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  • af Henry Miller
    182,95 kr.

    Prepared by Henry Miller for publication in 1938, Letters to Emil--correspondence from 1921 through 1934 with his boyhood friend and successful artist Emil Schnellock--remained unpublished until 1989. A chance encounter by the two men, out of touch since childhood, led to Miller's decision to become a writer. Throughout the '20s and into the '30s, Schnellock acted as his chief mentor, to whom he voiced his exuberant, sometimes cranky views of life and anxiously discussed his dying marriage to June Mansfield and his growing involvement with Anais Nin. Miller's letters are a compelling record of the writer in the making, beginning with his first efforts in 1922, tracing his ten-year struggle to find his own voice, and reaching a climax with the publication of Tropic of Cancer in 1934. Indeed, it was in his actual letters to Emil that Henry Miller developed his vigorously earthy yet philosophical style.

  • af Henry Miller
    182,95 kr.

  • af Henry Miller
    122,95 kr.

  • - Portraiture, Caricature and Visual Culture in Britain, C.1830-80
    af Henry Miller
    971,95 kr.

    Investigates how reformers, conservatives, and radicals used portraiture to connect with supporters and build identity in Victorian politics.

  • af Henry Miller
    117,95 kr.

    'Out of the sea, as if Homer himself had arranged it for me, the islands bobbed up, lonely, deserted, mysterious in the fading light'Enraptured by a young woman's account of the landscapes of Greece, Henry Miller set off to explore the Grecian countryside with his friend Lawrence Durrell in 1939. In The Colossus of Maroussi he describes drinking from sacred springs, nearly being trampled to death by sheep and encountering the flamboyant Greek poet Katsumbalis, who 'could galvanize the dead with his talk'. This lyrical classic of travel writing represented an epiphany in Miller's life, and is the book he would later cite as his favourite. 'One of the five greatest travel books of all time' Pico Iyer

  • af Henry Miller
    76,95 kr.

    In The World of Sex, Henry Miller, one of the most scandalous writers of the 20th century explains his literary project Henry Miller's bold, explicit novels scandalized readers and remade the literature of his day. In this uncompromising literary manifesto he argues that sex is at the heart of his writing because it is at the heart of life - a vital force as essential as bread, money, work or play. Drawing on his own experiences and on the writing of his famously banned novels in Paris, he shows sex as a mysterious realm that must be explored if we are to be truly free.

  • af Henry Miller
    117,95 kr.

    'Here, even if I had a thousand dollar in my pocket, I know of no sight which could arouse in me the feeling of ecstasy'Looking back to Henry Miller's bohemian life in 1930s Paris, when he was an obscure, penniless writer, Quiet Days in Clichy is a love letter to a city. As he describes nocturnal wanderings through shabby Montmartre streets, caf s and bars, sexual liaisons and volatile love affairs, Miller brilliantly evokes a period that would shape his entire life and oeuvre. 'His writing is flamboyant, torrential, chaotic, treacherous, and dangerous' Ana s Nin

  • af Henry Miller
    102,95 kr.

    'New York is an aquarium ... where there are nothing but hellbenders and lungfish and slimy, snag-toothed groupers and sharks'In 1935 Henry Miller set off from his adopted home, Paris, to revisit his native land, America. Aller Retour New York, his exuberant, humorous missive to his friend Alfred Perl s describing the trip and his return journey on a Dutch steamer, is filled with vivid reflections on his hellraising antics, showing Miller at the height of his powers. This edition also includes Via Dieppe-Newhaven, his entertaining account of a failed attempt to visit England. 'The greatest American writer' Bob Dylan

  • - Nexus II
    af Henry Miller
    231,95 kr.

    Published for the first time in English, Paris 1928 (Nexus II) continues in true Henry Miller fashion the narrative begun in Nexus, the third volume of the Rosy Crucifixion trilogy. A rough draft that Miller ultimately abandoned, the story describes Miller's first wondrous glimpse of Paris and underscores several of the recurrent themes of his work. These previously unpublished memoirs capture Miller's troubled relationship with his second wife, June; reflections on what he left behind in New York's sweltering summer of 1927; and the anticipation of all that awaits him in Europe. Paris 1928 presents Miller's views on Europe on the brink of great changes, counterpointed by his own personal sexual revelry and freedom of choice. Illustrations in this edition are by Australian artist and filmmaker Garry Shead.

  • af Henry Miller
    174,95 kr.

