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  • af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    Johannes Kister, Reinhard Scheithauer (bis 2020) und SusanneGross führen seit 1992 in Köln, seit 2007 in Leipzig und seit kurzemauch in Berlin ein Büro. Aus der Hand der drei Protagonistenstammen bemerkenswerte, inspirierende Bauten, darunter diegrosse skulpturale Anlage der Hochschule Bremerhaven (2005),die durch ihre massive haptische Materialität überzeugt.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    319,95 kr.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    194,95 kr.

    2006 gründete Laurent de Wurstemberger mit zwei Partnern das Atelier ar-ter in Carouge sowie 2011 zusammen mit dem Materialwissenschaftler Rodrigo Fernandez die Firma Terrabloc, die Aushubmaterial von Baustellen zu verdichteten Lehmblocksteinen verarbeitet. 2018 eröffnete er sein Architekturbüro in Genf und realisiert seitdem eine Reihe kleinerer, raffinierter Projekte, unter anderem die Sanierung eines Bauernhofes in Choully.In 2006, Laurent de Wurstemberger founded the Atelier ar-ter in Carouge with two partners, and in 2011, along with the material scientist Rodrigo Fernandez, the company Terrabloc, which turns excavated material from construction sites into compacted clay blocks. In 2018, he opened his architectural practice in Geneva and has since completed a number of smaller, more sophisticated projects, including the renovation of a farm in Choully.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    319,95 kr.

    Das heutige Büro in Zürich geht auf die Gründung von Dolf Schnebli im Jahr 1958 zurück. Über verschiedene Konstellationen wandelte sich das Team bis zur heutigen Form zu sam architekten mit Sacha Menz als einziger der Gründerpartner. Kontinuierlich entstehen sowohl kleinere Bauten als auch Grossbauten von hoher Qualität. So etwa, das zierliche Rustico Ronchetti in Brissago, das feinsinnig in die Umgebung eingebunden ist, der Gemeindesaalmit weiteren Nutzungen in Vals, die eine poetische Kraft ausstrahlen, oder die komplexe, in Zusammenarbeit mit Künstlern entstandene Erweiterung des Klubhauses der Swiss Re am Mythenquai in Zürich.The present office in Zurich dates back to the founding of Dolf Schnebli in 1958. Through various constellations, the team has changed to its present form sam architekten with Sacha Menz as the only one of the founding partners. Smaller buildings as well as large buildings of high quality are continuously being created. For example, the delicate Rustico Ronchetti in Brissago, which is subtly integrated into its surroundings, or the school extension in Vals, which radiate a poetic power, or the complex extension of the Swiss Re clubhouse at Mythenquai in Zurich, created in collaboration with artists.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

  • - De aedibus international
    af Heinz Wirz
    319,95 - 320,95 kr.

    For over 25 years, the protagonists of Nomos have managed an office partnership at three locations in Switzerland, Portugal and Spain. Above all, they have constructed residential buildings and estates. Text in English and German.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    Gerd Bergmeister and Michaela Wolf's buildings are surprising, imaginative solutions that sound out the entire spectrum of architecture: the formation of space, shaping, construction, materialisation and integration into the Alpine context. Text in Italian and German.

  • - De aedibus
    af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    In 2003, the Sion-born architect Alain Wolff founded his architectural office in Lausanne. Since then, a number of remarkable buildings have been produced. Text in English and German.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    The designs of Detlef Horisberger and Mario Wagen are always critically and creatively engage with the building programme, the location and the legal construction regulations. Text in English and German.

  • - De aedibus
    af Heinz Wirz
    359,95 kr.

    Since 2015, a remarkable number of residential buildings and refurbishments have been completed, including a major facility with a municipal and school building in Satigny near Geneva. Text in English and German.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    320,95 kr.

    Florian Nagler's work is a veritable "recherche patiente", as his buildings have an experimental character. Text in English and German.

  • - De aedibus
    af Heinz Wirz
    359,95 kr.

