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Bøger af Gill Edwards

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  • - en praktisk guide til at realisere dine drømme
    af Gill Edwards
    43,94 - 72,95 kr.

    Et gammelt ord siger, at hvis du kan tænke det, kan det lade sig gøre. Det er det budskab klinisk psykolog Gill Edward formidler i sin bog ”Livet er en gave”.Hun er på linje med andre af tidens spirituelle forfattere, nemlig Hicks med Abrahams lære og Chopra og Sheldrake. Med sin solide psykologiske baggrund har hun godt fat i, hvilke forhindringer og tilbagefald de fleste møder i arbejdet med at omlægge deres tankemønstre til mere positive baner og tro på, at deres drømme er realiserbare.Det er Edwards store kvalitet, at hun møder læseren i hverdagen med de udfordringer alle i større eller mindre omfang kender til. Hendes kombination af spiritualitet og psykologi er grundstofferne i et jordnært og tilgængeligt værktøj til at tage styringen i eget liv og gøre sig klart, hvad det egentlig er, man vil. Hendes fire hovedpointer er: Se livet som en gave Forstå loven om tiltrækning Mærk, når du er i flow Praktiser betingelsesløs kærlighed.Gill Edwards er engelsk og erfaren underviser på workshops samt forfatter til flere bøger.

  • - en praktisk guide til at realisere dine drømme
    af Gill Edwards
    187,95 kr.

    Et gammelt ord siger, at hvis du kan tænke det, kan det lade sig gøre. Det er det budskab klinisk psykolog Gill Edward formidler i sin bog ”Livet er en gave”.Hun er på linje med andre af tidens spirituelle forfattere, nemlig Hicks med Abrahams lære og Chopra og Sheldrake. Med sin solide psykologiske baggrund har hun godt fat i, hvilke forhindringer og tilbagefald de fleste møder i arbejdet med at omlægge deres tankemønstre til mere positive baner og tro på, at deres drømme er realiserbare.Det er Edwards store kvalitet, at hun møder læseren i hverdagen med de udfordringer alle i større eller mindre omfang kender til. Hendes kombination af spiritualitet og psykologi er grundstofferne i et jordnært og tilgængeligt værktøj til at tage styringen i eget liv og gøre sig klart, hvad det egentlig er, man vil. Hendes fire hovedpointer er: Se livet som en gave Forstå loven om tiltrækning Mærk, når du er i flow Praktiser betingelsesløs kærlighed.Gill Edwards er engelsk og erfaren underviser på workshops samt forfatter til flere bøger.

  • - A new vision of reality
    af Gill Edwards
    115,95 kr.

    Living Magically is a book that has changed countless lives. In this lively and inspiring guide to the tools and techniques of metaphysics, Gill Edwards outlines a spiritually-based psychology for the times that we live in. Taking a practical self-help approach, Living Magically will help you to: Rediscover your inner wisdom; Break through your fears, blockages and limitations; Let go of the past and reach for the future; Grow through love and joy, rather than pain and struggle; Heal your inner child; 'Listen to the whispers' from your Higher Self; Make your dreams come true

  • - A new approach to everyday life
    af Gill Edwards
    127,95 kr.

    Developing the ideas contained in her first book, LIVING MAGICALLY, Gill Edwards presents a new approach to everyday life which questions our old assumptions and introduces a new vision of reality. STEPPING INTO THE MAGIC is about having a foot in both worlds - walking with the right foot in the practical reality of everyday life, while using the left to tread the world of the shaman, mystic, visionary, map-maker and co-creator.Learn how to:* Creat success in your life* Grow through joy rather than struglle* Harmonise your three inner selves* Develop you psychic skills* Fulfil your true potentialBy blending the two worlds into one, we begin to heal the age old divisions between spirit and matter, earth and heaven, masculine and feminine, individuality and oneness.

  • af Gill Edwards
    227,95 kr.

    In Life is a gift, Gill Edwards offers four cosmic secrets for creating the life of your dreams and by putting these secrets into practice, you can make every dream come true whether you want greater success and prosperity, good health, loving relationships, your ideal job or home, make a difference in the world or simply find inner peace and joy.

  • af Gill Edwards
    217,95 kr.

  • - Discover the magical secrets of freedom, joy and unconditional love
    af Gill Edwards
    118,95 kr.

    Whenever we try to be good - or expect others to be good - we disconnect from the freedom, joy and unconditional love that is our natural birthright. It is only when we aim to be happy, and reach for our dreams, that we reconnect with Source energy - and release our loving, creative and unique potential.Leading spiritual writer Gill Edwards explains that a deep, magical and joyous reality lies just beyond our reach - if only we can find the key to unlock the door. In WILD LOVE, she helps us find that elusive key, by giving up our old 'patterns of relating' and aligning ourselves with Source energy.WILD LOVE is a beautifully written and inspiring book which will help you to become wild and free, and to become a passionate and visionary co-creator of your own heaven and earth.

  • - A radical new approach to creating health and well-being
    af Gill Edwards
    96,95 kr.

    Radical changes are afoot in medicine as we build stronger bridges between science and spirituality. In CONSCIOUS MEDICINE Gill Edwards explains that mind and body are inseparable and that emotions are crucial in health and disease. Her new approach to healthcare is based on the latest research into the transformative power of consciousness, energy and the bodymind. She explains how, when you break your old habits of thought, you can not only reverse disease processes and heal injuries but also attract more positive events and circumstances into your life. Chapters cover 'miracles' in health and why our current medical model is limiting, how negative thoughts activate the stress response in the body which eventually makes us ill, how the body speaks to us symbolically through symptoms and illness, how to break free from limiting patterns and create a new health-full future. Always thought-provoking and inspiring, this is an accessible, practical and joyous book.

  • - Volume 4
    af Gill Edwards
    848,95 kr.

    Since 1980, clinical psychologists and other professionals have gathered in Merseyside each year for the "Annual Merseyside Course in Clinical Psychology". The present volume - Volume 4 - covers four major areas of current interest: The Child and Therapy;

  • - The art of living in soft time
    af Gill Edwards
    197,95 kr.

    Abandon the stress, busyness and limitations of everyday life and discover a more carefree, joyful and creative state of being and living.

  • - The secrets to making your dreams come true
    af Gill Edwards
    127,95 kr.

    Bestselling author and spiritualist teacher Gill Edward gives on advice on how to make your dreams come true.

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