    Some writers attempt to conceal the literary influences which have shaped their thinking--but not Henry Miller. In The Books in My Life he shares the thrills of discovery that many kinds of books have brought to a keenly curious and questioning mind. Some of Miller's favorite writers are the giants whom most of us revere--authors such as Dostoeyvsky, Boccaccio, Walt Whitman, James Joyce, Thomas Mann, Lao-Tse. To them he brings fresh and penetrating insights. But many are lesser-known figures: Krishnamurti, the prophet-sage; the French contemporaries Blaise Cendrars and Jean Giono; Richard Jeffries, who wrote The Story of My Heart; the Welshman John Cowper Powys; and scores of others. The Books in My Life contains some fine autobiographical chapters, too. Miller describes his boyhood in Brooklyn, when he devoured the historical stories of G. A. Henty and the romances of Rider Haggard. He tells of the men and women whom he regards as "living books": Lou Jacobs, W. E. B. DuBois, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and others. He offers his reminiscences of the New York Theatre in the early 1900's--including plays such as Alias Jimmy Valentine and Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model. And finally, in Miller's best vein of humor, he provides a satiric chapter on bathroom reading. In an appendix, Miller lists the hundred books that have influenced him most.

  • af Henry Miller
    73,95 kr.

    "Det kosmologiske øje" består af en lang række tekster, som Henry Miller skrev under sit ophold i Villa Seurat i Paris sammen med sin gode ven forfatteren Lawrence Durrell. Teksterne er spredt ud over flere litterære genrer, heriblandt noveller, essays, poetisk prosa og selvbiografi, men som langt de fleste af Henry Millers tekster er det svært at få dem til at passe helt ned i nogen litterær kasse.Henry Miller (1891-1980) var en kontroversiel amerikansk forfatter, hvis erotiske romaner udfordrede samtidens pornografilove og medførte heftige diskussioner. Han er særligt kendt for sin selvbiografiske roman "Krebsens vendekreds" og trilogien "The Rosy Crucifixion" bestående af romanerne "Sexus", "Plexus" og "Nexus". Henry Millers mange romaner er oversat til flere forskellige sprog, og han er kendt verden over som en af pionererne inden for den erotiske litteratur.

  • af Henry Miller
    73,95 kr.

    "Kære mr. Miller,Jeg har netop læst "Krebsens vendekreds" igen og synes, jeg vil skrive et par ord om den til Dem. Det forekommer mig, at det er det eneste ordentlige værk, som dette århundrede kan prale af. Den er en kæmpemæssig sejr lige fra begyndelsen, og ikke blot er den en litterær og kunstnerisk fanfare for enhver, men den får virkelig fanget vor tids blod og indvolde ind på papiret."Da Lawrence Durrell som 23-årig skrev et fanbrev til den 20 år ældre amerikanske forfatter Henry Miller, havde den unge englænder, der dengang boede på Korfu med sin familie, næppe regnet med, at det ville føre til et livslangt venskab mellem to beslægtede ånder. Gennem deres årelange korrespondance lærer vi dem hver især at kende som forfattere, som mennesker og som venner, og vi kommer til at forstå deres liv og litteratur på en ny måde.Henry Miller (1891-1980) var en kontroversiel amerikansk forfatter, hvis erotiske romaner udfordrede samtidens pornografilove og medførte heftige diskussioner. Han er særligt kendt for sin selvbiografiske roman "Krebsens vendekreds" og trilogien "The Rosy Crucifixion" bestående af romanerne "Sexus", "Plexus" og "Nexus". Henry Millers mange romaner er oversat til flere forskellige sprog, og han er kendt verden over som en af pionererne inden for den erotiske litteratur.

  • af Henry Miller
    63,94 kr.

    "Astrologisk fricassé og andre historier" består af fem af Henry Millers bedste noveller og essays. Vi kender Henry Miller som en samfundsrevser og en kompromisløs skildrer af den menneskelige natur med alt det gode, smukke, grimme og erotiske, den indeholder. I fortællingerne går han blandt andet til angreb på samtidens pseudookkultisme, han beskriver sit forhold til en ung parisisk gadepige, og han raser mod de aspekter af den amerikanske samfundsånd, som han hele sit liv nægtede at acceptere.Henry Miller (1891-1980) var en kontroversiel amerikansk forfatter, hvis erotiske romaner udfordrede samtidens pornografilove og medførte heftige diskussioner. Han er særligt kendt for sin selvbiografiske roman "Krebsens vendekreds" og trilogien "The Rosy Crucifixion" bestående af romanerne "Sexus", "Plexus" og "Nexus". Henry Millers mange romaner er oversat til flere forskellige sprog, og han er kendt verden over som en af pionererne inden for den erotiske litteratur.

