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  • af Jagdish Kakadiya
    498,95 kr.

    A doença hepática gorda não alcoólica (NAFLD) inclui tudo, desde a esteatose simples até à esteatose mais avançada com hepatite, fibrose, cirrose, e até o cancro hepatocelular em certos casos. A obesidade e a resistência à insulina levam a uma acumulação de triglicéridos e ácidos gordos livres no fígado, o que causa a propagação da NAFLD não só nos Estados Unidos mas em todo o mundo. O objectivo deste estudo era ver como a glicirrizina e a sua combinação com a UDCA afectavam a doença hepática gorda não alcoólica em ratos wistar. De acordo com os resultados desta investigação, a formulação da combinação teve um efeito hepatoprotector considerável em ratos com PCM+, doença do fígado gordo induzida por uma dieta rica em gordura, como evidenciado por marcadores físicos, bioquímicos, histológicos e funcionais. Após a revisão dos dados pré-clínicos, a formulação da combinação formada encontra-se dentro da gama de segurança, é extremamente segura, e é também rentável, tornando-a acessível a uma grande variedade de pessoas. Em comparação com os medicamentos típicos de escolha, a formulação da combinação criada é tão eficaz como o tratamento padrão na gestão da progressão do fígado gordo, sendo ao mesmo tempo económica e rentável.

  • af Jagdish Kakadiya
    526,95 kr.

    Pharmacological evalution of anti-urolithiatic activity of an ayurvedic formulation Goumutradi Kshar in ethylene glycol induced urolithiasis in rats. 0.75% Ethylene glycol(EG) in drinking water for 28 days was used to induced urolithiasis in albino wister rats. Five groups (Normal Control, Disease Control, Preventive-225mg/kg, Treatment-225mg/kg, Treatment-150mg/kg) were taken & Six animals were taken in each group. An ayurvedic formulation Goumutradi Kshar was given 225mg/kg orally as prophylactic treatment & 225mg/kg & 150mg/kg orally as curative treatment. After completion of 28 days drug & EG treatment, 24hr urine, blood, kidney homogenate and kidney histopathology collections were done. It has been concluded that an ayurvedic formulation Goumutradi Kshar shows anti-urolithiatic acitivity in ethylene glycol induced urolithiasis in rats. It act as stone removal, as it inhibits crystal growth as well as it also decreased stone promoters level and increased stone inhibitor level. It has been also considered as potent diuretic since it increased urine volume in rats.

  • af Jagdish Kakadiya
    345,95 kr.

    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a persistent metabolic cluster of diseases that involves erroneously excessive blood glucose levels and relative comorbidities. Dyslipidemia is one of the primarily occurred complications in Diabetic (DM) patients. This experimental study is aimed at investigating the effect of combination therapy of Empagliflozin + Colesevelam in Diabetic Dyslipidemia rats. Total number of 30 Albino Wistar rats were used for this study and HbA1C, Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) like diabetic and HDL-c, LDL-c, TGs, Total Cholesterol (TC) like lipid parameters were estimated. Renal profile was evaluated by investigating animals for serum creatinine and Urinary albumin. Animals of the EMPA + BAS shows the decrease in Diabetic, Lipid and renal parameters than other groups. This study showed that Dyslipidemia is highly prevalent among TIIDM induced animals and combination of EMPA + BAS can be proven better therapy for Diabetic Dyslipidemia.

  • af Jagdish Kakadiya
    468,95 kr.

    Atherosclerosis is a major cardio effective disorder that affects heart causing hyperlipidemia which blocks the artery, aorta and obstruct the pathway of blood flow which puts life at risk. The modern medication needs to be administered continuously and in higher doses which leads to negative drawbacks. The study aim is to give the Combination therapy treatment as per the drug mechanism of action is known and how bioavailability is also known. Five group of albino wistar rats were being experimented in this case, group I to V i.e. NC, DC, COL, ATS(40mg/kg) and ATS(10mg/kg) + COL is to give the treatment as chronopharmacology method in combination and in low dose range of atorvastatin 10-20 mg/kg less side effect is observed. Conducting the study is seen that lower dose in combination (bile acid sequestrants and HMG- CO-A inhibitor) was proven that CK-MB levels are decreased in comparison of high dose of Atrorvastatin by Detection of Biochemical Evaluation Parameters like CK-MB, Lipid profile, CBC etc. As further it will comes in future work can be done into cell line on molecular base to determine clinical significance.

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