    In 2006, Anne Marie Wagner and Cedric Bachelard, with their Francophone and Western Swiss roots, founded their office in Basel. Since then, they have produced extremely high-quality buildings and residential developments. Text in English and German.

  • - De aedibus
    af Heinz Wirz
    319,95 kr.

    In 1996, Christiane von Roten, Cyril Michot and Norbert Sera founded their office Pont 12. It has continuously grown and now has 80 employees. Text in English and French.

  • - De aedibus
    af Heinz Wirz
    320,95 kr.

    Since 2002, Christian Dupraz has managed his own office in Geneva. Over the years, he has produced a dozen buildings. Text in English, German and French.

  • - Monograph
    af Heinz Wirz
    912,95 kr.

    This volume presents in detail 18 buildings and projects from the past 16 years, including texts, plans and images. Text in English and German.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    The two Biel architects have been developing their impressive oeuvre for 30 years. Examples of such tasks include precisely integrated additions to the Schnyder Areal in Biel and numerous housing developments as powerful figures inserted into the urban fabric. Text in English and German.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    Presents five school buildings and facilities, as well as several outstanding residential and administrative buildings by Geneva architectural couple Kristina Sylla Widmann and Marc Widmann. Text in English and French.

  • - Anthologie
    af Heinz Wirz
    194,95 kr.

    Following his studies at the Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio and various internships, Andreas Heierle founded his Atelier fur Architektur in Lucerne in 2012. Text in English and German.

  • - Renovation of a Post-War Modern Gem
    af Heinz Wirz
    409,95 kr.

    The book documents the existing facility with original plans and the clear-contoured, black & white pictures by the renowned Lucerne photographer Peter Ammon. Furthermore, the volume extensively reflects upon and documents in detail the school's exciting, exemplary renovation. Text in English and German.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    294,95 - 344,95 kr.

    Features the work of architects Jeanne Delia Cassa and Sylvie Pfaehler. Text in English and German.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    Monograph on architectural firm Galletti Matter.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    Laurent Lin, Alain Robbe and Rolf Seiler are the protagonists of the Geneva office founded in 1999. Since then, a dozen competition successes have resulted in several residential developments, a school building, an old people's home, commercial and administrative buildings, and individual homes.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    319,95 kr.

    Simple, spacious buildings, ingenious material experiments in the building envelopes and clearly structured interior arrangements characterise the buildings by this Geneva team of architects led by Philippe Meier.

  • af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    A focus on the work of young Valais architects, Laurent Savioz and Claude Fabrizzi.

  • - De aedibus international 18
    af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    Two brothers, Ansgar and Benedikt Schulz, present their impressive works: powerful, sculptural figures with precise urban planning placement that are integrated coherently into the continuum of the context through their materials, type, form and expression. Text in English and German

  • - Anthologie 42
    af Heinz Wirz
    194,95 kr.

    Two Locarno architects Matteo Inches and Nastasja Geleta have designed a number of exquisite buildings, each developed entirely out of the atmosphere of the location and the nearby surroundings. Text in English and German

  • - De aedibus
    af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    The two Lausanne architects produced an exceptional school facility in Chermignon, Lower Valais. Like a Greek temple, it has the power to combine the landscape, topography, urban morphology and building type. Text in English and German.

  • - De aedibus
    af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    Projects by Stefano Tibiletti and Catherine Glaeser-Tibiletti are clear architectural responses to the location and its urban morphology, translated into forms of typology and construction. Text in English and German.

  • - De aedibus
    af Heinz Wirz
    344,95 kr.

    Zurich architects Roger Weber and Boris Brunner have produced an impressive oeuvre, including residential developments, schools and public buildings, which are always well-considered, voluminous, spatially orientated solutions designed with a powerful architectural instinct. Text in English and German.

  • - De aedibus
    af Heinz Wirz
    319,95 kr.

    The two Bernese architects have designed an impressive portfolio of works including renovations of historical buildings such as the Bundeshaus in Bern and many residential and administrative buildings. Text in English and German.

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