  • af Henry Miller
    73,95 kr.

    "Når jeg nu atter læser disse tekster, slår det mig stærkt, at selv om mit livssyn – min filosofi, om man vil – har ændret sig noget, siden jeg skrev "Krebsens vendekreds", har mine synspunkter vedrørende samfundet ikke gjort det. Jeg har en anelse om, at de, der ikke kan tåle "Krebsens vendekreds", heller ikke vil være i stand til at tage nærværende bog. De tanker, der fremlægges i den, vil nok vise sig lige så ubehagelige for den sarte som beretningen om mine forargelige eventyr i gamle dage i Paris."I Henry Millers "Åbne breve til alle og enhver" ser vi en anden side af den store forfatter og boheme end i hans romaner. Vi ser ham kæmpe frygtløst og nådesløst for de undertrykte og de miskendte, vi mærker hans store kærlighed til menneskeheden, hans foragt for penge og grådighed, skuffelsen over fædrelandet, USA, og kærligheden til hans hjertets sande hjem, Europa.Henry Miller (1891-1980) var en kontroversiel amerikansk forfatter, hvis erotiske romaner udfordrede samtidens pornografilove og medførte heftige diskussioner. Han er særligt kendt for sin selvbiografiske roman "Krebsens vendekreds" og trilogien "The Rosy Crucifixion" bestående af romanerne "Sexus", "Plexus" og "Nexus". Henry Millers mange romaner er oversat til flere forskellige sprog, og han er kendt verden over som en af pionererne inden for den erotiske litteratur.

  • af Henry Miller
    63,94 kr.

    Henry Millers selvbiografiske roman "Kolossen fra Maroussi" fortæller om hans ophold på Korfu i Grækenland i 1939. På invitation fra sin gode ven den britiske forfatter Lawrence Durrell rejste Henry Miller til den græske ø, og hans beskrivelse af sine oplevelser, landskabet og ikke mindst digteren Katsimbalis udgør til sammen et af hans bedste værker."Kolossen fra Maroussi" er skrevet, efter Henry Miller meget mod sin vilje var rejst tilbage til USA, efter Anden Verdenskrig lagde sin tunge næve over hele det europæiske kontinent. Forfatterens stærke modvilje mod sit hjemland og dets strenge moralske rammer kommer tydeligt til udtryk, mens han ser tilbage på sin tid i Grækenland blandt andre bohemer.Henry Miller (1891-1980) var en kontroversiel amerikansk forfatter, hvis erotiske romaner udfordrede samtidens pornografilove og medførte heftige diskussioner. Han er særligt kendt for sin selvbiografiske roman "Krebsens vendekreds" og trilogien "The Rosy Crucifixion" bestående af romanerne "Sexus", "Plexus" og "Nexus". Henry Millers mange romaner er oversat til flere forskellige sprog, og han er kendt verden over som en af pionererne inden for den erotiske litteratur.

  • af Henry Miller
    92,95 kr.

    Henry Millers selvbiografiske roman "Stenbukkens vendekreds" springer rundt i forfatterens liv og fortæller blandt andet om hans tidligste seksuelle oplevelser, da han som bare 15-årig indledte en affære med sin næsten dobbelt så gamle klaverlærer, mødet med hans første kone, Beatrice, og deres ulykkelige ægteskab, der kulminerede i en voldsom forelskelse i den unge, eksotiske June, som Henry Miller senere blev gift med. Vi følger hans forsøg på at bryde med datidens seksualmoral og andre samfundsnormer, som Henry Miller hverken kunne eller ville indordne sig under.Henry Miller (1891-1980) var en kontroversiel amerikansk forfatter, hvis erotiske romaner udfordrede samtidens pornografilove og medførte heftige diskussioner. Han er særligt kendt for sin selvbiografiske roman "Krebsens vendekreds" og trilogien "The Rosy Crucifixion" bestående af romanerne "Sexus", "Plexus" og "Nexus". Henry Millers mange romaner er oversat til flere forskellige sprog, og han er kendt verden over som en af pionererne inden for den erotiske litteratur.

  • af Henry Miller
    92,95 kr.

