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  • - Humanidad y evolución
    af &#921 & ioannis Karozis
    161,95 kr.

    Cuando el elemento de comprensión nunca falta, donde hay una comprensión constante, es una consecuencia natural tener prosperidad, progreso, creación, paz, tranquilidad y felicidad en las personas.Es muy importante que las personas crean en un PODER INDEPENDIENTE, en el Ser Supremo, Dios.Y es igualmente importante que el individuo se esfuerce por mejorar las relaciones humanas para la supervivencia, la prosperidad, la creatividad, la convivencia pacífica, siempre con la comprensión en mente.La razón de este esfuerzo es clara: estos dos elementos, a saber, el Ser Supremo y la Comprensión, son la base, la piedra angular para el mejoramiento de las sociedades humanas y la creación de una cultura superior y saludable. Si faltan estos elementos, la humanidad gradualmente se quedará en un punto muerto y probablemente sea destruida.Podemos reconocer y comprender la comprensión en cada ser humano y en cada acción que lo distingue. En su trabajo, en su familia, en sus conocidos y amigos, en su comportamiento en cada transacción social. Y cada uno de nosotros, cada persona, cuando muestra o incluso comprende mejor, puede beneficiarse, no solo a sí mismo, sino también a sus semejantes, la sociedad y la humanidad.CAPÍTULO UNOSer Supremo y el AteísmoLa necesidad de DiosLa creación de religiones Religión y cultura CAPITULO DOSLa historia de la humanidad Pensando como una palancaevolución y cultura Pensamiento - Lógica - VerdadLa fuente de la comprensión La comprensión humana CAPÍTULO TRESLos componentes de la comprensiónComprensión y religionAyuda para crearCultura Ética, dignidad, La honestidad la ayudaHumanidadEntendiendo como ayudapor su supervivenciahumano CAPÍTULO CUATROProgreso humanoLa lucha por la supervivenciaCortesía y tactoLos ingredientes de suaveViviendo Lucha continua porEvoluciónSupervivencia - ReglasBuena suerte ρειαEl camino hacia la bondad Camino al éxito La vida cotidiana yConvivencia Un buen comienzo lo es todoBuena voluntad: contribuyeen coexistencia pacífica CAPITULO CINCOAlma: Esto Desconocido Estado de animo: ¿Cómo se crea? Y.Cuerpo - Alma - Espíritu Alma: Poder motivacional Los problemas de la época Tratando con ellosproblemas psicológicosDisposición para una mejor calidad.Zoe Nuestra luchaPaso a paso para ellaMejora Yo digo SI a una mejorPersonasYo ... nosotros ... tú CAPÍTULO SEISEl valor humano Solidaridad Aplaudo la no renunciadel mundo Comprender el valorde cada uno de nosotrosCree en tu valía No subestimes a nadie Todos somos iguales Nuestras capacidades ysu utilización No critiques perojuzgar correctamenteLos resultados de ajuzgas de manera incorrecta Buscar correctamente - decidirDerechaCAPITULO SIETESimilitudes y diferenciasIgual pero no igualNo loros.Nuestra personalidad Construirse adecuadamenteSiguiéndolos correctamenteNormasSe un ejemplo paraImitación Intenta por unomundo mejor Ser humanoLa diferencia no te haceInferior Personalidades TAMAÑO DEL CAPÍTULO Sociedades Personas Toda la humanidad Nosotros como una unidad Conjuntos sociales Colaboración -La cohesión entre los pueblosEstrategia adecuada parahumanidad Todos los pueblos: un mundo. ¿Somos lo que hacemos?Naciones y civilizaciones Familia: la primeranúcleo de la cultura CAPÍTULO UNOExtractos para comprender Información para el autor.

  • - Humanity and evolution
    af ioannis Karozis
    167,95 kr.

