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Bøger af Herman E. Daly

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  • - Om økologi og økonomi, omstilling og bæredygtig udvikling
    af Herman E. Daly
    197,95 kr.

    Nødvendighedens økonomi er skrevet af den grønne økonomis førstemand, Herman Daly, der i sin nye bog foretager de opgør med liberalistisk vækstøkonomi, som er en ubetinget nødvendighed.Herman Daly fremstår i dag over hele kloden som den højeste autoritet, når det drejer sig om en kritik vækstøkonomi og en præcisering af, hvad en ´økologisk omstilling til en bæredygtig udvikling´ kræver. Med det resultat, at han inviteres til at holde forelæsninger ikke blot på universiteter verden over, men også for forsamlinger af beslutningstagere, i Rusland, i Mexico, m.v. Målet for Dalys økonomiske forfatterskab er, at kunne lede beslutningstagerne verden over til at slå ind på en økonomisk politik, som kan lede os mod en bæredygtig økonomi - med dybere biofysiske og etiske rødder. Under den generelle titel om bæredygtig og økologisk økonomi bringes mange specifikke emner i relation med hinanden. Disse omfatter bl.a.: begrænsninger i vækst; uøkonomisk vækst; definitioner af bæredygtighed; OPEC og Kyoto; globalisering vs. internationalisering; immigration; klimaforandringer; og de filosofiske forudsætninger for det politiske område, herunder de politikker, Daly foreslår i forbindelse med ovenstående emner. Denne bog indeholder 25 udvalgte artikler, taler, parlamentariske anbefalinger, anmeldelser og kritikker fra de sidste ti år. Bogen er et must for enhver, der har interesse i og beskæftiger sig med vores fælles fremtid, økonomisk, miljømæssigt, klimatisk etc.Herman Daly (født 1938) er professor ved Maryland Universitet. Han har været seniorøkonom i Verdensbankens miljøafdeling, og han er medstifter af og redaktør for bladet Ecological Economics.

  • af Herman E. Daly
    417,95 kr.

    First published in 1977, this volume caused a sensation because of Daly's radical view that "e;enough is best."e; Today, his ideas are recognized as the key to sustainable development, and Steady-State Economics is universally acknowledged as the leading book on the economics of sustainability.

  • - The Economics of Sustainable Development
    af Herman E. Daly
    322,95 kr.

    "e;Daly is turning economics inside out by putting the earth and its diminishing natural resources at the center of the field . . . a kind of reverse Copernican revolution in economics."e;--Utne Reader"e;Considered by most to be the dean of ecological economics, Herman E. Daly elegantly topples many shibboleths inBeyond Growth.Daly challenges the conventional notion that growth is always good, and he bucks environmentalist orthodoxy, arguing that the current focus on 'sustainable development' is misguided and that the phrase itself has become meaningless."e;--Mother Jones"e;InBeyond Growth,. . . [Daly] derides the concept of 'sustainable growth' as an oxymoron. . . . Calling Mr. Daly 'an unsung hero,' Robert Goodland, the World Bank's top environmental adviser, says, 'He has been a voice crying in the wilderness.'"e;--G. Pascal Zachary,The Wall Street Journal"e;A new book by that most far-seeing and heretical of economists, Herman Daly. For 25 years now, Daly has been thinking through a new economics that accounts for the wealth of nature, the value of community and the necessity for morality."e; --Donella H. Meadows,Los Angeles Times"e;For clarity of vision and ecological wisdom Herman Daly has no peer among contemporary economists. . . .Beyond Growthis essential reading."e;--David W. Orr, Oberlin College"e;There is no more basic ethical question than the one Herman Daly is asking."e;--Hal Kahn,The San Jose Mercury News"e;Daly's critiques of economic orthodoxy . . . deliver a powerful and much-needed jolt to conventional thinking."e; --Karen Pennar,Business WeekNamed one of a hundred "e;visionaries who could change your life"e; by the Utne Reader,Herman Dalyis the recipient of many awards, including a Grawemeyer Award, the Heineken Prize for environmental science, and the "e;Alternative Nobel Prize,"e; the Right Livelihood Award. He is professor at the University of Maryland's School of Public Affairs, and coauthor with John Cobb, Jr., ofFor the Common Good.

  • - Redirecting the Economy toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future
    af Herman E. Daly
    537,95 kr.

  • - Principles and Applications
    af Herman E. Daly
    783,95 kr.

    Argues that humans and ecological systems are inextricably bound together in complex ways. This book provides a foundation in traditional neoclassical economic thought, and places that foundation within an interdisciplinary framework which embraces the linkages among economic growth, environmental degradation, and social inequity.

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