    "Nexus" er tredje og sidste bind i Henry Millers trilogi "The Rosy Crucifixion" om sit kærligheds- og sexliv. Henry Miller er stadig sammen med sin anden kone, danserinden Mona, men ægteskabet har fået en tredje part, nemlig Anastasia. Mona og den smukke kvinde bliver tættere og tættere, og Henry Miller frygter at blive en outsider i sit eget ægteskab. "The Rosy Crucifixion"-trilogien består af romanerne "Sexus", "Plexus" og "Nexus" og regnes for et af hovedværkerne inden for den erotiske litteratur.Henry Miller (1891-1980) var en kontroversiel amerikansk forfatter, hvis erotiske romaner udfordrede samtidens pornografilove og medførte heftige diskussioner. Han er særligt kendt for sin selvbiografiske roman "Krebsens vendekreds" og trilogien "The Rosy Crucifixion" bestående af romanerne "Sexus", "Plexus" og "Nexus". Henry Millers mange romaner er oversat til flere forskellige sprog, og han er kendt verden over som en af pionererne inden for den erotiske litteratur.

  • af Henry Miller
    138,95 kr.

    "Plexus" er andet bind i "The Rosy Crucifixion"-trilogien, som fortæller om Henry Millers kærligheds- og sexliv. I "Plexus" har Henry Miller giftet sig med den smukke danserinde Mona, som han forlod sin første kone for. Vi følger hans forsøg på at slå igennem som forfatter sideløbende med hans komplicerede erotiske forhold til sin kone. "The Rosy Crucifixion"-trilogien består af romanerne "Sexus", "Plexus" og "Nexus" og regnes for et af hovedværkerne inden for den erotiske litteratur.Henry Miller (1891-1980) var en kontroversiel amerikansk forfatter, hvis erotiske romaner udfordrede samtidens pornografilove og medførte heftige diskussioner. Han er særligt kendt for sin selvbiografiske roman "Krebsens vendekreds" og trilogien "The Rosy Crucifixion" bestående af romanerne "Sexus", "Plexus" og "Nexus". Henry Millers mange romaner er oversat til flere forskellige sprog, og han er kendt verden over som en af pionererne inden for den erotiske litteratur.

  • - Including the Treatment of Chronic Inflammatin of the Uterus, Considered as a Frequent Cause of Abortion
    af Henry Miller
    458,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Henry Miller
    137,99 kr.

    In this selection of stories and essays, Henry Miller elucidates, revels, and soars, showing his command over a wide range of moods, styles, and subject matters. Writing "from the heart," always with a refreshing lack of reticence, Miller involves the reader directly in his thoughts and feelings. "His real aim," Karl Shapiro has written, "is to find the living core of our world whenever it survives and in whatever manifestation, in art, in literature, in human behavior itself. It is then that he sings, praises, and shouts at the top of his lungs with the uncontainable hilarity he is famous for." Here are some of Henry Miller's best-known writings: an essay on the photographer Brassai; "Reflections on Writing," in which Miller examines his own position as a writer; "Seraphita" and "Balzac and His Double," on the works of other writers; and "The Alcoholic Veteran," "Creative Death," "The Enormous Womb," and "The Philosopher Who Philosophizes."

  • af Henry Miller
    137,95 kr.

    Resembling a musical sextet where no two instruments are the same, but all instruments blend to form a single sound, Henry Miller's Sextet combines six jive-talkin', fresh, and impromptu pieces of writing originally published as individual chapbooks by Capra Press: "On Turning Eighty," "Reflections on the Death of Mishima," "First Impressions of Greece," "The Waters Reglitterized: The Subject of Water Colors in Some of its More Liquid Phases," "Reflections on The Maurizius Case: A Humble Appraisal of a Great Book," and "Mother, China and the World Beyond: A Dream in Which I Die and Find Myself in Devachan (Limbo) Where I Run into My Mother whom I Hated All My Life."Like your favorite band releasing a six-song EP to keep you salivating until its next full-length album, Sextet is a finger-snapping sample of Miller's work with the blare of a clarion call, and lots of raucous humor and jazz.

  • af Henry Miller
    189,95 kr.

    In 1958, when Henry Miller was elected to membership in the American Institute of Arts and Letters, the citation described him as: "The veteran author of many books whose originality and richness of technique are matched by the variety and daring of his subject matter. His boldness of approach and intense curiosity concerning man and nature are unequalled in the prose literature of our times." It is most fitting that this anthology of "the best" of Henry Miller should have been assembled by one of the first among Miller's contemporaries to recognize his genius, the eminent British writer Lawrence Durrell. Drawing material from a dozen different books Durrell has traced the main line and principal themes of the "single, endless autobiography" which is Henry Miller's life work. "I suspect," writes Durrell in his Introduction, "that Miller's final place will be among those towering anomalies of authorship like Whitman or Blake who have left us, not simply works of art, but a corpus of ideas which motivate and influence a whole cultural pattern." Earlier, H. L. Mencken had said, "his is one of the most beautiful prose styles today," and the late Sir Herbert Read had written that "what makes Miller distinctive among modern writers is his ability to combine, without confusion, the aesthetic and prophetic functions." Included are stories, "portraits" of persons and places, philosophical essays, and aphorisms. For each selection Miller himself prepared a brief commentary which fits the piece into its place in his life story. This framework is supplemented by a chronology from Miller's birth in 1891 up to the spring of 1959, a bibliography, and, as an appendix, an open letter to the Supreme Court of Norway written in protest of the ban on Sexus, a part of which appears in this volume.

