published as 1984, is a Dystopian novel by English writer George Orwell published in June 1949, whose themes centre on the risks of government overreach, totalitarianism and repressive regimentation of all persons and behaviours within society. The novel is set in an Imagined future, the year 1984, when much of the world has fallen victim to perpetual war, Omnipresent government surveillance, historical negationism and Propaganda.

  • af George Orwell & Tony Evans
    157,95 - 397,95 kr.

    Da Winston trådte ind i sin lejlighed blev han mødt af en stemme fra en skærm, der var sat fast på væggen overfor ham – teleskærmen blev den kaldt. Det var umuligt at slukke for skærmen, men Winston kunne skrue en anelse ned for lyden. Winston Smith lever i et mareridt. Tankepolitiet udspionerer alle, og børn opdrages til at forråde deres forældre. Selv det mindste tegn på uenighed med Partiet fører til tortur, fængsel eller død. Big Brother holder øje med alt!I dag er 1984 fortid, men da bogen udkom tilbage i 1949 foregik den 35 år ude i fremtiden. Selvom 1984 er ren fiktion, er historien inspireret af de begivenheder, som fandt sted i verden i den periode. Da George Orwell skrev bogen, havde han især nazismen i Tyskland – fra 1930’erne og frem til afslutningen af Anden Verdenskrig i 1945 – og livet i det daværende Sovjetunionen i baghovedet.1984 er en del af Letlæste klassikere som er en ny serie med nogle af verdenshistoriens mest velkendte fortællinger. Historien er genfortalt af Tony Evans og henvender sig især til læsere på 8-12 år. De eventyrlige og stemningsfulde illustrationer er medvirkende til at give historierne nyt liv. Bøgerne kan både bruges til frilæsning eller som en del af et undervisningsforløb i dansk på mellemtrinnet.Letlæste klassikere har genfortalt nogle af verdenshistoriens mest kendte klassikere for at gøre indholdet mere tilgængeligt. Hensigten er at formidle dele af en rig kulturskat, vække læseglæde og give lyst til at læse mere.

  • af George Orwell
    359,95 kr.

    Burmese Days is the first novel by English writer George Orwell. Set in British Burma during the waning days of Empire, when Burma was ruled from Delhi as part of British India, it is "a portrait of the dark side of the British Raj." At the centre of the novel is John Flory, "the lone and lacking individual trapped within a bigger system that is undermining the better side of human nature. The novel describes "both indigenous corruption and imperial bigotry" in a society where, "after all, natives were natives-interesting, no doubt, but inferior people".

  • af George Orwell
    82,95 - 152,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    97,95 kr.

    Now presented in a new annotated edition, The Road to Wigan Pier represents a unique record of a society riven by class inequality and plagued by unemployment, inadequate housing, unsafe working conditions and other social ills, as well as providing an invaluable insight into the evolution of Orwell's political consciousness.

  • af George Orwell
    140,95 - 147,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    527,95 kr.

    Easy Start mit EasyOriginal! Starter-Set für "Animal Farm": + Lesemethode von Ilya Frank - Teil 1 (erste 6 Kapitel)+ Readable Classics - Unabridged english edition with improved readability, easy to read font and comfortable font size. High-quality print and premium white paper.Mit dem EasyOriginal Starter-Set können Sie problemlos und ohne großen Zeitaufwand in "Animal Farm" auf Englisch eintauchen. Dank der revolutionären Lesemethode von Ilya Frank werden die ersten sechs Kapitel zu einem Vergnügen, denn Sie verstehen den Text sofort und vollständig und müssen kein Wörterbuch zur Hand nehmen. Nachdem Sie die ersten sechs Kapitel gelesen haben, wird es Ihnen leicht fallen, den Originaltext bis zum Ende des Buches zu lesen - und das mit größerem Vergnügen als je zuvor!Bei Bedarf können Sie sich weitere Teile des Buches nach Lesemethode von Ilya Frank besorgen. Das Gesamtwerk des Buches ist in zwei adaptierte Teile unterteilt.Teil 1Leseprobe: Innovative Lesemethode: Ungekürzter Originaltext. Zweisprachiges Buch Englisch-Deutsch. Animal Farm ("Farm der Tiere") ist eine Fabel von George Orwell. Inhalt ist die Erhebung der Tiere einer englischen Farm gegen die Herrschaft ihres menschlichen Besitzers, der sie vernachlässigt und ausbeutet. Nach anfänglichen Erfolgen und beginnendem Wohlstand übernehmen die Schweine immer mehr die Führung und errichten schließlich eine Gewaltherrschaft, die schlimmer ist als diejenige, welche die Tiere abschütteln wollten.Aufgrund seines Inhaltes galt der Roman als Parabel auf die Geschichte der Sowjetunion, bei der auf die vom Volk getragene Februarrevolution letztlich die diktatorische Herrschaft Stalins folgte.George Orwell war ein englischer Schriftsteller, Essayist und Journalist. Durch seine Dystopien Farm der Tiere und 1984 wurde Orwell weltberühmt. Er gilt heute als einer der bedeutendsten Schriftsteller der englischen Literatur.Spaß am Lesen im Original - und das schon als Anfänger oder Wiedereinsteiger. Innovative Lesemethode von Ilya Frank. Fremdsprachen durch Spaß am Lesen lernen, auffrischen und perfektionieren. Effiziente und mühelose Erweiterung des Wortschatzes dank der innovativen Lesemethode. Es bereitet keine Mühe, um im Original zu lesen und kein Wörterbuch ist notwendig, um jedes Wort genau zu verstehen. Nebenbei erlernt man den Wortschatz und wiederholt / verbessert die Grammatik. Dank der integrierten Hörbücher wird auch das Hörverständnis trainiert.

