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  • af Ir. Juni Gultom
    469,95 kr.

    Indonesia is known as the country with the largest tropical forest in the world with an area of 111.5 million hectares (ha). The largest forest is located in Papua with 38.2 million ha. This is followed by Kalimantan with 36.5 million ha, Sumatra with 22.8 million ha, Sulawesi with 11 million ha, and Java with 3 million ha. Indigenous peoples have a major contribution in preserving the country's forests. This is because 57 million ha or equivalent to 51.1 per cent of forests are managed by indigenous peoples. In fact, 40 million hectares of them are very well preserved. For this contribution, carbon storage in the soil in 785 Indonesian indigenous territories in 2019 reached 3.99 billion tonnes per ha. The standing and rooting carbon values were 1.18 billion and 0.368 billion tonnes per ha, respectively. Indigenous Peoples also manage nature according to customary values responsibly. For example, they do not cut down trees carelessly, as an effort to conserve forests and prevent natural disasters.

  • af Ir. Juni Gultom
    797,95 kr.

    An der Sitzung unter dem Vorsitz des Leiters von Bappeda Kobar Amir Hadi nahmen auch die Kommission C DPRD Wanti Septia Utami sowie das PUPR-Büro, das Gesundheitsamt, das PMD-Büro, das Umweltamt, das Amt für Bildung und Kultur, das PDAM Kobar Regency, der Koordinator der Provinz Zentral-Kalimantan und der Koordinator der Kobar Regency teil. Der Leiter von Bappeda, Amir Hadi, sagte, dass die Ausarbeitung dieses Dokuments die Kapazitäten der Bezirksregierung von Kobar bei der Ausführung ihres Mandats zur Verwaltung der Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung auf Bezirksebene mit dem Ziel eines 100%igen Zugangs stärken soll. Amir erläuterte, dass RAD AMPL als Instrument für die Entwicklung der Kapazitäten von Wasserversorgungs- und Abwasserentsorgungsdiensten dient, die einen gemeinschaftsbasierten und institutionellen Ansatz verfolgen, sowie als operatives Instrument für die mittelfristige (5-Jahres-) Entwicklungspolitik für Wasserversorgungs- und Abwasserentsorgungsdienste in der Region. "Die RAD AMPL dient auch als Referenz für die Festlegung zusätzlicher Ziele für den Zugang zu Trinkwasser und sanitären Einrichtungen für jedes Jahr, ausgestattet mit einer Angabe der angestrebten Anzahl von Dörfern, in denen die Entwicklung der Wasserversorgung und der sanitären Einrichtungen entweder durch Ausbau, Entwicklung oder Optimierung der Leistung erfolgt.

  • af Ir. Juni Gultom
    469,95 kr.

    The meeting was chaired by Head of Bappeda Kobar Amir Hadi and also attended by Commission C DPRD Wanti Septia Utami and attended by PUPR Office, Health Office, PMD Office, Environment Office, Education and Culture Office, PDAM Kobar Regency, Central Kalimantan Provincial Coordinator and Kobar Regency Coordinator. Head of Bappeda Amir hadi said the preparation of this document is to strengthen the capacity of the Kobar District Government in carrying out its mandate on the management of district-scale water supply and sanitation development towards 100% access. Amir explained that RAD AMPL serves as an instrument for developing the capacity of water supply and sanitation services that apply a community-based approach and institutional approach as well as an operational instrument for regional medium-term (5-year) water supply and sanitation service development policies. "RAD AMPL also serves as a reference for setting additional targets for access to drinking water and sanitation for each year equipped with an indication of the target number of villages where SPAM and sanitation development is carried out either through expansion, development or optimisation of performance.

  • af Ir. Juni Gultom
    469,95 kr.

    In the law Policy of management policy for road construction and settlement in the soft land of the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. The construction of road infrastructure to support the development of the Archipelago's Capital City through forest areas is one of the implementation of national priority development. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 23 of 2019. Strategic Roads in Forest Areas are special roads built in Forest Areas by the Central Government as part of forest management that can be used for national strategic interests that cannot be avoided on the basis of cooperation or borrowing and use of Forest Areas. Meanwhile, according to Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the National Capital City and Presidential Regulation Number 65 of 2022, it is stated that the mechanism.One of the land acquisitions for IKN Development is carried out through the mechanism of Releasing Forest Areas. According to Government Regulation Number 23 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Forestry, the mechanism for Releasing Forest Areas can be carried out in Convertible Production Forest Areas and or Permanent Production Forest Areas.

  • af Ir. Juni Gultom
    527,95 kr.

    In an effort to improve the performance of the implementation of basic mandatory affairs for the WASH sector, the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of West Kotawaringin Regency (Kobar) held a workshop on the review of the 2015-2019 Regional Action Plan for Drinking Water and Environmental Health (RAD AMPL) Document and the Establishment of the RAD AMPL Preparation Team and the Work and Follow-up Plan (RKTL) for 2022-2026, which was held at the Bappeda Hall, Thursday (6/5/2021). The meeting was chaired by Head of Bappeda Kobar Amir Hadi and also attended by Commission C DPRD Wanti Septia Utami and attended by PUPR Office, Health Office, PMD Office, Environment Office, Education and Culture Office, PDAM Kobar Regency, Central Kalimantan Provincial Coordinator and Kobar Regency Coordinator.

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