  • af Henry Miller
    147,95 kr.

    In 1939, after ten years as an expatriate, Henry Miller returned to the United States with a keen desire to see what his native land was really like-to get to the roots of the American nature and experience. He set out on a journey that was to last three years, visiting many sections of the country and making friends of all descriptions. The Air-Conditioned Nightmare is the result of that odyssey.

  • - Selected Letters
    af Henry Miller, James Laughlin & George Wickes
    440,95 kr.

    A sparkling, lively record of a remarkable author/publisher relationship.

  • - Nexus II
    af Henry Miller
    224,95 kr.

  • - Henry Miller & the Stroker
    af Henry Miller
    142,95 kr.

    "It makes me feel good to know there is a comparatively unknown little magazine in the heart of Second Avenue (ghetto to the world) in which l am granted full freedom of speech," wrote Henry Miller to his friend Irving Stettner, editor of Stroker. In 1978-80, the last three years of his life, Miller generously contributed letters, drawings, and various prose pieces for this magazine's use, both previously unpublished works from an earlier date and, of special interest, much that was newly written. Presented here are the best of these Miller pieces, including letters he wrote to Stettner in which the author remarks on anything and everything: painting, Brooklyn, Isaac Bashevis Singer's Nobel Prize acceptance speech, books and writers, his daily doings. Among the prose selections are pieces on the theatre, "Memory and Forgettery," "America, America," "A Few Chaotic Recollections," and a short story, "Vienna and Back." His "Toccata for Half-Wits," an essay on the movie Bonnie and Clyde written in 1968, is the only exception to the concept of this book as a presentation of the fruits of Miller's very last years. "Squeeze all the color out of the tubes," Miller advises a young painter friend. As this collection indeed testifies, "Brother Henry," as he sometimes signed himself, did just that as the end of his life approached.

  • af Henry Miller
    147,95 kr.

    Some of the most rewarding pages in Henry Miller's books concern his self-education as a writer. He tells, as few great writers ever have, how he set his goals, how he discovered the excitement of using words, how the books he read influenced him, and how he learned to draw on his own experience.

  • af Henry Miller
    107,95 kr.

    First published in 1959, this touching fable tells of Auguste, a famous clown who could make people laugh but who sought to impart to his audiences a lasting joy. Originally inspired by a series of circus and clown drawings by the cubist painter Femand Léger, Miller eventually used his own decorations to accompany the text in their stead. "Undoubtedly," he says in his explanatory epilogue, °'it is the strangest story I have yet written. . . . No, more even than all the stories which I based on fact and experience is this one the truth. My whole aim in writing has been to tell the truth, as I know it. Heretofore all my characters have been real, taken from life, my own life. Auguste is unique in that he came from the blue. But what is this blue which surrounds and envelopes us if not reality itself? . . . We have only to open our eyes and hearts, to become one with that which is."

  • af Henry Miller
    233,95 kr.

    This collection of stories and essays takes its title from a long prose reverie in which Henry Miller, after his return to the United States, thinks back to the happy years of middle life which he spent in France. The qualities that make the French unique have seldom been so movingly expressed. The America he had rediscovered does not come off very well by contrast-particularly the Hollywood state of mind, which gets a thoroughly Milleresque going over in the burlesque "Astrological Fricassee."What Miller likes on the American scene are the individuals who have broken through the pattern of conformity, the rare and often isolated creative personalities who are resisting the dehumanization of our so-called "civilization." He gives us vivid portraits of the painters Abe Rattner, Jean Varda and Beauford Delaney; the sculptor Bufano; and Jasper Deeter, director of the hedgerow Theatre.Two of Henry Miller's greatest essays are also in this volume: "Murder the Murderer" (on war), a declaration which ranks with Randolph Bourne's War and the Intellectuals, and, with particular relevance to the censorship codes which kept his Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn out of this country for so long, "Obscenity and the Law of Reflection."

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