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  • af J L Wallace
    107,95 kr.

    What is Christian Perfection? Why are so many professing Christians afraid of the doctrine? Why is the idea so vehemently resisted? These answers and more are found in Samuel Chadwick's "The Call to Christian Perfection". "Christian Perfection," says Chadwick, "is not infallibility." And neither is it encompassed in the dissolution of our physical existence. Is moral perfection possible in this life? Chadwick's presentation to the affirmative is contained in these pages. Based on John Wesley's teachings on entire sanctification, "The Call to Christian Perfection" examines the Biblical basis of the doctrine. The reality of entire sanctification is only realized through crises in which the soul cries out to be conformed to the image of Christ, and the experience is as much a crises as conversion itself. Without holiness, says the Scriptures, "no man shall see the Lord." This being so, it is vitally important that we rightly and Biblically define "holiness". To the shame of the professing church, much of it is content in their "less than perfect" state, actually defending their spots and wrinkles, casting the blame for their worldly imperfection upon their domineering flesh, or even on God Himself. "It is a tragedy when 'holiness' people are not holy people."

  • af J L Wallace
    152,95 kr.

    Tip Lewis and his Lamp is Isabella Alden's heartwarming story of a young mischievous boy who comes to terms with himself and submits to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The events that follow him typify a life lived to the glory of God. With heartaches, trials, temptations, and victory, Tip Lewis is led ever forward in the light of his Lamp, ever changing the lives of those who know him. We pray that another generation may be positively effected and encouraged to embrace Christ in His fullness. "Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days." Look for the audio companion to this book available at and most audiobook retailers.

  • af J L Wallace
    117,95 kr.

    In our day, much as in Chadwick's, Pentecost is mostly misunderstood by the Church at large and is therefore either feared or turned into a circus. In both cases the Spirit of God is either lacking or completely grieved. This is evident in the absence of power; power to embrace and live a holy life in spite of the deprivations of the professing church and the pollutions of the world around us. "The Christian religion is hopeless without the Holy Ghost" and yet the majority of the Church seems to be content without Him and His tangible presence. In "The Way to Pentecost", Chadwick sets forth the Biblical presentation of Pentecost, the giving of the Holy Ghost, and what that means for Christians throughout the Church Age. Christians today are in as much, or greater, need of a fresh presentation of Pentecost as ever. Lack of power and victory are the inevitable witnesses to this fact. "The Way to Pentecost" is a call for the true Church of Jesus Christ to rise up and take possession of the promise of the Father. "The only power that is adequate for Christian life and Christian work is the power of the Holy Ghost."

  • af J L Wallace
    107,95 kr.

    What is prayer? How do we apprehend communion with God? In "The Path of Prayer" Chadwick leads us on an excursion into the depths of prayer. We are admonished not to simply learn to say our prayers, but to pray our prayers. Expressing the heart and character of God as revealed in Scripture, Chadwick teaches us the overwhelming necessity of a proper attitude of heart when approaching the Throne of Grace. By Biblical example and precept prayer is defined and explained. Prayer begins with the contemplation of God, and this we are compelled to do. Sincere contemplation of God, His majesty, His ability, His relationship with mankind, His ineffable benevolence, will have a profound effect on the soul, and can in no wise leave a man the same as he entered into the secret chamber. "All true prayer, the prayer that prevails, is personal, intimate, and original."

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