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Bøger af Jacques Jouet

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  • af Cécile Riou, Pauline Jupin, Sandrine Cnudde, mfl.
    165,95 kr.

    Poetiske rum / Espaces poétiques samler tekster af syv franske og to danske digtere. I redaktørernes indledning præsenteres forfatterne og deres bidrag samt bogens tilblivelse og ramme. Alle teksterne er skrevet på bestilling. De kan læses på fransk og dansk og ledsages af forfatterbiografier.Poetiske rum / Espaces poétiques est un recueil de textes écrits par sept poètes français et deux poètes danois. Dans leur présentation, les éditeurs situent les écrivains et leurs textes par rapport à l'idée du livre. Tous les textes sont des inédits. Ils sont accompagnés de leur traduction ainsi que de notices biographiques.

  • af Celia Houdart, Sylvie Bocqui, Nathalie Skowronek, mfl.
    165,95 kr.

    Franske stemmer –captations littéraires er ti bud på, hvordan fransksproget litteratur tagersig ud netop nu. Vi har inviteret ti fremtrædende forfattere fra Frankrig,Belgien og den tidligere franske koloni Burkina Faso til at skrive en tekstsærligt til bogen her – og de har fået helt frie hænder.Det er der kommet både digte, noveller, essays oggenreeksperimenter ud af, som i al deres forskellighed viser spændvidden på denfransksprogede litterære scene. Vi har valgt at lade de danske oversættelserledsages af de originale franske tekster for at synliggøre den proces – ellertransformation – en tekst gennemgår, når den rejser til et nyt land og et nytsprog.En del af forfatterne har allerede egne værker udgivet pådiverse danske forlag. Andre introduceres for første gang på dansk. Fælles for forfatterneer, at de alle har været inviteret til Danmark af Dansk selskab for nyfransksproget litteratur gennem selskabets første 5 års levetid – til forfattermøderpå litteraturfestivaler, i bogcaféer og i universitetsregi. Og netop under etaf disse arrangementer spirede idéen til bogen her.Ordet captationi den franske del af titlen har vi lånt fra en af forfatternes tekster. Det kanbåde betyde ’opfangelse’ (konkret og i overført betydning), ’besnæring’ og ’afbildningaf virkeligheden i et (kunst)værk’. På den måde udtrykker det meget fint bogensoverordnede ønske om at indfange, inspirere og initiere (nye) læsere til denfransksprogede litteratur.

  • af Jean-Michel Maulpoix, Jean-Michel Espitallier, Jacques Jouet, mfl.
    148,95 kr.


  • af Jacques Jouet
    143,95 kr.

    Poetic, comic, obsessed with minutiae, My Beautiful Bus is a welcome dose of serious frivolity at the expense of the contemporary novel. Based on an actual bus trip across France taken by Oulipo-member Jacques Jouet in the late '80s, his fictional reconstruction of the experience twenty years later focuses not so much on the scenery as on the possibilities offered an author by the eponymous vehicle and its occupants. With detours through everything from Puss in Boots to Pascal's maxims, we are introduced to each eccentric passenger as they climb aboard (one, for example, claims to have a corpse in his luggage), every character bringing us one step further into Jouet's imaginative universe: their conversations, preoccupations, reactions, and possibilities taking their places as elements of a fiction in the narrator's mind. In the final pages it becomes clear that the book itself is a sort of bus, boarded impulsively and with no fixed destination in mind, and that it has carried its readers to places they could not have imagined.

  • af Jacques Jouet
    138,95 kr.

  • af Jacques Jouet
    153,95 kr.

    Two minutes into the second act, there is a knock on Nicolas Boehlmer's dressing-room door, just as he's smoking his last cigarette before having to go back on stage . . . and, without thinking, he says, "e;Come in,"e; still in character. He quickly finds himself bound, gagged, and stripped by a man who appears to be his mirror image: costumed in the same wig, make-up, and clothes. Nicolas is powerless to prevent his usurper from going out and playing his role-with increasingly ridiculous consequences. Is this "e;upstaging"e; the act of a depraved amateur? Sabotage by a rival? A piece of guerrilla theater? A political statement? Whatever the cause, Nicolas and his fellow actors soon find their play-and their lives-making less and less sense, as the parts they play come under assault by this irrational intruder.

  • af Jacques Jouet
    143,95 kr.

    Based on the life of Post-Impressionist painter Paul Gauguin, Jacques Jouet's "Savage" compels the reader to ask whether it is the primitive or the civilized man who is savage. At the height of the Belle ?poque, an eccentric young clothing designer searches for inspiration and identity as an artist among the "savage" peoples of France's colonies. Influenced by several exotic lovers, a quirky "vieille" dame, and ?douard Manet himself, Paul's increasingly unconventional designs parallel his increasingly unbalanced state of mind as he struggles to find a market for his work among the haute bourgeoisie. The failure of this venture, coupled with psychosis due to an untreated illness, ultimately leads to his demise.

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