  • af George Orwell
    177,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    332,95 kr.

    Part 2 Leseprobe: Innovative Lesemethode: Ungekürzter Originaltext. Zweisprachiges Buch Englisch-Deutsch. Animal Farm ("Farm der Tiere") ist eine Fabel von George Orwell. Inhalt ist die Erhebung der Tiere einer englischen Farm gegen die Herrschaft ihres menschlichen Besitzers, der sie vernachlässigt und ausbeutet. Nach anfänglichen Erfolgen und beginnendem Wohlstand übernehmen die Schweine immer mehr die Führung und errichten schließlich eine Gewaltherrschaft, die schlimmer ist als diejenige, welche die Tiere abschütteln wollten.Aufgrund seines Inhaltes galt der Roman als Parabel auf die Geschichte der Sowjetunion, bei der auf die vom Volk getragene Februarrevolution letztlich die diktatorische Herrschaft Stalins folgte.George Orwell war ein englischer Schriftsteller, Essayist und Journalist. Durch seine Dystopien Farm der Tiere und 1984 wurde Orwell weltberühmt. Er gilt heute als einer der bedeutendsten Schriftsteller der englischen Literatur.Spaß am Lesen im Original - und das schon als Anfänger oder Wiedereinsteiger. Innovative Lesemethode von Ilya Frank. Fremdsprachen durch Spaß am Lesen lernen, auffrischen und perfektionieren. Effiziente und mühelose Erweiterung des Wortschatzes dank der innovativen Lesemethode. Es bereitet keine Mühe, um im Original zu lesen und kein Wörterbuch ist notwendig, um jedes Wort genau zu verstehen. Nebenbei erlernt man den Wortschatz und wiederholt / verbessert die Grammatik. Dank der integrierten Hörbücher wird auch das Hörverständnis trainiert.

  • af George Orwell
    632,95 kr.

    Leseprobe: Innovative Lesemethode: Ungekürzter Originaltext. Zweisprachiges Buch Englisch-Deutsch. Animal Farm ("Farm der Tiere") ist eine Fabel von George Orwell. Inhalt ist die Erhebung der Tiere einer englischen Farm gegen die Herrschaft ihres menschlichen Besitzers, der sie vernachlässigt und ausbeutet. Nach anfänglichen Erfolgen und beginnendem Wohlstand übernehmen die Schweine immer mehr die Führung und errichten schließlich eine Gewaltherrschaft, die schlimmer ist als diejenige, welche die Tiere abschütteln wollten.Aufgrund seines Inhaltes galt der Roman als Parabel auf die Geschichte der Sowjetunion, bei der auf die vom Volk getragene Februarrevolution letztlich die diktatorische Herrschaft Stalins folgte.George Orwell war ein englischer Schriftsteller, Essayist und Journalist. Durch seine Dystopien Farm der Tiere und 1984 wurde Orwell weltberühmt. Er gilt heute als einer der bedeutendsten Schriftsteller der englischen Literatur.Spaß am Lesen im Original - und das schon als Anfänger oder Wiedereinsteiger. Innovative Lesemethode von Ilya Frank. Fremdsprachen durch Spaß am Lesen lernen, auffrischen und perfektionieren. Effiziente und mühelose Erweiterung des Wortschatzes dank der innovativen Lesemethode. Es bereitet keine Mühe, um im Original zu lesen und kein Wörterbuch ist notwendig, um jedes Wort genau zu verstehen. Nebenbei erlernt man den Wortschatz und wiederholt / verbessert die Grammatik. Dank der integrierten Hörbücher wird auch das Hörverständnis trainiert.

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