    When the element of understanding is never lacking, where there is constant understanding, it is a natural consequence to have prosperity, progress, creation, peace, tranquility and happiness in people.It is very important for people to believe in an independent power, in the Supreme Being, God.And it is equally important that the individual strives to improve human relationships for survival, prosperity, creativity, peaceful coexistence, always with understanding in mind.The reason for this effort is clear that these two elements, namely the Supreme Being and Understanding, are the basis, the cornerstone for the betterment of human societies and the creation of a superior and healthy culture. If these elements are lacking, humanity will gradually become deadlocked and most likely eventually destroyed.We can recognize and understand understanding in every human being and in every action that distinguishes him. In his work, in his family, in his acquaintances and friends, in his behavior in every social transaction. And each of us, each person, when he shows or even more correctly understands, can benefit, not only himself but also his fellow human beings, society, humanity.T- Foreword - Introduction -Supreme Being and Atheism The need for GodThe creation of religionsReligion and culture -The history of mankindThinking like a leverevolution and culture Thought - Logic - TruthThe source of understandingHuman understanding -The components of understanding Understanding and religion Help to createCultureEthics, Dignity, Honesty helps herHumanity Understanding as helpfor his survivalhuman - Human progressThe struggle for survival Courtesy and tact. 86The ingredients of smoothLiving Continuous struggle forEvolution Survival - RulesGood luck.The road to goodness Road to success Everyday life andCoexistence A good start is everything.Goodwill: Contributesin peaceful coexistence -Soul: This Unknown Frame of mind: How is it created? And. Body - Soul - SpiritSoul: Motivational power The problems of the timeDealing with thempsychological problems. Willingness for a better qualityZoe Our struggle Step by step for herImprovement I say YES to a better onePeople We - You - The human value Solidarity. I applaud the non-resignation from the world Understanding value of each of us Believe in your worth. Don't underestimate anyone We are all equal Our capabilities and their utilization Don't criticize but judge correctly The results of to you judge in the wrong way Search properly - decide Right -Similarities and differencesEqual but not the same Don't parrot. Our personality Build yourself properlyFollowing them correctlyStandards Be an example toImitation Try for onebetter world To be human The difference doesn't make youLower Personalities -Societies People The whole of humanity We as a unit Social sets Collaboration -Cohesion between peoples Proper strategy for humanity All peoples - one world. Are we what we do? Nations and civilizations Family: the first core of culture -Excerpts for understandingInformation for the authorShort Curriculum Vitae .It is very important for people to believe in an independent power, in the Supreme Being, God.And it is equally important that the individual strives to improve human relationships for survival, prosperity, creativity, peaceful coexistence, always with understanding in mind.The reason for this effort is clear that these two elements, namely the Supreme Being and Understanding, are the basis, the cornerstone for the betterment of human societies and the creation of a superior and healthy culture. If these elements are lacking, humanity will gradually become deadlocked and most likely eventually destroyed.

  • af ioannis Karozis
    197,95 kr.

    Philosophical ConcernsWhen there is never a lack of the element of understanding, where there is constant understanding, it is a natural consequence to have prosperity, progress, creation, peace, tranquility, happiness in people. The book Philosophical Concerns was written to upgrade the ideals and spiritual values of humanity, the need for love, affection, morality, dignity, integrity, communication, peaceful coexistence of people with each other, between our fellow human beings, societies, peoples, states. Where there is constant understanding, when the element of understanding is never lacking, it is a natural consequence to have prosperity, progress, creation, peace, tranquility, happiness in people. Can man, with the help and support of understanding, face almost all the problems that arise in humanity, face positive or negative situations, peaceful or warlike, mysterious and unexplored situations, which without his own understanding, would lead man, the societies, on the road to untruth and destruction. In ways of unprecedented intransigence and misunderstanding that lead our fellow human beings to a complete impasse, unacceptable mistakes and greatly increase the risk of hostilities, conflict, with the very probable even in the case of the destruction and extinction of the human race, understanding is the deadlocks, the key to success in resolving them. If we have a real, continuous understanding of ourselves, our fellow human beings, throughout society, we create integrated, healthy, ever-evolving, evolving societies that aim at peaceful coexistence on the planet and the salvation of both humanity and the environment from total destruction.

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